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This is an example of a simplified city, where there are Passengers and Drivers that can take those passengers
from their location to their desired location.
An example scenario could play like the following:
- Drivers start in the `wandering` state, where they wander around the city until they have been assigned a journey
- Passenger(1) tells every driver that it wants to request a Journey.
- Each driver receives the request.
If Driver(2) is interested in providing the Journey, it asks Passenger(1) to confirm that it accepts Driver(2)'s request
- When Passenger(1) accepts the request, two things happen:
- Passenger(1) changes its state to `driving_home`
- Driver(2) starts moving towards the origin of the Journey
- Once Driver(2) reaches the origin, it starts moving itself and Passenger(1) to the destination of the Journey
- When Driver(2) reaches the destination (carrying Passenger(1) along):
- Driver(2) starts wondering again
- Passenger(1) dies, and is removed from the simulation
- If there are no more passengers available in the simulation, Drivers die
2 years ago
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional
2 years ago
from soil import *
from soil import events
from import MultiGrid
# More complex scenarios may use more than one type of message between objects.
# A common pattern is to use `enum.Enum` to represent state changes in a request.
2 years ago
class Journey:
2 years ago
This represents a request for a journey. Passengers and drivers exchange this object.
A journey may have a driver assigned or not. If the driver has not been assigned, this
object is considered a "request for a journey".
2 years ago
2 years ago
origin: (int, int)
destination: (int, int)
tip: float
passenger: Passenger
driver: Optional[Driver] = None
2 years ago
1 year ago
class City(Environment):
An environment with a grid where drivers and passengers will be placed.
The number of drivers and riders is configurable through its parameters:
:param str n_cars: The total number of drivers to add
:param str n_passengers: The number of passengers in the simulation
:param list agents: Specific agents to use in the simulation. It overrides the `n_passengers`
and `n_cars` params.
:param int height: Height of the internal grid
:param int width: Width of the internal grid
n_cars = 1
n_passengers = 10
height = 100
width = 100
def init(self):
self.grid = MultiGrid(width=self.width, height=self.height, torus=False)
if not self.agents:
self.add_agents(Driver, k=self.n_cars)
self.add_agents(Passenger, k=self.n_passengers)
2 years ago
2 years ago
for agent in self.agents:
self.grid.place_agent(agent, (0, 0))
self.total_earnings = 0
2 years ago
def number_passengers(self):
return self.count_agents(agent_class=Passenger)
2 years ago
class Driver(Evented, FSM):
pos = None
journey = None
earnings = 0
1 year ago
# TODO: remove
# def on_receive(self, msg, sender):
# """This is not a state. It will run (and block) every time process_messages is invoked"""
# if self.journey is None and isinstance(msg, Journey) and msg.driver is None:
# msg.driver = self
# self.journey = msg
2 years ago
def check_passengers(self):
2 years ago
"""If there are no more passengers, stop forever"""
c = self.count_agents(agent_class=Passenger)
self.debug(f"Passengers left {c}")
1 year ago
return c
1 year ago
async def wandering(self):
2 years ago
"""Move around the city until a journey is accepted"""
2 years ago
target = None
1 year ago
if not self.check_passengers():
return self.die("No passengers left")
2 years ago
self.journey = None
1 year ago
while self.journey is None: # No potential journeys detected
2 years ago
if target is None or not self.move_towards(target):
2 years ago
target = self.random.choice(
self.model.grid.get_neighborhood(self.pos, moore=False)
1 year ago
if not self.check_passengers():
return self.die("No passengers left")
# This will call on_receive behind the scenes, and the agent's status will be updated
1 year ago
1 year ago
await self.delay(30) # Wait at least 30 seconds before checking again
2 years ago
# Re-send the journey to the passenger, to confirm that we have been selected
1 year ago
self.journey = await self.journey.passenger.ask(self.journey, timeout=60, delay=5)
2 years ago
except events.TimedOut:
# No journey has been accepted. Try again
2 years ago
self.journey = None
return self.driving
2 years ago
1 year ago
async def driving(self):
2 years ago
"""The journey has been accepted. Pick them up and take them to their destination""""Driving towards Passenger {self.journey.passenger.unique_id}")
2 years ago
while self.move_towards(self.journey.origin):
1 year ago
await self.delay()"Driving {self.journey.passenger.unique_id} from {self.journey.origin} to {self.journey.destination}")
2 years ago
while self.move_towards(self.journey.destination, with_passenger=True):
1 year ago
await self.delay()"Arrived at destination")
self.earnings += self.journey.tip
self.model.total_earnings += self.journey.tip
1 year ago
if not self.check_passengers():
return self.die("No passengers left")
2 years ago
return self.wandering
def move_towards(self, target, with_passenger=False):
2 years ago
"""Move one cell at a time towards a target"""
self.debug(f"Moving { self.pos } -> { target }")
2 years ago
if target[0] == self.pos[0] and target[1] == self.pos[1]:
return False
next_pos = [self.pos[0], self.pos[1]]
for idx in [0, 1]:
if self.pos[idx] < target[idx]:
next_pos[idx] += 1
if self.pos[idx] > target[idx]:
next_pos[idx] -= 1
self.model.grid.move_agent(self, tuple(next_pos))
if with_passenger:
2 years ago
self.journey.passenger.pos = (
) # This could be communicated through messages
2 years ago
return True
2 years ago
2 years ago
class Passenger(Evented, FSM):
pos = None
1 year ago
# TODO: Remove
# def on_receive(self, msg, sender):
# """This is not a state. It will be run synchronously every time `process_messages` is run"""
1 year ago
# if isinstance(msg, Journey):
# self.journey = msg
# return msg
2 years ago
1 year ago
async def asking(self):
2 years ago
destination = (
self.random.randint(0, self.model.grid.height-1),
self.random.randint(0, self.model.grid.width-1),
2 years ago
2 years ago
self.journey = None
2 years ago
journey = Journey(
tip=self.random.randint(10, 100),
2 years ago
timeout = 60
expiration = + timeout"Asking for journey at: { self.pos }")
1 year ago
self.broadcast(journey, ttl=timeout, agent_class=Driver)
2 years ago
while not self.journey:
self.debug(f"Waiting for responses at: { self.pos }")
2 years ago
1 year ago
offers = await self.received(expiration=expiration, delay=10)
accepted = None
for event in offers:
offer = event.payload
if isinstance(offer, Journey):
self.journey = offer
assert isinstance(event.sender, Driver)
answer = await event.sender.ask(True, sender=self, timeout=60, delay=5)
if answer:
accepted = offer
self.journey = offer
except events.TimedOut:
if accepted:
for event in offers:
if event.payload != accepted:
event.sender.tell(False, timeout=60, delay=5)
2 years ago
except events.TimedOut:"Still no response. Waiting at: { self.pos }")
1 year ago
journey, ttl=timeout, agent_class=Driver
2 years ago
2 years ago
expiration = + timeout"Got a response! Waiting for driver")
2 years ago
return self.driving_home
1 year ago
async def driving_home(self):
2 years ago
while (
self.pos[0] != self.journey.destination[0]
or self.pos[1] != self.journey.destination[1]
1 year ago
await self.received(timeout=60)
except events.TimedOut:
self.die("Got home safe!")
2 years ago
simulation = Simulation(name="RideHailing",
2 years ago
if __name__ == "__main__":
1 year ago