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synced 2025-03-03 05:23:21 +00:00
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senpy | ||
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README.rst | ||
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.. image:: img/header.png :width: 100% :target: http://senpy.gsi.upm.es .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/gsi-upm/senpy.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/gsi-upm/senpy .. image:: https://lab.gsi.upm.es/senpy/senpy/badges/master/pipeline.svg :target: https://lab.gsi.upm.es/senpy/senpy/commits/master .. image:: https://lab.gsi.upm.es/senpy/senpy/badges/master/coverage.svg :target: https://lab.gsi.upm.es/senpy/senpy/commits/master .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/requests.svg :target: https://lab.gsi.upm.es/senpy/senpy/ Senpy lets you create sentiment analysis web services easily, fast and using a well known API. As a bonus, senpy services use semantic vocabularies (e.g. `NIF <http://persistence.uni-leipzig.org/nlp2rdf/>`_, `Marl <http://www.gsi.dit.upm.es/ontologies/marl>`_, `Onyx <http://www.gsi.dit.upm.es/ontologies/onyx>`_) and formats (turtle, JSON-LD, xml-rdf). Have you ever wanted to turn your sentiment analysis algorithms into a service? With senpy, now you can. It provides all the tools so you just have to worry about improving your algorithms: `See it in action. <http://senpy.gsi.upm.es/>`_ Installation ------------ The stable version can be installed in three ways. Through PIP *********** .. code:: bash pip install -U --user senpy Alternatively, you can use the development version: .. code:: bash git clone http://github.com/gsi-upm/senpy cd senpy pip install --user . If you want to install senpy globally, use sudo instead of the ``--user`` flag. Docker Image ************ Build the image or use the pre-built one: ``docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 gsiupm/senpy``. To add custom plugins, add a volume and tell senpy where to find the plugins: ``docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 -v <PATH OF PLUGINS>:/plugins gsiupm/senpy -f /plugins`` Developing ---------- Developing/debugging ******************** This command will run the senpy container using the latest image available, mounting your current folder so you get your latest code: .. code:: bash # Python 3.5 make dev # Python 2.7 make dev-2.7 Building a docker image *********************** .. code:: bash # Python 3.5 make build-3.5 # Python 2.7 make build-2.7 Testing ******* .. code:: bash make test Running ******* This command will run the senpy server listening on localhost:5000 .. code:: bash # Python 3.5 make run-3.5 # Python 2.7 make run-2.7 Usage ----- However, the easiest and recommended way is to just use the command-line tool to load your plugins and launch the server. .. code:: bash senpy or, alternatively: .. code:: bash python -m senpy This will create a server with any modules found in the current path. For more options, see the `--help` page. Alternatively, you can use the modules included in senpy to build your own application. Deploying on Heroku ------------------- Use a free heroku instance to share your service with the world. Just use the example Procfile in this repository, or build your own. `DEMO on heroku <http://senpy.herokuapp.com>`_ For more information, check out the `documentation <http://senpy.readthedocs.org>`_. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Python 2.x compatibility ------------------------ Keeping compatibility between python 2.7 and 3.x is not always easy, especially for a framework that deals both with text and web requests. Hence, starting February 2019, this project will no longer make efforts to support python 2.7, which will reach its end of life in 2020. Most of the functionality should still work, and the compatibility shims will remain for now, but we cannot make any guarantees at this point. Instead, the maintainers will focus their efforts on keeping the codebase compatible across different Python 3.3+ versions, including upcoming ones. We apologize for the inconvenience. Acknowledgement --------------- This development has been partially funded by the European Union through the MixedEmotions Project (project number H2020 655632), as part of the `RIA ICT 15 Big data and Open Data Innovation and take-up` programme. .. image:: img/me.png :target: http://mixedemotions-project.eu :height: 100px :alt: MixedEmotions Logo .. image:: img/eu-flag.jpg :height: 100px :target: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/index.html