mirror of https://github.com/gsi-upm/soil synced 2025-03-02 21:13:26 +00:00

Python Server

This commit is contained in:
Tasio Mendez 2017-12-15 17:59:50 +01:00
commit 6f8cc9ba50
15 changed files with 3271 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

config.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: ControlModelM2_sim
max_time: 50
num_trials: 2
generator: barabasi_albert_graph
n: 100
m: 2
- agent_type: ControlModelM2
weight: 0.1
id: 1
- agent_type: ControlModelM2
weight: 0.9
id: 0
prob_neutral_making_denier: 0.035
prob_infect: 0.075
prob_cured_healing_infected: 0.035
prob_cured_vaccinate_neutral: 0.035
prob_vaccinated_healing_infected: 0.035
prob_vaccinated_vaccinate_neutral: 0.035
prob_generate_anti_rumor: 0.035
standard_variance: 0.055

run.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from server import ModularServer
from visualization import GraphVisualization, Model
def run(model, params=None):
graphVisualization = GraphVisualization(params)
server = ModularServer(model, graphVisualization, name="SOIL Model")
server.port = 8001
if __name__ == "__main__":
soil = Model(dump=False)

server.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
import os
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.websocket
import tornado.escape
import tornado.gen
import webbrowser
import yaml
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VisualizationElement:
Defines an element of the visualization.
package_includes: A list of external JavaScript files to include that
are part of the packages.
local_includes: A list of JavaScript files that are local to the
directory that the server is being run in.
js_code: A JavaScript code string to instantiate the element.
render: Takes a model object, and produces JSON data which can be sent
to the client.
package_includes = []
local_includes = []
js_code = ''
render_args = {}
def __init__(self):
def render(self, model):
return '<b>VisualizationElement goes here</b>.'
class PageHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
""" Handler for the HTML template which holds the visualization. """
def get(self):
self.render('index.html', port=self.application.port,
class SocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def open(self):
if self.application.verbose:
logger.info('Socket opened!')
def check_origin(self, origin):
return True
def on_message(self, message):
""" Receiving a message from the websocket, parse, and act accordingly. """
msg = tornado.escape.json_decode(message)
if msg['type'] == 'config_file':
if self.application.verbose:
config = list(yaml.load_all(msg['data']))
if len(config) > 1:
error = 'Please, provide only one configuration.'
if self.application.verbose:
self.write_message({'type': 'error',
'error': error})
config = config[0]
self.name = config['name']
trials = []
for i in range(config['num_trials']):
trials.append('{}_trial_{}'.format(self.name, i))
self.write_message({'type': 'trials',
'data': trials })
elif msg['type'] == 'get_trial':
if self.application.verbose:
logger.info('Trial {} requested!'.format(msg['data']))
self.write_message({'type': 'get_trial',
'data': self.application.model.get_trial(self.name, msg['data']) })
if self.application.verbose:
logger.info('Unexpected message!')
class ModularServer(tornado.web.Application):
""" Main visualization application. """
portrayal_method = None
port = 8001
model_args = ()
model_kwargs = {}
page_handler = (r'/', PageHandler)
socket_handler = (r'/ws', SocketHandler)
static_handler = (r'/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,
# {'path': os.path.dirname(__file__)})
{'path': 'templates'})
local_handler = (r'/local/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,
{'path': ''})
handlers = [page_handler, socket_handler, static_handler, local_handler]
settings = {'debug': True,
'template_path': os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/templates'}
def __init__(self, model, visualization_element, name='SOIL Model', verbose=True,
*args, **kwargs):
self.verbose = verbose
self.package_includes = set()
self.local_includes = set()
self.js_code = []
self.visualization_element = visualization_element
self.model_name = name
self.model = model
self.model_args = args
self.model_kwargs = kwargs
# Initializing the application itself:
super().__init__(self.handlers, **self.settings)
def reset_model(self):
self.model = self.model_cls(*self.model_args, **self.model_kwargs)
def render_model(self):
return self.visualization_element.render(self.model)
def launch(self, port=None):
""" Run the app. """
if port is not None:
self.port = port
url = '{PORT}'.format(PORT=self.port)
print('Interface starting at {url}'.format(url=url))

templates/css/main.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
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stroke: #fff;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
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stroke-opacity: .6;
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margin-top: 15px;
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border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35);
border-radius: 5px;
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margin-top: 20px;
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padding: 15px;
border-left: none !important;
overflow: auto;
button {
outline: none !important;
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100% { background-color: rgb(167, 242, 168); }
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50% { background-color: #dddddd; }
100% { background-color: rgb(167, 242, 168); }
#slider3 {
background: repeating-linear-gradient( 90deg, white 27px, white 30px, #fff 32px, #aaa 33px );
background-color: white;
.config-item {
margin-top: 15px !important;
/** LOADER **/
#load {
position: absolute;
font-weight: bold;
#load.loader {
border: 5px solid #f3f3f3;
border-radius: 50%;
border-top: 5px solid #3498db;
border-bottom: 5px solid #3498db;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
-webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite;
animation: spin 1s linear infinite;
position: absolute;
#load:before {
content: 'No file'
#load.loader:before {
content: '' !important;
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0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }
@keyframes spin {
0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
/** ALERT **/
.alert-danger {
position: absolute;
margin-top: 20px;
margin-left: 5px;
.custom-file {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: 35px;
margin-bottom: 0;
cursor: pointer;
.custom-file-input {
min-width: 14rem;
max-width: 100%;
height: 35px;
margin: 0;
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
opacity: 0;
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position: absolute;
top: 0;
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left: 0;
z-index: 5;
height: 35px;
padding: .5rem 1rem;
line-height: 1.5;
color: #464a4c;
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-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15);
border-radius: .25rem;
.custom-file-control::before {
content: "Browse";
position: absolute;
top: -1px;
right: -1px;
bottom: -1px;
z-index: 6;
display: block;
height: 35px;
padding: .5rem 1rem;
line-height: 1.5;
color: #464a4c;
background-color: #eceeef;
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15);
border-radius: 0 .25rem .25rem 0;
.custom-file-control::after {
content: attr(data-content);
/** TABLES **/
#percentTable {
height: 150px !important;
width: 100% !important;
#percentTable tr {
padding: 5px 2px;
hr {
margin-top: 15px !important;
margin-bottom: 15px !important;
#info-graph {
width: 70% !important;
.logo {
margin-top: -40px;
position: absolute;
right: 15px;
/** SLIDER **/
.link-distance-slider {
padding: 0 10px !important;
margin-top: 5px !important;
width: 100% !important;
.speed-slider .slider,
.link-distance-slider .slider {
width: 100% !important;
.speed-slider .slider-selection,
.link-distance-slider .slider-selection {
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
rgba(36, 110, 162, 0.5) 0%,
rgba(3, 169, 224, 0.5) 100%) !important;
.slider-disabled .slider-selection {
opacity: 0.5;
.slider.slider-disabled .slider-track {
cursor: default !important;
table#link-distance {
width: 100%;
table#speed .min,
table#speed .max,
table#link-distance .min,
table#link-distance .max {
font-weight: normal !important;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#slider3 {
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
.d3-slider {
position: relative;
font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 1.1em;
border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
z-index: 2;
.d3-slider-horizontal {
height: 40px;
.d3-slider-range {
height: 0.8em;
position: absolute;
.d3-slider-handle {
position: absolute;
width: .8em;
height: 48px;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
border-radius: 4px;
background: #eee;
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee 0%, #ddd 100%);
z-index: 3;
.d3-slider-handle:hover {
border: 1px solid #999999;
.d3-slider-horizontal .d3-slider-handle {
top: -.3em;
margin-left: -.4em;
.d3-slider-axis {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
.d3-slider-axis-bottom {
top: 38px;
.d3-slider-axis-right {
left: .8em;
.d3-slider-axis path {
stroke-width: 0;
fill: none;
.d3-slider-axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #aaa;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
stroke-dasharray: 2;
.d3-slider-axis text {
font-size: 11px;

templates/img/logo_gsi.svg Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
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id="path3816" />
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id="path3818" />
d="m 445,510.49219 c 0,1.38071 -1.11929,2.5 -2.5,2.5 -1.38071,0 -2.5,-1.11929 -2.5,-2.5 0,-1.38071 1.11929,-2.5 2.5,-2.5 1.38071,0 2.5,1.11929 2.5,2.5 z"
id="path3735" />


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<optgroup id="properties-static" label="Statics"></optgroup>
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<table id="percentTable">
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// Open the websocket connection
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ws.onopen = function() {
console.log('Connection opened!');
// Receive data from server
ws.onmessage = function(message) {
console.log('Message received!');
var msg = JSON.parse(message.data);
switch(msg['type']) {
case 'trials':
case 'get_trial':
GraphVisualization.import(convertJSON(msg['data']['graph']), msg['data']['models'], function() {
case 'error':
console.log('Unexpected message!')
var _socket = {
send: function(message, type) {
var json = {}
json['type'] = type
json['data'] = message
error: function(message) {
var set_trials = function(trials) {
for ( i in trials ) {
// Request first trial as default
_socket.send(0, 'get_trial')
var convertJSON = function(json) {
json.links.forEach(function(link) {
link.source = json.nodes[link.source]
link.target = json.nodes[link.target]
// Fix spells for nodes
json.nodes.forEach(function(node) {
for (i in node.spells) {
if (node.spells[i][0] > node.spells[i][1]) {
aux = node.spells[i][0];
node.spells[i][0] = node.spells[i][1];
node.spells[i][1] = aux;
return json;
var update_statistics_table = function() {
$('#percentTable tbody').empty()
var statisticsSorted = Object.keys(self.GraphVisualization.statistics).sort(function(a,b) {
return self.GraphVisualization.statistics[b] - self.GraphVisualization.statistics[a];
for ( var i in statisticsSorted ) {
if ( i <= 5 ) {
// Draw table
var appendTo = '#percentTable > tbody tr:nth-child(' + Number(parseInt(i) + 1) + ')';
var propertyName = (statisticsSorted[i].includes('class')) ?
statisticsSorted[i].split('.').pop().split('\'')[0] : statisticsSorted[i];
$('<tr>').addClass('col-sm-12').appendTo('#percentTable > tbody');
$('<td>').css('background-color', self.GraphVisualization.color(statisticsSorted[i])).addClass('col-sm-1').appendTo(appendTo);
$('<td>').addClass('text-left col-sm-4').text(self.GraphVisualization.statistics[statisticsSorted[i]] + ' %').appendTo(appendTo);
$('<td>').addClass('text-right col-sm-6 property-name').text(propertyName).appendTo(appendTo);
var set_configuration = function() {
// Number of nodes and links info table
$('<tr>').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody');
$('<th>').text('Nodes:').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(1)');
$('<th>').text(self.GraphVisualization.nodes).addClass('text-right').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(1)');
$('<tr>').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody');
$('<th>').text('Links:').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(2)');
$('<th>').text(self.GraphVisualization.links).addClass('text-right').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(2)');
// Options of 'Select'
for ( var i in self.GraphVisualization.model['dynamic'] ) {
for ( var i in self.GraphVisualization.model['static'] ) {
// Hide optgroups if they are empty
if ( $('#properties-dynamic').children().length === 0 ) $('#properties-dynamic').hide();
if ( $('#properties-static').children().length === 0 ) $('#properties-static').hide();
// Enable 'Link Distance' slider
$('#link-distance-slider').slider('enable').on('change', function(value) {
var reset_configuration = function() {
// Information table about the graph
$('#info-graph > tbody').empty();
// 'Select' for properties
// 'Link Distance' slider
$('#link-distance-slider').slider('disable').slider('setValue', 30);
var set_timeline = function(graph) {
// 'Timeline' slider
var [min, max] = get_min_and_max(graph);
var stepUnix = (max - min) / 200;
var minUnix = (min !== Math.min()) ? min : 0;
var maxUnix = (max !== Math.max()) ? max : minUnix + 20;
slider = d3.slider();
d3.select('#slider3').attr('width', width).call(
.on('slide', function(evt, value) {
self.GraphVisualization.update_graph($('.config-item #properties').val(), value, function() {
// Draw graph for the first time
self.GraphVisualization.update_graph($('.config-item #properties').val(), maxUnix, function() {
// 'Speed' slider
$('#speed-slider').slider('enable').on('change', function(value) {
speed = value.value.newValue;
// Button 'Play'
$('button#button_play').on('click', function() {
$('button#button_play').addClass('pressed').prop("disabled", true);
slider.step( 1 / speed );
if (slider.value() >= maxUnix) {
self.GraphVisualization.update_graph($('.config-item #properties').val(), slider.value(), function() {
setTimeout(player, 1000);
} else {
var i = slider.value();
function player() {
play = setInterval(function() {
self.GraphVisualization.update_graph($('.config-item #properties').val(), slider.value(), function() {
if (slider.value() + slider.step() >= maxUnix) {
$('button#button_play').removeClass('pressed').prop("disabled", false);
} else {
i += slider.step();
}, 5);
// Button 'Pause'
$('button#button_pause').on('click', function() {
$('button#button_play').removeClass('pressed').prop("disabled", false);
// Button 'Zoom to Fit'
$('button#button_zoomFit').click(function() { self.GraphVisualization.fit(); });
var reset_timeline = function() {
// 'Timeline' slider
// 'Speed' slider
$('#speed-slider').slider('disable').slider('setValue', 1000);
// Buttons
$('button#button_play').off().removeClass('pressed').prop("disabled", false);
var get_min_and_max = function(graph) {
var max = Math.max();
var min = Math.min()
graph.links.forEach(function(link) {
if (link.end > max) max = link.end
if (link.start > max) max = link.start
if (link.end < min) min = link.end
if (link.start < min) min = link.start
graph.nodes.forEach(function(node) {
for (property in node) {
if ( Array.isArray(node[property]) ) {
for (i in node[property]) {
for (j in node[property][i]) {
if (node[property][i][j] > max) max = node[property][i][j];
if (node[property][i][j] < min) min = node[property][i][j];
return [min, max];

templates/js/timeline.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
D3.js Slider
Inspired by jQuery UI Slider
Copyright (c) 2013, Bjorn Sandvik - http://blog.thematicmapping.org
BSD license: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['d3'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
if (process.browser) {
// Browserify. Import css too using cssify.
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(require('d3'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.d3.slider = factory(root.d3);
}(this, function (d3) {
return function module() {
"use strict";
// Public variables width default settings
var min = 0,
max = 100,
step = 0.01,
animate = true,
orientation = "horizontal",
axis = false,
margin = 50,
active = 1,
snap = false,
// Private variables
var axisScale,
dispatch = d3.dispatch("slide", "slideend"),
formatPercent = d3.format(".2%"),
tickPadding = 5,
tickFormat = d3.format(".0"),
handle2 = null,
function slider(selection) {
selection.each(function() {
// Create scale if not defined by user
if (!scale) {
scale = d3.scale.linear().domain([min, max]);
// Start value
value = value || scale.domain()[0];
// DIV container
var div = d3.select(this).classed("d3-slider d3-slider-" + orientation, true);
var drag = d3.behavior.drag();
drag.on('dragend', function () {
dispatch.slideend(d3.event, value);
// Slider handle
//if range slider, create two
// var divRange;
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
handle1 = div.append("a")
.classed("d3-slider-handle", true)
.attr("xlink:href", "#")
.attr('id', "handle-one")
.on("click", stopPropagation)
handle2 = div.append("a")
.classed("d3-slider-handle", true)
.attr('id', "handle-two")
.attr("xlink:href", "#")
.on("click", stopPropagation)
} else {
handle1 = div.append("a")
.classed("d3-slider-handle", true)
.attr("xlink:href", "#")
.attr('id', "handle-one")
.on("click", stopPropagation)
// Horizontal slider
if (orientation === "horizontal") {
div.on("click", onClickHorizontal);
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
divRange = d3.select(this).append('div').classed("d3-slider-range", true);
handle1.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
divRange.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
drag.on("drag", onDragHorizontal);
var width = 100 - parseFloat(formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
handle2.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
divRange.style("right", width+"%");
drag.on("drag", onDragHorizontal);
} else {
handle1.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value)));
drag.on("drag", onDragHorizontal);
sliderLength = parseInt(div.style("width"), 10);
} else { // Vertical
div.on("click", onClickVertical);
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
divRange = d3.select(this).append('div').classed("d3-slider-range-vertical", true);
handle1.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
divRange.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
var top = 100 - parseFloat(formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
handle2.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
divRange.style("top", top+"%");
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
} else {
handle1.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value)));
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
sliderLength = parseInt(div.style("height"), 10);
if (axis) {
function createAxis(dom) {
// Create axis if not defined by user
if (typeof axis === "boolean") {
axis = d3.svg.axis()
.ticks(Math.round(sliderLength) / 100)
.orient((orientation === "horizontal") ? "bottom" : "right");
// Copy slider scale to move from percentages to pixels
axisScale = scale.ticks ? scale.copy().range([0, sliderLength]) : scale.copy().rangePoints([0, sliderLength], 0.5);
// Create SVG axis container
var svg = dom.append("svg")
.classed("d3-slider-axis d3-slider-axis-" + axis.orient(), true)
.on("click", stopPropagation);
var g = svg.append("g");
// Horizontal axis
if (orientation === "horizontal") {
svg.style("margin-left", -margin - 16 + "px");
width: sliderLength + margin * 2,
height: margin + 30
if (axis.orient() === "top") {
svg.style("top", -margin + "px");
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin + "," + margin + ")");
} else { // bottom
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin + ",0)");
} else { // Vertical
svg.style("top", -margin + "px");
width: margin,
height: sliderLength + margin * 2
if (axis.orient() === "left") {
svg.style("left", -margin + "px");
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin + "," + margin + ")");
} else { // right
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + margin + ")");
function onClickHorizontal() {
if (toType(value) != "array") {
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.offsetX || d3.event.layerX));
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function onClickVertical() {
if (toType(value) != "array") {
var pos = sliderLength - Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.offsetY || d3.event.layerY));
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function onDragHorizontal() {
if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id === "handle-one") {
active = 1;
} else if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id == "handle-two" ) {
active = 2;
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.x));
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function onDragVertical() {
if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id === "handle-one") {
active = 1;
} else if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id == "handle-two" ) {
active = 2;
var pos = sliderLength - Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.y))
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function stopPropagation() {
// Move slider handle on click/drag
function moveHandle(newValue) {
var currentValue = toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2 ? value[active - 1]: value,
oldPos = formatPercent(scale(stepValue(currentValue))),
newPos = formatPercent(scale(stepValue(newValue))),
position = (orientation === "horizontal") ? "left" : "bottom";
if (oldPos !== newPos) {
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
value[ active - 1 ] = newValue;
if (d3.event) {
dispatch.slide(d3.event, value );
} else {
if (d3.event) {
dispatch.slide(d3.event.sourceEvent || d3.event, value = newValue);
if ( value[ 0 ] >= value[ 1 ] ) return;
if ( active === 1 ) {
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
(position === "left") ? divRange.style("left", newPos) : divRange.style("bottom", newPos);
if (animate) {
.styleTween(position, function() { return d3.interpolate(oldPos, newPos); })
.duration((typeof animate === "number") ? animate : 250);
} else {
handle1.style(position, newPos);
} else {
var width = 100 - parseFloat(newPos);
var top = 100 - parseFloat(newPos);
(position === "left") ? divRange.style("right", width + "%") : divRange.style("top", top + "%");
if (animate) {
.styleTween(position, function() { return d3.interpolate(oldPos, newPos); })
.duration((typeof animate === "number") ? animate : 250);
} else {
handle2.style(position, newPos);
// Calculate nearest step value
function stepValue(val) {
if (val === scale.domain()[0] || val === scale.domain()[1]) {
return val;
var alignValue = val;
if (snap) {
alignValue = nearestTick(scale(val));
} else{
var valModStep = (val - scale.domain()[0]) % step;
alignValue = val - valModStep;
if (Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step) {
alignValue += (valModStep > 0) ? step : -step;
return alignValue;
// Find the nearest tick
function nearestTick(pos) {
var ticks = scale.ticks ? scale.ticks() : scale.domain();
var dist = ticks.map(function(d) {return pos - scale(d);});
var i = -1,
index = 0,
r = scale.ticks ? scale.range()[1] : scale.rangeExtent()[1];
do {
if (Math.abs(dist[i]) < r) {
r = Math.abs(dist[i]);
index = i;
} while (dist[i] > 0 && i < dist.length - 1);
return ticks[index];
// Return the type of an object
function toType(v) {
return ({}).toString.call(v).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase();
// Getter/setter functions
slider.min = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return min;
min = _;
return slider;
slider.max = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return max;
max = _;
return slider;
slider.step = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return step;
step = _;
return slider;
slider.animate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return animate;
animate = _;
return slider;
slider.orientation = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return orientation;
orientation = _;
return slider;
slider.axis = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return axis;
axis = _;
return slider;
slider.margin = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return margin;
margin = _;
return slider;
slider.value = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return value;
if (value) {
value = _;
return slider;
slider.snap = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return snap;
snap = _;
return slider;
slider.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return scale;
scale = _;
return slider;
d3.rebind(slider, dispatch, "on");
return slider;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
;(function(undefined) {
"use strict";
* Graph Visualization
* ===================
* Author: Tasio Méndez (tasiomendez)
* URL: https://github.com/tasiomendez/
* Version: 0.1
// Private constants
var width = window.innerWidth * 0.75,
height = window.innerHeight * 4 / 5,
focus_opacity = 0.1,
radius = 8;
// Private variables
var graph, // JSON data for the graph
model, // Definition of the attributes of the nodes
linkedByIndex, // Nodes linked by index
name, // Name of the graph (id for svg item)
svg, // Svg item
force, // Set up the force layout
color, // Color for nodes
zoom, // Zoom
groot, // Append sections to svg to have nodes and edges separately
data_node, // Actual node data for the graph
data_link, // Actual link data for the graph
link, // Line svgs
node; // Circles for the nodes
Number.prototype.between = function(min, max) {
var min = (min) ? min : Math.max(),
max = (max) ? max : Math.min();
return this > min && this <= max;
var lastFocusNode;
var _helpers = {
set_node: function(node, property) {
// Add nodes if data has more nodes than before
.attr('class', 'node')
.attr('r', radius)
.style('fill', function (d) {
if ( Array.isArray(d[property]) ) {
return color(d[property][0][0]);
} else {
return color(d[property]);
// Cancel zoom movement so you can move the node
.on('mousedown', function(d) {
// Double-click to focus neighbours
.on('dblclick', function(d) {
if (d === lastFocusNode) {
lastFocusNode = undefined;
node.style('opacity', 1);
link.style('opacity', 1);
} else {
lastFocusNode = d;
// Remove nodes if data has less nodes than before
// Update existing nodes
node.attr('class', 'node')
.attr('r', radius)
.style('fill', function (d) {
if ( Array.isArray(d[property]) ) {
return color(d[property][0][0]);
} else {
return color(d[property]);
set_link: function(link) {
// Remove links if data has more links than before
.attr('class', 'link')
.style('stroke-width', function (d) {
return Math.sqrt(d.value);
// Remove links if data has less links than before
isConnected: function(source, neighbour) {
return linkedByIndex[source.id + ',' + neighbour.id] ||
linkedByIndex[neighbour.id + ',' + source.id];
set_focus: function(d) {
node.style('opacity', function(o) {
return _helpers.isConnected(d,o) || d.index == o.index ? 1 : focus_opacity;
link.style('opacity', function(o) {
return o.source.index == d.index || o.target.index == d.index ? 1 : focus_opacity;
* Graph Visualization Core Functions
* ----------------------------------
* The graph visualization functions themselves.
function Graph() {
// Color
color = d3.scale.category20();
// Set up the force layout
force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height]);
// Append sections to svg to have nodes and edges separately
groot = svg.append('g') .attr('id', 'root');
glinks = groot.append('g') .attr('id', 'links');
gnodes = groot.append('g') .attr('id', 'nodes');
// Zoom
zoom = d3.behavior
.scaleExtent([1/10, 10])
.on('zoom', function () {
//console.trace("zoom", d3.event.translate, d3.event.scale);
'translate(' + d3.event.translate + ')scale(' + d3.event.scale + ')');
// Activate zoom for the svg item
svg.style('background-color', 'rgb(255,255,255)')
// Update linkedByIndex
linkedByIndex = {};
graph.links.forEach(function(d) {
linkedByIndex[d.source.id + ',' + d.target.id] = true;
// Creates the graph data structure out of the json data
// Now we are giving the SVGs coordinates - the force layout is generating the coordinates
// which this code is using to update the attributes of the SVG elements
force.on('tick', function () {
link.attr('x1', function (d) {
return d.source.x;
}).attr('y1', function (d) {
return d.source.y;
}).attr('x2', function (d) {
return d.target.x;
}).attr('y2', function (d) {
return d.target.y;
node.attr('transform', function translate(d) {
return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')';
function update_data(property, time) {
// Reset data
var delete_links = true;
data_node = [];
data_link = graph.links.slice();
// Nodes
graph.nodes.forEach(function(node) {
if (Array.isArray(node.spells)) {
node.spells.forEach( function(d) {
if ( time.between(d[0], d[1]) ) {
} else {
graph.links.forEach(function(link) {
if (link.source === node || link.target === node)
data_link.splice(data_link.indexOf(link), 1);
} else {
// Links
graph.links.forEach(function(link) {
if ( !(time.between(link.start, link.end)) && data_link.includes(link) )
data_link.splice(data_link.indexOf(link), 1);
// Reset force
// Create all the line svgs but without locations
link = glinks.selectAll('.link').data(data_link);
// Do the same with the circles for the nodes - no
node = gnodes.selectAll('.node').data(data_node);
_helpers.set_node(node, property);
// Node Attributes
var statistics = {}
self.GraphVisualization.statistics = {};
data_node.forEach(function(n) {
// Count node properties
if ( Array.isArray(n[property]) ) {
statistics[n[property][0][0]] = (!statistics[n[property][0][0]]) ? 1 : statistics[n[property][0][0]] + 1;
} else {
statistics[n[property]] = (!statistics[n[property]]) ? 1 : statistics[n[property]] + 1;
for ( i in statistics ) {
statistics[i] = (statistics[i] / data_node.length * 100).toFixed(2);
self.GraphVisualization.statistics = statistics
* Public API
* -----------
* User-accessible functions.
* Create the space where the graph will we drawn.
* A function that identifies the svg item.
* @param {object} id The id of the svg item.
* @return {object} This class.
function create(id, callback) {
name = id;
svg = d3.select('svg#' + name)
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.style('background-color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.1)');
if (callback) { callback(this.GraphVisualization); }
else { return this.GraphVisualization }
* Import JSON and attributes.
* A function that imports the graph and the attributes of all the nodes.
* @param {object} json The json structure of the graph.
* @param {object} attributes Definition of the attributes of the nodes
* (statics and dynamics).
* @param {object} callback A function called at the end.
function importJSON(json, attributes, callback) {
graph = json;
model = attributes
// Create the graph itself
self.GraphVisualization.nodes = graph.nodes.length;
self.GraphVisualization.links = graph.links.length;
self.GraphVisualization.model = model
// Draw graph with default property and time for the first time
update_data(model.dynamic[0].title, 0)
if (callback) { callback(); }
* Set link distance.
* A function that set the link distance. If it is not called, it uses 30 as default
* @param {object} distance Distance.
* @param {object} callback A function called at the end.
function set_link_distance(distance, callback) {
if (graph) {
// Update radius of the nodes to see them better
var r = d3.scale.linear().domain([30, 1000]).range([8, 24]);
radius = r(distance);
node.attr('r', radius);
if (callback) { callback(radius); }
* Set property and instant of time.
* A function that draws the graph depends on the property and instant of time selected.
* @param {object} property Property to show.
* @param {object} time Instant of time.
* @param {object} callback A function called at the end.
function update_graph(property, time, callback) {
if (graph) {
update_data(property, time);
if (callback) { callback(); }
* Adjust the graph to the whole area.
* A function that adjust the graph to the svg item.
* @param {object} padding Space from the graph to the border.
* 85% by default.
* @param {object} transition Duration of the zoom action.
* 750 milliseconds by default.
* @param {object} callback A function called at the end.
function zoom_to_fit(padding, transition, callback) {
var bounds = groot.node().getBBox();
var parent = groot.node().parentElement;
var fullWidth = parent.clientWidth,
fullHeight = parent.clientHeight;
var widthBounds = bounds.width,
heightBounds = bounds.height;
var midX = bounds.x + widthBounds / 2,
midY = bounds.y + heightBounds / 2;
if (widthBounds == 0 || heightBounds == 0) return; // nothing to fit
var scale = (padding || 0.85) / Math.max(widthBounds / fullWidth, heightBounds / fullHeight);
var translate = [fullWidth / 2 - scale * midX, fullHeight / 2 - scale * midY];
//console.trace("zoomFit", translate, scale);
.duration(transition || 750) // milliseconds
if (callback) { callback(); }
* Reset the whole graph.
* A function that reset the svg item.
function reset() {
d3.select('svg#' + name)
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.style('background-color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.1)');
* Get color for a value.
* A function that get the color of a node or a group of nodes.
* @param {object} value Value.
* @return {object} color The color in hexadecimal.
function color(value) {
if (graph) {
return color(value);
* Exporting
* ---------
this.GraphVisualization = {
// Functions
create: create,
import: importJSON,
update_graph: update_graph,
set_link_distance: set_link_distance,
fit: zoom_to_fit,
reset: reset,
// Attributes
model: {},
nodes: undefined,
links: undefined,
// Getters
color: color,
// Statistics
statistics: {},
// Version
version: '0.1'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
var _helpers = {
attributesInterval: function (attributes, callback) {
for ( var property in attributes ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < attributes[property].length; i++ ) {
attributes[property][i].interval.forEach(function(d) {
dynamicAttsToArray: function(atts) {
var array = []
for ( var property in atts ) {
return array;

templates/js_old/initial.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
window.onload = function() {
"use strict";
// Public variables (User Configuration)
var colorProperty,
speed = 1000;
// Private variables
var width = window.innerWidth * 0.75,
height = window.innerHeight * 4 / 5,
focus_opacity = 0.1,
radius = 8;
// Private Graph variables
var color, // Color for nodes
zoom, // Zoom
force, // Set up the force layout
svg, // Svg item
groot, // Append sections to svg to have nodes and edges separately
data_node, // Actual node data for the graph
data_link, // Actual link data for the graph
graph, // Graph
atts, // Dynamic attributes if it is necessary
linkedByIndex, // Nodes linked by index
link, // Line svgs
node; // Circles for the nodes
// Private Timeline variables
var minInterval, // Min value of the graph
maxInterval, // Max value of the graph
minUnix, // Min value for the timeline
maxUnix, // Max value for the timeline
stepUnix, // Step value for the timeline
slider, // Slider
time, // Variable to calculate date intervals
play; // Constant for the interval to play the simulation
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
d3.select('#slider3').attr("width", width).call(d3.slider().axis(true)
$('.load').css("left", width / 2 - 25)
.css("top", height / 2);
$('#configuration').css("height", height)
$('#file').change(function() {
var index = $('.custom-file-input').val().lastIndexOf("\\") + 1;
$('.custom-file-input').val().substr(index) || "Choose file...");
url: 'upload.php', // point to server-side PHP script
type: 'POST',
data: new FormData($('form')[0]),
timeout: 3000,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
beforeSend: function() {
}).done(function(response) {
// Show loader
// Load File
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
}).fail(function(response) {
$('#error-message').text(response.responseText || "Connection timed out");
function clearPreviousGraph() {
$('#percentTable > tbody').empty();
$('#info-graph > tbody').empty();
$('#info-graph > tbody').empty();
function loader(show) {
// Show loader
if (show) {
$('svg#graph').css("background-color", "white");
// Show "No File"
} else {
$('svg#graph').css("background-color", "rgba(128,128,128,0.1)");
$('.load').text("No file").removeClass("loader");
function loadFile(file) {
// Color
color = d3.scale.category20();
// Zoom
zoom = d3.behavior
.scaleExtent([1/10, 10])
.on('zoom', function () {
//console.trace("zoom", d3.event.translate, d3.event.scale);
'translate(' + d3.event.translate + ')scale(' + d3.event.scale + ')');
// Set up the force layout
force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height]);
// Activate zoom for the svg item
svg = d3.select('#graph')
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
// Append sections to svg to have nodes and edges separately
groot = svg.append("g") .attr("id", "root");
glinks = groot.append("g") .attr("id", "links");
gnodes = groot.append("g") .attr("id", "nodes");
// Read the data from the graph
graph = GexfParser.fetch(file);
console.log("Graph", graph);
if (graph.mode === "dynamic") {
atts = GexfParser.dynamic(file, graph.timeformat)
colorProperty = graph.model[0].title;
console.log("Dynamic Attributes", atts);
} else {
atts = null;
// Number of nodes and links info table
$('<tr>').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody');
$('<th>').text('Nodes:').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(1)');
$('<th>').text(graph.nodes.length).addClass('text-right').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(1)');
$('<tr>').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody');
$('<th>').text('Links:').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(2)');
$('<th>').text(graph.links.length).addClass('text-right').appendTo('#info-graph > tbody tr:nth-child(2)');
// Update linkedByIndex
linkedByIndex = {};
graph.links.forEach(function(d) {
linkedByIndex[d.source + "," + d.target] = true;
// Creates the graph data structure out of the json data
// Create all the line svgs but without locations yet
link = glinks.selectAll(".link").data(graph.links);
// Do the same with the circles for the nodes - no
var lastFocusNode;
node = gnodes.selectAll(".node").data(graph.nodes);
// Now we are giving the SVGs coordinates - the force layout is generating the coordinates which this code is using to update the attributes
// of the SVG elements
force.on("tick", function () {
link.attr("x1", function (d) {
return d.source.x;
.attr("y1", function (d) {
return d.source.y;
.attr("x2", function (d) {
return d.target.x;
.attr("y2", function (d) {
return d.target.y;
node.attr('transform', function translate(d) {
return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')';
function set_node(node) {
// Add nodes if the data has more nodes than before
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("r", radius)
.style("fill", function (d) {
return color(d.attributes[colorProperty]);
// Cancel zoom movement so you can move the node
.on("mousedown", function(d) {
// Double-click to focus neighbours
.on("dblclick", function(d) {
if (d === lastFocusNode) {
lastFocusNode = undefined;
node.style("opacity", 1);
link.style("opacity", 1);
} else {
lastFocusNode = d;
// Remove nodes if the data has less nodes than before
function set_link(link) {
// Remove links if the data has more links than before
.attr("class", "link")
.style("stroke-width", function (d) {
return Math.sqrt(d.value);
// Remove links if the data has less links than before
function set_focus(d) {
node.style("opacity", function(o) {
return isConnected(d,o) || d.index == o.index ? 1 : focus_opacity;
link.style("opacity", function(o) {
return o.source.index == d.index || o.target.index == d.index ? 1 : focus_opacity;
function isConnected(source, neighbour) {
return linkedByIndex[source.index + "," + neighbour.index] ||
linkedByIndex[neighbour.index + "," + source.index];
// Maximum and minimum of all the intervals
minInterval = Math.min();
maxInterval = Math.max();
_helpers.attributesInterval(atts, function(d) {
if ( d[0] < minInterval && d[0] != -Infinity ) minInterval = d[0];
if ( d[1] < minInterval && d[0] != +Infinity ) minInterval = d[1];
if ( d[0] > maxInterval && d[0] != -Infinity ) maxInterval = d[0];
if ( d[1] > maxInterval && d[1] != +Infinity ) maxInterval = d[1];
// Transform dates to ints
if ( graph.timeformat === "date" ) {
time = d3.scale.linear().domain([minInterval, maxInterval]).range([1, 20]);
// Attributes
_helpers.attributesInterval(atts, function(d) {
if (d[0] !== -Infinity) d[0] = time(d[0]);
if (d[1] !== +Infinity) d[1] = time(d[1]);
// Nodes
graph.nodes.forEach( function(node) {
if (Array.isArray(node.spell)) {
node.spell.forEach( function(d) {
if (d[0] !== -Infinity) d[0] = time(d[0]);
if (d[1] !== +Infinity) d[1] = time(d[1]);
// Links
graph.links.forEach( function(link) {
if (link.spell[0] !== -Infinity) link.spell[0] = time(link.spell[0]);
if (link.spell[1] !== +Infinity) link.spell[1] = time(link.spell[1]);
minInterval = 1;
maxInterval = 20;
stepUnix = (maxInterval - minInterval) / 200;
minUnix = (minInterval !== Math.min()) ? minInterval - 2 * stepUnix : 0;
maxUnix = (maxInterval !== Math.max()) ? maxInterval + 2 * stepUnix : minUnix + 20;
// Create the slider
slider = d3.slider();
d3.select("#slider3").attr("width", width).call(slider.axis(true)
.on("slide", function(evt, value) {
function updateData(value) {
var statics = {};
$('#percentTable > tbody').empty();
// Reset data
var delete_links = true;
data_node = [];
data_link = graph.links.slice();
// Nodes
graph.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if (Array.isArray(n.spell)) {
n.spell.forEach( function(d) {
if (d[0] < value && value <= d[1]) {
delete_links = false;
if (delete_links) {
graph.links.forEach(function(e) {
if (e.source === n || e.target === n) {
data_link.splice(data_link.indexOf(e), 1);
} else {
// Links
graph.links.forEach(function(e) {
if ( !(e.spell[0] < value && value <= e.spell[1]) && data_link.includes(e) )
data_link.splice(data_link.indexOf(e), 1);
// Reset force
// Redraw Graph
link = glinks.selectAll(".link").data(data_link);
node = gnodes.selectAll(".node").data(data_node);
// Node Attributes
data_node.forEach(function(n) {
for (var property in atts) {
var interval = atts[property][n.index].interval
for ( var i = 0; i < interval.length; i++ ) {
//console.log(interval[i][0], value, interval[i][1], "->", interval[i][2])
if (interval[i][0] < value && value <= interval[i][1])
n.attributes[property] = interval[i][2];
else if (value === minUnix)
n.attributes[property] = interval[0][2];
// Count node properties
statics[n.attributes[colorProperty]] = (!statics[n.attributes[colorProperty]]) ? 1 :
statics[n.attributes[colorProperty]] + 1;
node.style("fill", function (d) {
return color(d.attributes[colorProperty]);
// Show the five properties with more percentage
var staticsSorted = Object.keys(statics).sort(function(a,b) {
return statics[b] - statics[a];
for ( var i = 0; ( i < staticsSorted.length ) && ( i < 5 ); i++ ) {
var percent = statics[staticsSorted[i]] / data_node.length * 100;
var propertyName = (staticsSorted[i].includes("class")) ?
staticsSorted[i].split('.').pop().split('\'')[0] : staticsSorted[i];
// Draw table every time
var appendTo = '#percentTable > tbody tr:nth-child(' + Number(i + 1) + ')';
$('<tr>').addClass('col-sm-12').appendTo('#percentTable > tbody');
$('<td>').css("background-color", color(staticsSorted[i])).addClass('col-sm-1').attr('data-value', staticsSorted[i]).appendTo(appendTo);
$('<td>').addClass('text-left col-sm-4').text(percent.toFixed(2) + " %").appendTo(appendTo);
$('<td>').addClass('text-right col-sm-6 property-name').text(propertyName).appendTo(appendTo);
$('button#button_play').on('click', function() {
$('button#button_play').addClass('pressed').prop("disabled", true);
slider.step( 1 / speed );
if (slider.value() >= maxUnix) {
setTimeout(player, 2000);
} else {
var i = slider.value();
function player() {
play = setInterval(function() {
if (slider.value() + slider.step() >= maxUnix) {
$('button#button_play').removeClass('pressed').prop("disabled", false);
} else {
i += slider.step();
}, 5);
$('button#button_pause').on('click', function() {
$('button#button_play').removeClass('pressed').prop("disabled", false);
var dynamicArray = _helpers.dynamicAttsToArray(atts);
for (var i = 0; i < graph.model.length; i++) {
if ( dynamicArray.includes(graph.model[i].title) )
// Hide optgroups if they are empty
if ( $('#properties-static').children().length === 0 ) $('#properties-static').hide();
if ( $('#properties-dynamic').children().length === 0 ) $('#properties-dynamic').hide();
$('select#properties').change(function() {
colorProperty = $('select#properties').val();
$('button#button_zoomFit').click(function() {
var paddingPercent = 0.7;
var transitionDuration = 750;
var bounds = groot.node().getBBox();
var parent = groot.node().parentElement;
var fullWidth = parent.clientWidth,
fullHeight = parent.clientHeight;
var widthBounds = bounds.width,
heightBounds = bounds.height;
var midX = bounds.x + widthBounds / 2,
midY = bounds.y + heightBounds / 2;
if (widthBounds == 0 || heightBounds == 0) return; // nothing to fit
var scale = (paddingPercent || 0.75) / Math.max(widthBounds / fullWidth, heightBounds / fullHeight);
var translate = [fullWidth / 2 - scale * midX, fullHeight / 2 - scale * midY];
//console.trace("zoomFit", translate, scale);
.duration(transitionDuration || 0) // milliseconds
// Speed for the timeline
$('#speed-slider').slider('enable').on('change', function(value) {
speed = value.value.newValue;
// Link distance between the nodes
$('#link-distance-slider').slider('enable').on('change', function(value) {
// Update radius of the nodes to see them better
var r = d3.scale.linear().domain([30, 1000]).range([8, 24]);
radius = r(value.value.newValue);
node.attr('r', radius);
// Clear all events
$('#file').change(function() {
$('#link-distance-slider').slider('disable').slider('setValue', 30);

templates/js_old/parser.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
;(function(undefined) {
'use strict';
* GEXF Parser
* ============
* Author: PLIQUE Guillaume (Yomguithereal)
* URL: https://github.com/Yomguithereal/gexf-parser
* Version: 1.0
* Helper Namespace
* -----------------
* A useful batch of function dealing with DOM operations and types.
var _helpers = {
nodeListToArray: function(nodeList) {
// Return array
var children = [];
// Iterating
for (var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (nodeList[i].nodeName !== '#text')
return children;
nodeListEach: function(nodeList, func) {
// Iterating
for (var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (nodeList[i].nodeName !== '#text')
nodeListToHash: function(nodeList, filter) {
// Return object
var children = {};
// Iterating
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
if (nodeList[i].nodeName !== '#text') {
var prop = filter(nodeList[i]);
children[prop.key] = prop.value;
return children;
namedNodeMapToObject: function(nodeMap) {
// Return object
var attributes = {};
// Iterating
for (var i = 0; i < nodeMap.length; i++) {
attributes[nodeMap[i].name] = nodeMap[i].value;
return attributes;
getFirstElementByTagNS: function(node, ns, tag) {
var el = node.getElementsByTagName(ns + ':' + tag)[0];
if (!el)
el = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, tag)[0];
if (!el)
el = node.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0];
return el;
getAttributeNS: function(node, ns, attribute) {
var attr_value = node.getAttribute(ns + ':' + attribute);
if (attr_value === undefined)
attr_value = node.getAttributeNS(ns, attribute);
if (attr_value === undefined)
attr_value = node.getAttribute(attribute);
return attr_value;
enforceType: function(type, value) {
switch (type) {
case 'boolean':
value = (value === 'true');
case 'integer':
case 'long':
case 'float':
case 'double':
value = +value;
return value;
getRGB: function(values) {
return (values[3]) ?
'rgba(' + values.join(',') + ')' :
'rgb(' + values.slice(0, -1).join(',') + ')';
* Parser Core Functions
* ----------------------
* The XML parser's functions themselves.
* Node structure.
* A function returning an object guarded with default value.
* @param {object} properties The node properties.
* @return {object} The guarded node object.
function Node(properties) {
// Possible Properties
return {
id: properties.id,
index: properties.index,
label: properties.label,
attributes: properties.attributes || {},
viz: properties.viz || {},
spell: properties.spell || {}
* Edge structure.
* A function returning an object guarded with default value.
* @param {object} properties The edge properties.
* @return {object} The guarded edge object.
function Edge(properties, nodeList) {
var list = _helpers.nodeListToArray(nodeList);
function findNodeSource (node) {
return node.id === properties.source;
function findNodeTarget (node) {
return node.id === properties.target;
// Possible Properties
return {
id: properties.id,
type: properties.type || 'undirected',
label: properties.label || '',
source: list.indexOf(list.find(findNodeSource)),
target: list.indexOf(list.find(findNodeTarget)),
value: +properties.value || 1.0,
viz: properties.viz || {},
spell: properties.spell || {}
* Graph parser.
* This structure parse a gexf string and return an object containing the
* parsed graph.
* @param {string} xml The xml string of the gexf file to parse.
* @return {object} The parsed graph.
function Graph(xml) {
var _xml = {};
// Basic Properties
_xml.els = {
root: xml.getElementsByTagName('gexf')[0],
graph: xml.getElementsByTagName('graph')[0],
meta: xml.getElementsByTagName('meta')[0],
model: xml.getElementsByTagName('attribute'),
nodes: xml.getElementsByTagName('node'),
links: xml.getElementsByTagName('edge')
_xml.hasViz = !!_helpers.getAttributeNS(_xml.els.root, 'xmlns', 'viz');
_xml.version = _xml.els.root.getAttribute('version') || '1.0';
_xml.mode = _xml.els.graph.getAttribute('mode') || 'static';
_xml.timeformat = _xml.els.graph.getAttribute('timeformat') || null;
var edgeType = _xml.els.graph.getAttribute('defaultedgetype');
_xml.defaultEdgetype = edgeType || 'undirected';
// Parser Functions
// Meta Data
function _metaData() {
var metas = {};
if (!_xml.els.meta)
return metas;
// Last modified date
metas.lastmodifieddate = _xml.els.meta.getAttribute('lastmodifieddate');
// Other information
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.meta.childNodes, function(child) {
metas[child.tagName.toLowerCase()] = child.textContent;
return metas;
// Model
function _model() {
var attributes = [];
// Iterating through attributes
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.model, function(attr) {
// Properties
var properties = {
id: attr.getAttribute('id') || attr.getAttribute('for'),
type: attr.getAttribute('type') || 'string',
title: attr.getAttribute('title') || ''
// Defaults
var default_el = _helpers.nodeListToArray(attr.childNodes);
if (default_el.length > 0)
properties.defaultValue = default_el[0].textContent;
// Creating attribute
return attributes;
// Nodes
function _nodes(model) {
var nodes = [];
// Iteration through nodes
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.nodes, function(n) {
// Basic properties
var properties = {
id: n.getAttribute('id'),
label: n.getAttribute('label') || ''
// Retrieving data from nodes if any
if (model.length > 0)
properties.attributes = _nodeData(model, n);
// Retrieving viz information
if (_xml.hasViz)
properties.viz = _nodeViz(n);
properties.spell = _nodeSpell(n);
// Pushing node
return nodes;
// Spells from nodes
function _nodeSpell(node) {
var spells = node.getElementsByTagName('spells')[0];
if (spells) {
var spell = spells.getElementsByTagName('spell');
var interval = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < spell.length; i++ ) {
var start = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(spell[i].getAttribute("start")) || -Infinity :
(spell[i].getAttribute('start') ? new Date(spell[i].getAttribute('start')) : -Infinity) );
var end = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(spell[i].getAttribute("end")) || Infinity :
(spell[i].getAttribute('end') ? new Date(spell[i].getAttribute('end')) : Infinity) );
interval.push([start, end]);
return interval;
} else {
// Data from nodes
function _nodeData(model, node) {
var data = {};
var attvalues_els = node.getElementsByTagName('attvalue');
// Getting Node Indicated Attributes
var ah = _helpers.nodeListToHash(attvalues_els, function(el) {
var attributes = _helpers.namedNodeMapToObject(el.attributes);
var key = attributes.id || attributes['for'];
// Returning object
return { key: key, value: attributes.value };
// Iterating through model
model.map(function(a) {
// Default value?
var att_title = a.title.toLowerCase();
data[att_title] = !(a.id in ah) && 'defaultValue' in a ?
_helpers.enforceType(a.type, a.defaultValue) :
_helpers.enforceType(a.type, ah[a.id]);
return data;
// Viz information from nodes
function _nodeViz(node) {
var viz = {};
// Color
var color_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'color');
if (color_el) {
var color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'].map(function(c) {
return color_el.getAttribute(c);
viz.color = _helpers.getRGB(color);
// Position
var pos_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'position');
if (pos_el) {
viz.position = {};
['x', 'y', 'z'].map(function(p) {
viz.position[p] = +pos_el.getAttribute(p);
// Size
var size_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'size');
if (size_el)
viz.size = +size_el.getAttribute('value');
// Shape
var shape_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(node, 'viz', 'shape');
if (shape_el)
viz.shape = shape_el.getAttribute('value');
return viz;
// Edges
function _edges(default_type) {
var edges = [];
// Iteration through edges
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.links, function(e) {
// Creating the edge
var properties = _helpers.namedNodeMapToObject(e.attributes);
if (!('type' in properties)) {
properties.type = default_type;
// Retrieving viz information
if (_xml.hasViz)
properties.viz = _edgeViz(e);
properties.spell = _edgeSpell(e);
edges.push(Edge(properties, _xml.els.nodes));
return edges;
// Spells from edges
function _edgeSpell(edge) {
var start = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(edge.getAttribute("start")) || -Infinity :
(edge.getAttribute('start') ? new Date(edge.getAttribute('start')) : -Infinity) );
var end = ( (_xml.timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(edge.getAttribute("end")) || Infinity :
(edge.getAttribute('end') ? new Date(edge.getAttribute('end')) : Infinity) );
return [start, end];
// Viz information from edges
function _edgeViz(edge) {
var viz = {};
// Color
var color_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(edge, 'viz', 'color');
if (color_el) {
var color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'].map(function(c) {
return color_el.getAttribute(c);
viz.color = _helpers.getRGB(color);
// Shape
var shape_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(edge, 'viz', 'shape');
if (shape_el)
viz.shape = shape_el.getAttribute('value');
// Thickness
var thick_el = _helpers.getFirstElementByTagNS(edge, 'viz', 'thickness');
if (thick_el)
viz.thickness = +thick_el.getAttribute('value');
return viz;
// Returning the Graph
_xml.model = _model();
return {
version: _xml.version,
mode: _xml.mode,
timeformat: _xml.timeformat,
defaultEdgeType: _xml.defaultEdgetype,
meta: _metaData(),
model: _xml.model,
nodes: _nodes(_xml.model),
links: _edges(_xml.defaultEdgetype)
* Dynamics attributes parser.
* This structure parse a gexf string and return an object containing the
* dynamics attributes.
* @param {string} xml The xml string of the gexf file to parse.
* @return {object} The dynamics attributes and its values.
function dynamicAttributes(xml, timeformat) {
var _xml = {};
_xml.els = {
nodes: xml.getElementsByTagName('node'),
attributes: xml.getElementsByTagName('attributes')
for ( var i = 0; i < _xml.els.attributes.length; i++ ) {
if (_xml.els.attributes[i].getAttribute("mode") === "dynamic")
_xml.els.attributes = _xml.els.attributes[i];
var x = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < _xml.els.attributes.children.length; i++ ) {
var att = x[_xml.els.attributes.children[i].getAttribute("title")] = [];
var node = 0;
_helpers.nodeListEach(_xml.els.nodes, function(n) {
att[node] = { interval: [], index: node }
for ( var j = 0; j < n.getElementsByTagName('attvalue').length; j++ ) {
if (n.getElementsByTagName('attvalue')[j].getAttribute("for") === _xml.els.attributes.children[i].getAttribute("id")) {
var element = n.getElementsByTagName('attvalue')[j];
var start = ( (timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(element.getAttribute("start")) || -Infinity :
(element.getAttribute('start') ? new Date(element.getAttribute('start')) : -Infinity) );
var end = ( (timeformat !== "date") ? parseFloat(element.getAttribute("end")) || Infinity :
(element.getAttribute('end') ? new Date(element.getAttribute('end')) : Infinity) );
var value = element.getAttribute("value");
att[node].interval.push([start, end, value]);
return x;
* Public API
* -----------
* User-accessible functions.
// Fetching GEXF with XHR
function fetch(gexf_url, callback) {
var xhr = (function() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
return new XMLHttpRequest();
var names,
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
names = [
for (i in names)
try {
return new ActiveXObject(names[i]);
} catch (e) {}
return null;
if (!xhr)
throw 'XMLHttpRequest not supported, cannot load the file.';
// Async?
var async = (typeof callback === 'function'),
// If we can't override MIME type, we are on IE 9
// We'll be parsing the response string then.
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
getResult = function(r) {
return r.responseXML;
else {
getResult = function(r) {
var p = new DOMParser();
return p.parseFromString(r.responseText, 'application/xml');
xhr.open('GET', gexf_url, async);
if (async)
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4)
return (async) ? xhr : getResult(xhr);
// Parsing the GEXF File
function parse(gexf) {
return Graph(gexf);
// Fetch and parse the GEXF File
function fetchAndParse(gexf_url, callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return fetch(gexf_url, function(gexf) {
} else
return Graph(fetch(gexf_url));
function parseDynamicAttributes(gexf, timeformat) {
return dynamicAttributes(fetch(gexf), timeformat);
* Exporting
* ----------
this.GexfParser = {
// Functions
parse: parse,
fetch: fetchAndParse,
dynamic: parseDynamicAttributes,
// Version
version: '0.1'

visualization.py Normal file
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import os
import networkx as nx
from server import VisualizationElement
from soil.simulation import SoilSimulation
from xml.etree import ElementTree
class Model():
def __init__(self, dump=True, dir_path='output'):
self.dump = dump
self.dir_path = dir_path
def run(self, config):
name = config['name']
print('Using config(s): {name}'.format(name=name))
sim = SoilSimulation(**config)
sim.dir_path = os.path.join(self.dir_path, name)
sim.dump = self.dump
print('Dumping results to {} : {}'.format(sim.dir_path, sim.dump))
def get_trial(self, name, trial):
graph = nx.read_gexf(os.path.join(self.dir_path, name, '{}_trial_{}.gexf'.format(name, trial)))
attributes = self.get_attributes(os.path.join(self.dir_path, name, '{}_trial_{}.gexf'.format(name, trial)))
json = {}
json['graph'] = nx.node_link_data(graph)
json['models'] = attributes
return json
def reset(self):
def get_attributes(self, path_gexf):
attributes = {}
tree = ElementTree.parse(path_gexf)
root = tree.getroot()
ns = { 'gexf': 'http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft' }
for mode in root[0].findall('gexf:attributes', ns):
attributes[mode.attrib['mode']] = []
for attribute in mode:
values = {
'id' : attribute.attrib['id'],
'title' : attribute.attrib['title'],
'type' : attribute.attrib['type']
return attributes
class GraphVisualization(VisualizationElement):
package_includes = []
# TODO: esta por definir todos los ajustes de simulacion
def __init__(self, params=None):
new_element = ("new funcion()")
self.js_code = "elements.push(" + new_element + ");"
def render(self, model):