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import os
import sqlite3
7 years ago
import time
import weakref
import csv
7 years ago
import random
import simpy
from copy import deepcopy
import networkx as nx
import nxsim
7 years ago
from . import utils
class SoilEnvironment(nxsim.NetworkEnvironment):
def __init__(self, name=None,
7 years ago
*args, **kwargs): = name or 'UnnamedEnvironment'
if isinstance(states, list):
states = dict(enumerate(states))
self.states = deepcopy(states) if states else {}
self.default_state = deepcopy(default_state) or {}
self.sim = weakref.ref(simulation)
if 'topology' not in kwargs and simulation:
kwargs['topology'] = self.sim().topology.copy()
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._env_agents = {}
self.interval = interval
7 years ago
self.dump = dump
# Add environment agents first, so their events get
# executed before network agents
7 years ago
self['SEED'] = seed or time.time()
self.environment_agents = environment_agents or []
self.network_agents = network_agents or []
if self.dump:
self._db_path = os.path.join(self.get_path(), '{}.db.sqlite'.format(
self._db_path = ":memory:"
def create_db(self, db_path=None):
db_path = db_path or self._db_path
if os.path.exists(db_path):
newname = db_path.replace('db.sqlite', 'backup{}.sqlite'.format(time.time()))
os.rename(db_path, newname)
self._db = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
with self._db:
self._db.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS history (agent_id text, t_step int, key text, value text, value_type text)''')
def agents(self):
yield from self.environment_agents
yield from self.network_agents
def environment_agents(self):
for ref in self._env_agents.values():
yield ref
def environment_agents(self, environment_agents):
# Set up environmental agent
self._env_agents = {}
for item in environment_agents:
kwargs = deepcopy(item)
atype = kwargs.pop('agent_type')
kwargs['agent_id'] = kwargs.get('agent_id', atype.__name__)
kwargs['state'] = kwargs.get('state', {})
a = atype(environment=self, **kwargs)
self._env_agents[] = a
def network_agents(self):
for i in self.G.nodes():
node = self.G.node[i]
if 'agent' in node:
yield node['agent']
def network_agents(self, network_agents):
for ix in self.G.nodes():
i = ix
node = self.G.node[i]
7 years ago
agent, state = utils.agent_from_distribution(network_agents)
self.set_agent(i, agent_type=agent, state=state)
def set_agent(self, agent_id, agent_type, state=None):
node = self.G.nodes[agent_id]
defstate = deepcopy(self.default_state)
defstate.update(self.states.get(agent_id, {}))
if state:
state = defstate
state.update(node.get('state', {}))
a = agent_type(environment=self,
node['agent'] = a
return a
def add_node(self, agent_type, state=None):
agent_id = int(len(self.G.nodes()))
a = self.set_agent(agent_id, agent_type, state)
a['visible'] = True
return a
def add_edge(self, agent1, agent2, attrs=None):
return self.G.add_edge(agent1, agent2)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().run(*args, **kwargs)
def _save_state(self, now=None):
7 years ago
# for agent in self.agents:
# agent.save_state()
utils.logger.debug('Saving state @{}'.format(
with self._db:
self._db.executemany("insert into history(agent_id, t_step, key, value, value_type) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", self.state_to_tuples(now=now))
def save_state(self):
while self.peek() != simpy.core.Infinity:
delay = max(self.peek() -, self.interval)
utils.logger.debug('Step: {}'.format(
ev = self.event()
ev._ok = True
# Schedule the event with minimum priority so
# that it executes before all agents
self.schedule(ev, -999, delay)
yield ev
def __getitem__(self, key):
7 years ago
if isinstance(key, tuple):
values = {"agent_id": key[0],
"t_step": key[1],
"key": key[2],
"value": None,
"value_type": None
fields = list(k for k, v in values.items() if v is None)
conditions = " and ".join("{}='{}'".format(k, v) for k, v in values.items() if v is not None)
query = """SELECT {fields} from history""".format(fields=",".join(fields))
if conditions:
query = """{query} where {conditions}""".format(query=query,
with self._db:
rows = self._db.execute(query).fetchall()
results = self.rows_to_dict(rows)
return results
return self.environment_params[key]
def rows_to_dict(self, rows):
if len(rows) < 1:
return None
level = len(rows[0])-2
if level == 0:
if len(rows) != 1:
raise ValueError('Cannot convert {} to dictionaries'.format(rows))
value, value_type = rows[0]
return utils.convert(value, value_type)
results = {}
for row in rows:
item = results
for i in range(level-1):
key = row[i]
if key not in item:
item[key] = {}
item = item[key]
key, value, value_type = row[level-1:]
item[key] = utils.convert(value, value_type)
return results
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.environment_params[key] = value
7 years ago
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.environment_params
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self[key] if key in self else default
def get_path(self, dir_path=None):
dir_path = dir_path or self.sim().dir_path
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
return dir_path
def get_agent(self, agent_id):
return self.G.node[agent_id]['agent']
def get_agents(self):
return list(self.agents)
def dump_csv(self, dir_path=None):
csv_name = os.path.join(self.get_path(dir_path),
with open(csv_name, 'w') as f:
cr = csv.writer(f)
cr.writerow(('agent_id', 't_step', 'key', 'value', 'value_type'))
for i in self.history_to_tuples():
def dump_gexf(self, dir_path=None):
G = self.history_to_graph()
graph_path = os.path.join(self.get_path(dir_path),".gexf")
nx.write_gexf(G, graph_path, version="1.2draft")
def state_to_tuples(self, now=None):
if now is None:
now =
for k, v in self.environment_params.items():
v, v_t = utils.repr(v)
yield 'env', now, k, v, v_t
for agent in self.agents:
for k, v in agent.state.items():
v, v_t = utils.repr(v)
yield, now, k, v, v_t
def history_to_tuples(self):
with self._db:
res = self._db.execute("select agent_id, t_step, key, value, value_type from history ").fetchall()
yield from res
def history_to_graph(self):
G = nx.Graph(self.G)
for agent in self.network_agents:
attributes = {'agent': str(agent.__class__)}
lastattributes = {}
spells = []
lastvisible = False
laststep = None
history = self[, None, None]
if not history:
for t_step, state in reversed(sorted(list(history.items()))):
for attribute, value in state.items():
if attribute == 'visible':
nowvisible = state[attribute]
if nowvisible and not lastvisible:
laststep = t_step
if not nowvisible and lastvisible:
spells.append((laststep, t_step))
lastvisible = nowvisible
key = 'attr_' + attribute
if key not in attributes:
attributes[key] = list()
if key not in lastattributes:
lastattributes[key] = (state[attribute], t_step)
elif lastattributes[key][0] != value:
last_value, laststep = lastattributes[key]
value = (last_value, t_step, laststep)
if key not in attributes:
attributes[key] = list()
lastattributes[key] = (state[attribute], t_step)
for k, v in lastattributes.items():
attributes[k].append((v[0], 0, v[1]))
if lastvisible:
spells.append((laststep, None))
if spells:
G.add_node(, spells=spells, **attributes)
G.add_node(, **attributes)
return G