* Improve extra requirement handling
* New mechanism to handle parameters beforehand in chained
calls, and the ability to get help on available parameters in chained
calls (through `?help`).
* Redefined Analysis, to reflect the new ontology
* Add parameters as an entity in the schema
* Update examples to include analyses and parameters
* Add processing plugins, with an interface similar to analysis plugins
* Update tests
* Avoid duplication in split plugin
Squashed commit of the following:
commit d145a852e7857784ba92efc556bb9e513ad5374b
commit 6a1069780b4a5cf26659134bcbea7a5fcec00ad7
commit ca69bddc17122e08142e93180d687d9b91cb4f1f
commit aa35e62a2724f9a3c33765d88de01fe8e44ba5f8
This replaces the makes for each python version with a simple `make push`.
It will also add a "main image" for each version, i.e. `gsiupm/senpy:1.0.0` in
addition to `gsiupm/senpy:1.0.0-python2.7` and `gsiupm/senpy:1.0.0-python3.5`.
* Add flag to run tests (and exit, or run the server)
* Add ntriples outformat
* Modify dependency installation logic to avoid installing several times
* Add encoded URLs as base/prefix
* Allow plugin activation to fail
* Add option to add multiple plugins
* Improve UI hints for collapsed parameters
* Refactored plugins without requirements
* Hide evaluation tab for the moment. You can see it by adding "?evaluation" to
the URL.
6c47840 Updated makefiles from senpy
625549c Do not push image tag for latest
b3318c0 Updated makefiles from senpy
8453e8b Fix problems with echo and newlines
083c8c9 Updated makefiles from senpy-plugins-community
git-subtree-dir: .makefiles
git-subtree-split: 6c47840f216bb641886da57e1e98ccf5df0285d7
* Add Topic model
* Add PDB post-mortem debugging
* Add logger to plugins (`self.log`)
* Add NLTK resource auto-download
* Force installation of requirements even if adding doesn't work
* Add a method to find files in several possible locations. Now the plugin.open
method will try these locations IF the file is to be opened in read mode.
Otherwise only the SENPY_DATA folder will be used (to avoid writing to the
package folder).
* Merge branch '44-add-basic-evaluation-with-gsitk'
* Refactor requirements (add extra-requirements)
* Skip evaluation tests in Py2
* Fix installation with PIP
* Implement the evaluation service inside the Senpy API
* Connect Plugins to GSITK's evaluation module
* Add an evaluation method inside the Senpy Context
* Add the evaluation models and schemas
* Add Evaluation to the Playground, with a table view
* Add evaluation tests