mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 09:06:58 +00:00
Actualizar ejercicios LOD
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"Now that you have some experience under your belt, it is time to design your own query.\n",
"Your first task it to get a list of Spanish Novelits, using the skeleton below and the previous query to guide you.\n",
"Your first task it to get a list of writers, using the skeleton below and the previous query to guide you.\n",
"Pages for Spanish novelists are grouped in the *Spanish novelists* DBpedia category. You can use that fact to get your list.\n",
"In other words, the difference from the previous query will be using `dct:subject` instead of `dbo:isPartOf`, and `dbc:Spanish_novelists` instead of `dbr:Community_of_Madrid`."
"The DBpedia vocabulary has a special class for writers: `<http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Writer>`.\n",
"In other words, the difference from the previous query will be using `a` instead of `dbo:isPartOf`, and `dbo:Writer` instead of `dbr:Community_of_Madrid`."
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"SELECT ?escritor\n",
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@
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"Time to try it yourself.\n",
"Get the list of Spanish novelists AND their name (using rdfs:label)."
"Get the list of writers AND their name (using rdfs:label)."
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"assert 'escritor' in solution()['columns']\n",
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Luis_Coloma' in solution()['columns']['escritor']\n",
"assert ('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Luis_Coloma', 'Luis Coloma') in solution()['tuples']"
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Alison_Stine' in solution()['columns']['escritor']\n",
"assert ('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Alistair_MacLeod', 'Alistair MacLeod') in solution()['tuples']"
@ -438,9 +439,10 @@
"In the previous example, we saw that we got what seemed to be duplicated answers.\n",
"This happens because entities can have labels in different languages (e.g. English, Spanish).\n",
"To restrict the search to only those results we're interested in, we can use filtering.\n",
"We can filter results using the `FILTER` keyword.\n",
"We can also decide the order in which our results are shown.\n",
"We can also decide the order in which our results are shown using the `ORDER BY` sentence.\n",
"We can order in ascending (`ASC`) or descending (`DESC`) order.\n",
"For instance, this is how we could use filtering to get only large areas in our example, in descending order:"
@ -464,7 +466,7 @@
" ?localidad dbo:type dbr:Municipalities_of_Spain .\n",
" FILTER(?area > 100000)\n",
"ORDER BY ?pop\n",
"ORDER BY DESC(?area)\n",
"LIMIT 100"
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"# We still have the biggest city\n",
"assert ('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Orcasur', '14264', '2020') in solution()['tuples']\n",
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Úbeda' in solution()['columns']['localidad']\n",
"# But the smaller ones are gone\n",
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/El_Cañaveral' not in solution()['columns']['localidad']"
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"assert len(solution()['tuples']) >= 50\n",
"assert 'Adelaida García Morales' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert sum(1 for k in solution()['columns']['escritor'] if k == 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Adelaida_García_Morales') == 1"
"assert 'Abraham Abulafia' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
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"From now on, we will focus on our Writers example.\n",
"More specifically, we will be interested in writers born in the XX century.\n",
"First, we will search for writers born in the XX century, using the [20th-century Spanish novelists](http://dbpedia.org/page/Category:20th-century_Spanish_novelists) category."
"To do that, we will filter our novelists to only those born (`dbo:birthDate`) in the 20th century (after 1900)."
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"assert 'Camilo José Cela' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'Javier Marías' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert all(x > '1850-12-31' and x < '2001-01-01' for x in solution()['columns']['nac'])"
"assert 'Kiku Amino' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'Albert Hackett' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert all(x > '1900-01-01' and x < '2001-01-01' for x in solution()['columns']['nac'])"
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"SELECT ?escritor ?nombre ?fechaNac ?fechaDef\n",
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"assert 'Carmen Laforet' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'Alister McGrath' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"# assert '1879-2-11' in solution()['columns']['fechaNac']\n",
"assert '' in solution()['columns']['fechaNac'] # Not all birthdates are defined\n",
"assert '' in solution()['columns']['fechaDef'] # Some deathdates are not defined"
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"Get the list of Spanish novelists that are still alive.\n",
"Get the list of writers that are still alive.\n",
"A person is alive if their death date is not defined and the were born less than 100 years ago"
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"assert 'Fernando Arrabal' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'Albert Espinosa' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'Javier Sierra' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"for year in solution()['columns']['nac']:\n",
" assert int(year) >= 1918"
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"Now, get the list of Spanish novelists that died before their fifties (i.e. younger than 50 years old), or that aren't 50 years old yet.\n",
"Now, get the list of writers that died before their fifties (i.e. younger than 50 years old), or that aren't 50 years old yet.\n",
"Hint: you can use boolean logic in your filters (e.g. `&&` and `||`).\n",
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"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sanmao_(author)' in solution()['columns']['escritor']"
"assert 'Wang Ruowang' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Manuel_de_Pedrolo' in solution()['columns']['escritor']"
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"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Albert_Espinosa' in solution()['columns']['escritor']\n",
"assert 'Anna Langfus' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Paul_Celan' in solution()['columns']['escritor']\n",
"from collections import Counter\n",
"c = Counter(solution()['columns']['nombre'])\n",
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"Get the list of living Spanish novelists born in Madrid.\n",
"Get the list of living novelists born in Madrid.\n",
"Hint: use `dbr:Madrid` and `dbo:birthPlace`"
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"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tomorrow_in_the_Battle_Think_on_Me' in solution()['columns']['obra']\n",
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cristina_Guzmán_(novel)' in solution()['columns']['obra']\n",
"assert 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Life_Is_a_Dream' in solution()['columns']['obra']\n",
"assert '' in solution()['columns']['obra'] # Some authors don't have works in dbpedia"
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"### Traversing the graph"
"### Traversing the graph II"
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"Get a list of living Spanish novelists born in Madrid, their name in Spanish, a link to their foto and a website (if they have one).\n",
"Get a list of writers born in Madrid, their name in Spanish, a link to their foto and a website (if they have one).\n",
"If the query is right, you should see a list of writers after running the test code.\n",
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@ -1138,7 +1140,7 @@
"ORDER BY ?nombre\n",
"LIMIT 100"
@ -1204,7 +1206,8 @@
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"Using UNION, get a list of distinct spanish novelists AND poets.\n",
"Hint: Category: Spanish_poets"
"In this query, instead of looking for writers, try to find the right entities by looking at the `dct:subject` property.\n",
"The entities we are looking after should be in the `Spanish_poets` and `Spanish_novelists` categories."
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"assert 'Antonio Gala' in solution()['columns']['nombre']"
@ -1385,7 +1388,7 @@
"## Licence\n",
"The notebook is freely licensed under under the [Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/). \n",
"© 2018 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid."
"© 2023 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid."
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"SELECT ?escritor, ?nombre, year(?fechaNac) as ?nac\n",
"PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>\n",
"PREFIX dbc: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:>\n",
"PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>\n",
"PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>\n",
"SELECT ?escritor ?nombre (year(?fechaNac) as ?nac)\n",
"WHERE {\n",
" ?escritor dct:subject dbc:Spanish_novelists .\n",
" ?escritor rdfs:label ?nombre .\n",
" ?escritor dbo:birthDate ?fechaNac .\n",
" ?escritor dct:subject dbc:Spanish_novelists ;\n",
" rdfs:label ?nombre ;\n",
" dbo:birthDate ?fechaNac .\n",
" FILTER(lang(?nombre) = \"es\") .\n",
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"assert 'Javier Marías' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'Ramiro Ledesma' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert 'Ray Loriga' in solution()['columns']['nombre']\n",
"assert all(int(x) > 1899 and int(x) < 2001 for x in solution()['columns']['nac'])"
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"SELECT ?localidad\n",
"WHERE {\n",
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"%%sparql https://dbpedia.org/sparql\n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n",
"PREFIX dct:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>\n",
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
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"PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>\n",
@ -535,9 +535,9 @@
"SELECT ?com, GROUP_CONCAT(?name, \",\") as ?places # notice how we rename the variable\n",
"WHERE {\n",
" ?localidad dbo:isPartOf ?com .\n",
" ?com dbo:type dbr:Autonomous_communities_of_Spain .\n",
" ?localidad rdfs:label ?name .\n",
" ?com dct:subject dbc:Autonomous_communities_of_Spain .\n",
" ?localidad dbo:subdivision ?com ;\n",
" rdfs:label ?name .\n",
" FILTER (lang(?name)=\"es\")\n",
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@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
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"Try it yourself, to get a list of works by each of these authors:"
"Try it yourself, to get a list of works by each of the authors in this query:"
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"PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n",
"PREFIX dct:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>\n",
@ -592,26 +592,17 @@
"WHERE {\n",
" ?escritor dct:subject dbc:Spanish_novelists .\n",
" ?escritor a dbo:Writer .\n",
" ?escritor rdfs:label ?nombre .\n",
" ?escritor dbo:birthDate ?fechaNac .\n",
" ?escritor dbo:birthPlace dbr:Madrid .\n",
" OPTIONAL {\n",
" ?obra dbo:author ?escritor .\n",
" ?obra rdfs:label ?titulo .\n",
" }\n",
" OPTIONAL {\n",
" ?escritor dbo:deathDate ?fechaDef .\n",
" }\n",
" FILTER (?fechaNac <= \"2000\"^^xsd:date).\n",
" FILTER (?fechaNac >= \"1918\"^^xsd:date).\n",
" FILTER (!bound(?fechaDef) || (?fechaNac >= \"1918\"^^xsd:date)) .\n",
" FILTER(lang(?nombre) = \"es\") .\n",
" FILTER(!bound(?titulo) || lang(?titulo) = \"en\") .\n",
"ORDER BY ?nombre\n",
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Normal file
Normal file
Reference in New Issue
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