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2 years ago
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import sqlite3
import math
2 years ago
import logging
import inspect
2 years ago
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union, List, Type
2 years ago
from collections import namedtuple
from time import time as current_time
from copy import deepcopy
2 years ago
import networkx as nx
from mesa import Model, Agent
from . import agents as agentmod, datacollection, serialization, utils, time, network, events
2 years ago
# TODO: maybe add metaclass to read attributes of a model
2 years ago
class BaseEnvironment(Model):
2 years ago
The environment is key in a simulation. It controls how agents interact,
and what information is available to them.
This is an opinionated version of `mesa.Model` class, which adds many
convenience methods and abstractions.
The environment parameters and the state of every agent can be accessed
2 years ago
both by using the environment as a dictionary and with the environment's
6 years ago
:meth:`soil.environment.Environment.get` method.
collector_class = datacollection.SoilCollector
def __new__(cls,
*args: Any,
collector_class: type = None,
agent_reporters: Optional[Any] = None,
model_reporters: Optional[Any] = None,
tables: Optional[Any] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Any:
"""Create a new model with a default seed value"""
self = super().__new__(cls, *args, seed=seed, **kwargs)
self.dir_path = dir_path or os.getcwd()
collector_class = collector_class or cls.collector_class
collector_class = serialization.deserialize(collector_class)
self.datacollector = collector_class(
for k in dir(cls):
v = getattr(cls, k)
if isinstance(v, property):
v = v.fget
if getattr(v, "add_to_report", False):
self.add_model_reporter(k, v)
return self
def __init__(
logger = None,
agents: Optional[Dict] = None,
collector_class: type = datacollection.SoilCollector,
agent_reporters: Optional[Any] = None,
model_reporters: Optional[Any] = None,
tables: Optional[Any] = None,
init: bool = True,
2 years ago
self.current_id = -1
2 years ago = id
2 years ago
if logger:
self.logger = logger
self.logger = utils.logger.getChild(
2 years ago
if schedule_class is None:
schedule_class = time.TimedActivation
schedule_class = serialization.deserialize(schedule_class)
self.interval = interval
self.schedule = schedule_class(self)
for (k, v) in env_params.items():
self[k] = v
2 years ago
if agents:
if init:
def init(self):
2 years ago
2 years ago
def agents(self):
return agentmod.AgentView(self.schedule._agents)
2 years ago
def agent(self, *args, **kwargs):
return agentmod.AgentView(self.schedule._agents).one(*args, **kwargs)
2 years ago
def count_agents(self, *args, **kwargs):
return sum(1 for i in self.agents(*args, **kwargs))
def agent_df(self, steps=False):
df = self.datacollector.get_agent_vars_dataframe()
if steps:
df.index.rename(["step", "agent_id"], inplace=True)
return df
model_df = self.datacollector.get_model_vars_dataframe()
df.index = df.index.set_levels(model_df.time, level=0).rename(["time", "agent_id"])
return df
def model_df(self, steps=False):
df = self.datacollector.get_model_vars_dataframe()
if steps:
return df
df.index.rename("step", inplace=True)
return df.reset_index().set_index("time")
2 years ago
def now(self):
if self.schedule:
return self.schedule.time
raise Exception(
"The environment has not been scheduled, so it has no sense of time"
def init_agents(self):
2 years ago
def add_agent(self, agent_class, unique_id=None, **agent):
if unique_id is None:
unique_id = self.next_id()
agent["unique_id"] = unique_id
agent = dict(**agent)
unique_id = agent.pop("unique_id", None)
if unique_id is None:
unique_id = self.next_id()
a = serialization.deserialize(agent_class)(unique_id=unique_id, model=self, **agent)
7 years ago
return a
def add_agents(self, agent_classes: List[type], k, weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(agent_classes, type):
agent_classes = [agent_classes]
if weights is None:
weights = [1] * len(agent_classes)
for cls in self.random.choices(agent_classes, weights=weights, k=k):
self.add_agent(agent_class=cls, **kwargs)
2 years ago
def log(self, message, *args, level=logging.INFO, **kwargs):
if not self.logger.isEnabledFor(level):
message = message + " ".join(str(i) for i in args)
message = " @{:>3}: {}".format(, message)
for k, v in kwargs:
message += " {k}={v} ".format(k, v)
extra = {}
extra["now"] =
extra["id"] =
2 years ago
return self.logger.log(level, message, extra=extra)
def step(self):
2 years ago
Advance one step in the simulation, and update the data collection and scheduler appropriately
if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
msg = "Model data:\n"
max_width = max(len(k) for k in self.datacollector.model_vars.keys())
for (k, v) in self.datacollector.model_vars.items():
msg += f"\t{k:<{max_width}}: {v[-1]:>6}\n"
self.logger.debug(f"--- Steps: {self.schedule.steps:^5} - Time: {^5} --- " + msg)
def add_model_reporter(self, name, func=None):
if not func:
func = lambda env: getattr(env, name)
self.datacollector._new_model_reporter(name, func)
def add_agent_reporter(self, name, agent_type=None):
if agent_type:
reporter = lambda a: getattr(a, name) if isinstance(a, agent_type) else None
reporter = lambda a: getattr(a, name, None)
self.datacollector._new_agent_reporter(name, reporter)
def run(cls, *,
num_processes=1, **kwargs):
from .simulation import Simulation
return Simulation(name=name or cls.__name__,
model=cls, iterations=iterations,
num_processes=num_processes, **kwargs).run()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError:
raise KeyError(f"key {key} not found in environment")
7 years ago
def __delitem__(self, key):
return delattr(self, key)
2 years ago
def __contains__(self, key):
return hasattr(self, key)
2 years ago
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
setattr(self, key, value)
7 years ago
def __str__(self):
return str(dict(self))
5 years ago
def __len__(self):
return sum(1 for n in self.keys())
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.agents())
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self[key] if key in self else default
def keys(self):
return (k for k in self.__dict__ if k[0] != "_")
6 years ago
class NetworkEnvironment(BaseEnvironment):
The NetworkEnvironment is an environment that includes one or more networkx.Graph intances
and methods to associate agents to nodes and vice versa.
2 years ago
def __init__(self,
topology: Optional[Union[nx.Graph, str]] = None,
agent_class: Optional[Type[agentmod.Agent]] = None,
network_generator: Optional[Callable] = None,
network_params: Optional[Dict] = {},
self.topology = topology
self.network_generator = network_generator
self.network_params = network_params
if topology or network_params or network_generator:
self.create_network(topology, generator=network_generator, **network_params)
self.G = nx.Graph()
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, init=False)
self.agent_class = agent_class
if agent_class:
self.agent_class = serialization.deserialize(agent_class)
if self.agent_class:
if init:
def add_agent(self, agent_class, *args, node_id=None, topology=None, **kwargs):
if node_id is None and topology is None:
return super().add_agent(agent_class, *args, **kwargs)
a = super().add_agent(agent_class, *args, node_id=node_id, **kwargs)
except TypeError:
self.logger.warning(f"Agent constructor for {agent_class} does not have a node_id attribute. Might be a bug.")
a = super().add_agent(agent_class, *args, **kwargs)
self.G.nodes[node_id]["agent"] = a
return a
def add_agents(self, *args, k=None, **kwargs):
if not k and not self.G:
raise ValueError("Cannot add agents to an empty network")
super().add_agents(*args, k=k or len(self.G), **kwargs)
def create_network(self, topology=None, generator=None, path=None, **network_params):
if topology is not None:
topology = network.from_topology(topology, dir_path=self.dir_path)
elif path is not None:
topology = network.from_topology(path, dir_path=self.dir_path)
elif generator is not None:
topology = network.from_params(generator=generator, dir_path=self.dir_path, **network_params)
raise ValueError("topology must be a networkx.Graph or a string, or network_generator must be provided")
self.G = topology
2 years ago
def init_agents(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the agents from a"""
super().init_agents(*args, **kwargs)
2 years ago
def network_agents(self):
"""Return agents still alive and assigned to a node in the network."""
for (id, data) in self.G.nodes(data=True):
if "agent" in data:
agent = data["agent"]
if getattr(agent, "alive", True):
yield agent
2 years ago
def add_node(self, agent_class, unique_id=None, node_id=None, **kwargs):
if unique_id is None:
unique_id = self.next_id()
if node_id is None:
node_id = network.find_unassigned(
G=self.G, shuffle=True, random=self.random
2 years ago
if node_id is None:
2 years ago
node_id = f"node_for_{unique_id}"
2 years ago
if node_id not in self.G.nodes:
2 years ago
2 years ago
assert "agent" not in self.G.nodes[node_id]
a = self.add_agent(
2 years ago
a["visible"] = True
2 years ago
return a
def _check_agent_nodes(self):
Detect nodes that have agents assigned to them.
for (id, data) in self.G.nodes(data=True):
if "agent_id" in data:
agent = self.agents(data["agent_id"])
self.G.nodes[id]["agent"] = agent
assert not getattr(agent, "node_id", None) or agent.node_id == id
agent.node_id = id
for agent in self.agents():
if hasattr(agent, "node_id"):
node_id = agent["node_id"]
if node_id not in self.G.nodes:
raise ValueError(f"Agent {agent} is assigned to node {agent.node_id} which is not in the network")
node = self.G.nodes[node_id]
if node.get("agent") is not None and node["agent"] != agent:
raise ValueError(f"Node {node_id} already has a different agent assigned to it")
self.G.nodes[node_id]["agent"] = agent
def add_agents(self, agent_classes: List[type], k=None, weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, **kwargs):
if k is None:
k = len(self.G)
if not k:
raise ValueError("Cannot add agents to an empty network")
super().add_agents(agent_classes, k=k, weights=weights, **kwargs)
2 years ago
def agent_for_node_id(self, node_id):
return self.G.nodes[node_id].get("agent")
def populate_network(self, agent_class: List[Model], weights: List[float] = None, **agent_params):
if isinstance(agent_class, type):
agent_class = [agent_class]
agent_class = list(agent_class)
if not weights:
weights = [1] * len(agent_class)
assert len(self.G)
classes = self.random.choices(agent_class, weights, k=len(self.G))
toadd = []
for (cls, (node_id, node)) in zip(classes, self.G.nodes(data=True)):
if "agent" in node:
node["agent"] = None # Reserve
toadd.append(dict(node_id=node_id, topology=self.G, agent_class=cls, **agent_params))
for d in toadd:
a = self.add_agent(**d)
self.G.nodes[d["node_id"]]["agent"] = a
assert all("agent" in node for (_, node) in self.G.nodes(data=True))
assert len(list(self.network_agents))
2 years ago
class EventedEnvironment(BaseEnvironment):
2 years ago
def broadcast(self, msg, sender=None, expiration=None, ttl=None, **kwargs):
2 years ago
for agent in self.agents(**kwargs):
if agent == sender:
self.logger.debug(f"Telling {repr(agent)}: {msg} ttl={ttl}")
2 years ago
inbox = agent._inbox
2 years ago
except AttributeError:
2 years ago
f"Agent {agent.unique_id} cannot receive events because it does not have an inbox"
# Allow for AttributeError exceptions in this part of the code
2 years ago
expiration=expiration if ttl is None else + ttl,
2 years ago
class Environment(NetworkEnvironment, EventedEnvironment):
2 years ago
"""Default environment class, has both network and event capabilities"""