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;(function(undefined) {
'use strict';
* GEXF Parser
* ============
* Author: PLIQUE Guillaume (Yomguithereal)
* URL: https://github.com/Yomguithereal/gexf-parser
* Version: 1.0
* Helper Namespace
* -----------------
* A useful batch of function dealing with DOM operations and types.
var _helpers = {
nodeListToArray: function(nodeList) {
// Return array
var children = [];
// Iterating
for (var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (nodeList[i].nodeName !== '#text')
return children;
nodeListEach: function(nodeList, func) {
// Iterating
for (var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (nodeList[i].nodeName !== '#text')
nodeListToHash: function(nodeList, filter) {
// Return object
var children = {};
// Iterating
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
if (nodeList[i].nodeName !== '#text') {
var prop = filter(nodeList[i]);
children[prop.key] = prop.value;
return children;
namedNodeMapToObject: function(nodeMap) {
// Return object
var attributes = {};
// Iterating
for (var i = 0; i < nodeMap.length; i++) {
attributes[nodeMap[i].name] = nodeMap[i].value;
return attributes;
getFirstElementByTagNS: function(node, ns, tag) {
var el = node.getElementsByTagName(ns + ':' + tag)[0];
if (!el)
el = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, tag)[0];
if (!el)
el = node.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0];
return el;
getAttributeNS: function(node, ns, attribute) {
var attr_value = node.getAttribute(ns + ':' + attribute);
if (attr_value === undefined)
attr_value = node.getAttributeNS(ns, attribute);
if (attr_value === undefined)
attr_value = node.getAttribute(attribute);
return attr_value;
enforceType: function(type, value) {
switch (type) {
case 'boolean':
value = (value === 'true');
case 'integer':
case 'long':
case 'float':
case 'double':
value = +value;
return value;
getRGB: function(values) {
return (values[3]) ?
'rgba(' + values.join(',') + ')' :
'rgb(' + values.slice(0, -1).join(',') + ')';
* Parser Core Functions
* ----------------------
* The XML parser's functions themselves.
* Node structure.
* A function returning an object guarded with default value.
* @param {object} properties The node properties.
* @return {object} The guarded node object.
function Node(properties) {
// Possible Properties
return {
id: properties.id,
index: properties.index,
label: properties.label,
attributes: properties.attributes || {},
viz: properties.viz || {},
spell: properties.spell || {}
* Edge structure.
* A function returning an object guarded with default value.
* @param {object} properties The edge properties.
* @return {object} The guarded edge object.
function Edge(properties, nodeList) {
var list = _helpers.nodeListToArray(nodeList);
function findNodeSource (node) {
return node.id === properties.source;
function findNodeTarget (node) {
return node.id === properties.target;
// Possible Properties
return {
id: properties.id,
type: properties.type || 'undirected',
label: properties.label || '',
source: list.indexOf(list.find(findNodeSource)),
target: list.indexOf(list.find(findNodeTarget)),
value: +properties.value || 1.0,
viz: properties.viz || {},
spell: properties.spell || {}
* Graph parser.
* This structure parse a gexf string and return an object containing the
* parsed graph.
* @param {string} xml The xml string of the gexf file to parse.
* @return {object} The parsed graph.
function Graph(xml) {
var _xml = {};
// Basic Properties
_xml.els = {
root: xml.getElementsByTagName('gexf')[0],
graph: xml.getElementsByTagName('graph')[0],
meta: xml.getElementsByTagName('meta')[0],
model: xml.getElementsByTagName('attribute'),
nodes: xml.getElementsByTagName('node'),
links: xml.getElementsByTagName('edge')
_xml.hasViz = !!_helpers.getAttributeNS(_xml.els.root, 'xmlns', 'viz');
_xml.version = _xml.els.root.getAttribute('version') || '1.0';
_xml.mode = _xml.els.graph.getAttribute('mode') || 'static';
_xml.timeformat = _xml.els.graph.getAttribute('timeformat') || null;
var edgeType = _xml.els.graph.getAttribute('defaultedgetype');
_xml.defaultEdgetype = edgeType || 'undirected';
// Parser Functions
// Meta Data
function _metaData() {
var metas = {};
if (!_xml.els.meta)
return metas;
// Last modified date
metas.lastmodifieddate = _xml.els.meta.getAttribute('lastmodifieddate');
// Other information
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.meta.childNodes, function(child) {
metas[child.tagName.toLowerCase()] = child.textContent;
return metas;
// Model
function _model() {
var attributes = [];
// Iterating through attributes
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.model, function(attr) {
// Properties
var properties = {
id: attr.getAttribute('id') || attr.getAttribute('for'),
type: attr.getAttribute('type') || 'string',
title: attr.getAttribute('title') || ''
// Defaults
var default_el = _helpers.nodeListToArray(attr.childNodes);
if (default_el.length > 0)
properties.defaultValue = default_el[0].textContent;
// Creating attribute
return attributes;
// Nodes
function _nodes(model) {
var nodes = [];
// Iteration through nodes
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.nodes, function(n) {
// Basic properties
var properties = {
id: n.getAttribute('id'),
label: n.getAttribute('label') || ''
// Retrieving data from nodes if any
if (model.length > 0)
properties.attributes = _nodeData(model, n);
// Retrieving viz information
if (_xml.hasViz)
properties.viz = _nodeViz(n);
properties.spell = _nodeSpell(n);
// Pushing node
return nodes;
// Spells from nodes
function _nodeSpell(node) {
var spells = node.getElementsByTagName('spells')[0];
if (spells) {
var spell = spells.getElementsByTagName('spell');
var interval = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < spell.length; i++ ) {
var start = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(spell[i].getAttribute("start")) || -Infinity :
(spell[i].getAttribute('start') ? new Date(spell[i].getAttribute('start')) : -Infinity) );
var end = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(spell[i].getAttribute("end")) || Infinity :
(spell[i].getAttribute('end') ? new Date(spell[i].getAttribute('end')) : Infinity) );
interval.push([start, end]);
return interval;
} else {
// Data from nodes
function _nodeData(model, node) {
var data = {};
var attvalues_els = node.getElementsByTagName('attvalue');
// Getting Node Indicated Attributes
var ah = _helpers.nodeListToHash(attvalues_els, function(el) {
var attributes = _helpers.namedNodeMapToObject(el.attributes);
var key = attributes.id || attributes['for'];
// Returning object
return { key: key, value: attributes.value };
// Iterating through model
model.map(function(a) {
// Default value?
var att_title = a.title.toLowerCase();
data[att_title] = !(a.id in ah) && 'defaultValue' in a ?
_helpers.enforceType(a.type, a.defaultValue) :
_helpers.enforceType(a.type, ah[a.id]);
return data;
// Viz information from nodes
function _nodeViz(node) {
var viz = {};
// Color
var color_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'color');
if (color_el) {
var color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'].map(function(c) {
return color_el.getAttribute(c);
viz.color = _helpers.getRGB(color);
// Position
var pos_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'position');
if (pos_el) {
viz.position = {};
['x', 'y', 'z'].map(function(p) {
viz.position[p] = +pos_el.getAttribute(p);
// Size
var size_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'size');
if (size_el)
viz.size = +size_el.getAttribute('value');
// Shape
var shape_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'shape');
if (shape_el)
viz.shape = shape_el.getAttribute('value');
return viz;
// Edges
function _edges(default_type) {
var edges = [];
// Iteration through edges
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.links, function(e) {
// Creating the edge
var properties = _helpers.namedNodeMapToObject(e.attributes);
if (!('type' in properties)) {
properties.type = default_type;
// Retrieving viz information
if (_xml.hasViz)
properties.viz = _edgeViz(e);
properties.spell = _edgeSpell(e);
edges.push(Edge(properties, _xml.els.nodes));
return edges;
// Spells from edges
function _edgeSpell(edge) {
var start = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(edge.getAttribute("start")) || -Infinity :
(edge.getAttribute('start') ? new Date(edge.getAttribute('start')) : -Infinity) );
var end = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(edge.getAttribute("end")) || Infinity :
(edge.getAttribute('end') ? new Date(edge.getAttribute('end')) : Infinity) );
return [start, end];
// Viz information from edges
function _edgeViz(edge) {
var viz = {};
// Color
var color_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(edge, 'viz', 'color');
if (color_el) {
var color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'].map(function(c) {
return color_el.getAttribute(c);
viz.color = _helpers.getRGB(color);
// Shape
var shape_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(edge, 'viz', 'shape');
if (shape_el)
viz.shape = shape_el.getAttribute('value');
// Thickness
var thick_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(edge, 'viz', 'thickness');
if (thick_el)
viz.thickness = +thick_el.getAttribute('value');
return viz;
// Returning the Graph
_xml.model = _model();
return {
version: _xml.version,
mode: _xml.mode,
timeformat: _xml.timeformat,
defaultEdgeType: _xml.defaultEdgetype,
meta: _metaData(),
model: _xml.model,
nodes: _nodes(_xml.model),
links: _edges(_xml.defaultEdgetype)
* Dynamics attributes parser.
* This structure parse a gexf string and return an object containing the
* dynamics attributes.
* @param {string} xml The xml string of the gexf file to parse.
* @return {object} The dynamics attributes and its values.
function dynamicAttributes(xml, timeformat) {
var _xml = {};
_xml.els = {
nodes: xml.getElementsByTagName('node'),
attributes: xml.getElementsByTagName('attributes')
for ( var i = 0; i < _xml.els.attributes.length; i++ ) {
if (_xml.els.attributes[i].getAttribute("mode") === "dynamic")
_xml.els.attributes = _xml.els.attributes[i];
var x = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < _xml.els.attributes.children.length; i++ ) {
var att = x[_xml.els.attributes.children[i].getAttribute("title")] = [];
var node = 0;
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.nodes, function(n) {
att[node] = { interval: [], index: node }
for ( var j = 0; j < n.getElementsByTagName('attvalue').length; j++ ) {
if (n.getElementsByTagName('attvalue')[j].getAttribute("for") === _xml.els.attributes.children[i].getAttribute("id")) {
var element = n.getElementsByTagName('attvalue')[j];
var start = ( (timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(element.getAttribute("start")) || -Infinity :
(element.getAttribute('start') ? new Date(element.getAttribute('start')) : -Infinity) );
var end = ( (timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(element.getAttribute("end")) || Infinity :
(element.getAttribute('end') ? new Date(element.getAttribute('end')) : Infinity) );
var value = element.getAttribute("value");
att[node].interval.push([start, end, value]);
return x;
* Public API
* -----------
* User-accessible functions.
// Fetching GEXF with XHR
function fetch(gexf_url, callback) {
var xhr = (function() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
return new XMLHttpRequest();
var names,
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
names = [
for (i in names)
try {
return new ActiveXObject(names[i]);
} catch (e) {}
return null;
if (!xhr)
throw 'XMLHttpRequest not supported, cannot load the file.';
// Async?
var async = (typeof callback === 'function'),
// If we can't override MIME type, we are on IE 9
// We'll be parsing the response string then.
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
getResult = function(r) {
return r.responseXML;
else {
getResult = function(r) {
var p = new DOMParser();
return p.parseFromString(r.responseText, 'application/xml');
xhr.open('GET', gexf_url, async);
if (async)
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4)
return (async) ? xhr : getResult(xhr);
// Parsing the GEXF File
function parse(gexf) {
return Graph(gexf);
// Fetch and parse the GEXF File
function fetchAndParse(gexf_url, callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return fetch(gexf_url, function(gexf) {
} else
return Graph(fetch(gexf_url));
function parseDynamicAttributes(gexf, timeformat) {
return dynamicAttributes(fetch(gexf), timeformat);
* Exporting
* ----------
this.GexfParser = {
// Functions
parse: parse,
fetch: fetchAndParse,
dynamic: parseDynamicAttributes,
// Version
version: '0.1'