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3 years ago
import os
import logging
import ast
import sys
import importlib
from itertools import product, chain
logger = logging.getLogger('soil')
builtins = importlib.import_module('builtins')
def name(value, known_modules=[]):
'''Return a name that can be imported, to serialize/deserialize an object'''
if value is None:
return 'None'
if not isinstance(value, type): # Get the class name first
value = type(value)
tname = value.__name__
if hasattr(builtins, tname):
return tname
modname = value.__module__
if modname == '__main__':
return tname
if known_modules and modname in known_modules:
return tname
for kmod in known_modules:
if not kmod:
module = importlib.import_module(kmod)
if hasattr(module, tname):
return tname
return '{}.{}'.format(modname, tname)
def serializer(type_):
if type_ != 'str' and hasattr(builtins, type_):
return repr
return lambda x: x
def serialize(v, known_modules=[]):
'''Get a text representation of an object.'''
tname = name(v, known_modules=known_modules)
func = serializer(tname)
return func(v), tname
def deserializer(type_, known_modules=[]):
if type(type_) != str: # Already deserialized
return type_
if type_ == 'str':
return lambda x='': x
if type_ == 'None':
return lambda x=None: None
if hasattr(builtins, type_): # Check if it's a builtin type
cls = getattr(builtins, type_)
return lambda x=None: ast.literal_eval(x) if x is not None else cls()
# Otherwise, see if we can find the module and the class
modules = known_modules or []
options = []
for mod in modules:
if mod:
options.append((mod, type_))
if '.' in type_: # Fully qualified module
module, type_ = type_.rsplit(".", 1)
options.append ((module, type_))
errors = []
for modname, tname in options:
module = importlib.import_module(modname)
cls = getattr(module, tname)
return getattr(cls, 'deserialize', cls)
except (ImportError, AttributeError) as ex:
errors.append((modname, tname, ex))
raise Exception('Could not find type {}. Tried: {}'.format(type_, errors))
def deserialize(type_, value=None, **kwargs):
'''Get an object from a text representation'''
if not isinstance(type_, str):
return type_
des = deserializer(type_, **kwargs)
if value is None:
return des
return des(value)