You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pandas as pd
import glob
import yaml
from os.path import join
from . import utils, history
def read_data(*args, group=False, **kwargs):
iterable = _read_data(*args, **kwargs)
if group:
return group_trials(iterable)
return list(iterable)
def _read_data(pattern, *args, from_csv=False, process_args=None, **kwargs):
if not process_args:
process_args = {}
for folder in glob.glob(pattern):
config_file = glob.glob(join(folder, '*.yml'))[0]
config = yaml.load(open(config_file))
df = None
if from_csv:
for trial_data in sorted(glob.glob(join(folder,
df = read_csv(trial_data, **kwargs)
yield config_file, df, config
for trial_data in sorted(glob.glob(join(folder, '*.db.sqlite'))):
df = read_sql(trial_data, **kwargs)
yield config_file, df, config
def read_sql(db, *args, **kwargs):
h = history.History(db, backup=False)
df = h.read_sql(*args, **kwargs)
return df
def read_csv(filename, keys=None, convert_types=False, **kwargs):
Read a CSV in canonical form: ::
<agent_id, t_step, key, value, value_type>
df = pd.read_csv(filename)
if convert_types:
df = convert_types_slow(df)
if keys:
df = df[df['key'].isin(keys)]
df = process_one(df)
return df
def convert_row(row):
6 years ago
row['value'] = utils.deserialize(row['value_type'], row['value'])
return row
def convert_types_slow(df):
'''This is a slow operation.'''
dtypes = get_types(df)
for k, v in dtypes.items():
t = df[df['key']==k]
t['value'] = t['value'].astype(v)
df = df.apply(convert_row, axis=1)
return df
def split_df(df):
Split a dataframe in two dataframes: one with the history of agents,
and one with the environment history
envmask = (df['agent_id'] == 'env')
n_env = envmask.sum()
if n_env == len(df):
return df, None
elif n_env == 0:
return None, df
agents, env = [x for _, x in df.groupby(envmask)]
return env, agents
def process(df, **kwargs):
Process a dataframe in canonical form ``(t_step, agent_id, key, value, value_type)`` into
two dataframes with a column per key: one with the history of the agents, and one for the
history of the environment.
env, agents = split_df(df)
return process_one(env, **kwargs), process_one(agents, **kwargs)
def get_types(df):
dtypes = df.groupby(by=['key'])['value_type'].unique()
return {k:v[0] for k,v in dtypes.iteritems()}
def process_one(df, *keys, columns=['key', 'agent_id'], values='value',
fill=True, index=['t_step',],
aggfunc='first', **kwargs):
Process a dataframe in canonical form ``(t_step, agent_id, key, value, value_type)`` into
a dataframe with a column per key
if df is None:
return df
if keys:
df = df[df['key'].isin(keys)]
df = df.pivot_table(values=values, index=index, columns=columns,
aggfunc=aggfunc, **kwargs)
if fill:
df = fillna(df)
return df
def get_count(df, *keys):
if keys:
df = df[list(keys)]
counts = pd.DataFrame()
for key in df.columns.levels[0]:
g = df[key].apply(pd.Series.value_counts, axis=1).fillna(0)
for value, series in g.iteritems():
counts[key, value] = series
counts.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(counts.columns)
return counts
def get_value(df, *keys, aggfunc='sum'):
if keys:
df = df[list(keys)]
return df.groupby(axis=1, level=0).agg(aggfunc, axis=1)
def plot_all(*args, **kwargs):
Read all the trial data and plot the result of applying a function on them.
dfs = do_all(*args, **kwargs)
ps = []
for line in dfs:
f, df, config = line
return ps
def do_all(pattern, func, *keys, include_env=False, **kwargs):
for config_file, df, config in read_data(pattern, keys=keys):
p = func(df, *keys, **kwargs)
yield config_file, p, config
def group_trials(trials, aggfunc=['mean', 'min', 'max', 'std']):
trials = list(trials)
trials = list(map(lambda x: x[1] if isinstance(x, tuple) else x, trials))
return pd.concat(trials).groupby(level=0).agg(aggfunc).reorder_levels([2, 0,1] ,axis=1)
def fillna(df):
new_df = df.ffill(axis=0)
return new_df