mirror of https://github.com/gsi-upm/soil synced 2024-09-28 18:41:43 +00:00

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from unittest import TestCase
import os
import yaml
import pickle
import networkx as nx
from functools import partial
from os.path import join
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
from soil import (simulation, Environment, agents, serialization,
history, utils)
ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
EXAMPLES = join(ROOT, '..', 'examples')
class CustomAgent(agents.BaseAgent):
def step(self):
self.state['neighbors'] = self.count_agents(state_id=0,
class TestMain(TestCase):
def test_load_graph(self):
Load a graph from file if the extension is known.
Raise an exception otherwise.
config = {
'dry_run': True,
'network_params': {
'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf')
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
G = serialization.load_network(config['network_params'])
assert G
assert len(G) == 2
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
config = {
'dry_run': True,
'network_params': {
'path': join(ROOT, 'unknown.extension')
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
G = serialization.load_network(config['network_params'])
def test_generate_barabasi(self):
If no path is given, a generator and network parameters
should be used to generate a network
config = {
'dry_run': True,
'network_params': {
'generator': 'barabasi_albert_graph'
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
G = serialization.load_network(config['network_params'])
config['network_params']['n'] = 100
config['network_params']['m'] = 10
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
G = serialization.load_network(config['network_params'])
assert len(G) == 100
def test_empty_simulation(self):
"""A simulation with a base behaviour should do nothing"""
config = {
'dry_run': True,
'network_params': {
'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf')
'agent_type': 'BaseAgent',
'environment_params': {
s = simulation.from_config(config)
def test_counter_agent(self):
The initial states should be applied to the agent and the
agent should be able to update its state."""
config = {
'name': 'CounterAgent',
'dry_run': True,
'network_params': {
'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf')
'agent_type': 'CounterModel',
'states': [{'times': 10}, {'times': 20}],
'max_time': 2,
'num_trials': 1,
'environment_params': {
s = simulation.from_config(config)
env = s.run_simulation(dry_run=True)[0]
assert env.get_agent(0)['times', 0] == 11
assert env.get_agent(0)['times', 1] == 12
assert env.get_agent(1)['times', 0] == 21
assert env.get_agent(1)['times', 1] == 22
def test_counter_agent_history(self):
The evolution of the state should be recorded in the logging agent
config = {
'name': 'CounterAgent',
'dry_run': True,
'network_params': {
'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf')
'network_agents': [{
'agent_type': 'AggregatedCounter',
'weight': 1,
'state': {'id': 0}
'max_time': 10,
'environment_params': {
s = simulation.from_config(config)
env = s.run_simulation(dry_run=True)[0]
for agent in env.network_agents:
last = 0
assert len(agent[None, None]) == 10
for step, total in sorted(agent['total', None]):
assert total == last + 2
last = total
def test_custom_agent(self):
"""Allow for search of neighbors with a certain state_id"""
config = {
'dry_run': True,
'network_params': {
'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf')
'network_agents': [{
'agent_type': CustomAgent,
'weight': 1,
'state': {'id': 0}
'max_time': 10,
'environment_params': {
s = simulation.from_config(config)
env = s.run_simulation(dry_run=True)[0]
assert env.get_agent(0).state['neighbors'] == 1
def test_torvalds_example(self):
"""A complete example from a documentation should work."""
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
config = serialization.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, 'torvalds.yml'))[0]
config['network_params']['path'] = join(EXAMPLES,
s = simulation.from_config(config)
s.dry_run = True
env = s.run_simulation()[0]
for a in env.network_agents:
skill_level = a.state['skill_level']
if a.id == 'Torvalds':
assert skill_level == 'God'
assert a.state['total'] == 3
assert a.state['neighbors'] == 2
elif a.id == 'balkian':
assert skill_level == 'developer'
assert a.state['total'] == 3
assert a.state['neighbors'] == 1
assert skill_level == 'beginner'
assert a.state['total'] == 3
assert a.state['neighbors'] == 1
def test_yaml(self):
The YAML version of a newly created simulation
should be equivalent to the configuration file used
with utils.timer('loading'):
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
config = serialization.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, 'complete.yml'))[0]
s = simulation.from_config(config)
s.dry_run = True
with utils.timer('serializing'):
serial = s.to_yaml()
with utils.timer('recovering'):
recovered = yaml.load(serial)
with utils.timer('deleting'):
del recovered['topology']
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
del recovered['outdir']
assert config == recovered
def test_configuration_changes(self):
The configuration should not change after running
the simulation.
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
config = serialization.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, 'complete.yml'))[0]
s = simulation.from_config(config)
s.dry_run = True
for i in range(5):
nconfig = s.to_dict()
del nconfig['topology']
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
del nconfig['outdir']
assert config == nconfig
2017-10-17 17:48:56 +00:00
def test_row_conversion(self):
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
env = Environment(dry_run=True)
2017-10-17 17:48:56 +00:00
env['test'] = 'test_value'
res = list(env.history_to_tuples())
assert len(res) == len(env.environment_params)
env._now = 1
2017-10-17 17:48:56 +00:00
env['test'] = 'second_value'
res = list(env.history_to_tuples())
assert env['env', 0, 'test' ] == 'test_value'
assert env['env', 1, 'test' ] == 'second_value'
def test_save_geometric(self):
There is a bug in networkx that prevents it from creating a GEXF file
from geometric models. We should work around it.
G = nx.random_geometric_graph(20, 0.1)
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
env = Environment(topology=G, dry_run=True)
def test_save_graph(self):
The history_to_graph method should return a valid networkx graph.
The state of the agent should be encoded as intervals in the nx graph.
G = nx.cycle_graph(5)
distribution = agents.calculate_distribution(None, agents.BaseAgent)
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
env = Environment(topology=G, network_agents=distribution, dry_run=True)
env[0, 0, 'testvalue'] = 'start'
env[0, 10, 'testvalue'] = 'finish'
nG = env.history_to_graph()
values = nG.node[0]['attr_testvalue']
assert ('start', 0, 10) in values
assert ('finish', 10, None) in values
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
def test_serialize_class(self):
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
ser, name = serialization.serialize(agents.BaseAgent)
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
assert name == 'soil.agents.BaseAgent'
assert ser == agents.BaseAgent
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
ser, name = serialization.serialize(CustomAgent)
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
assert name == 'test_main.CustomAgent'
assert ser == CustomAgent
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
def test_serialize_builtin_types(self):
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
for i in [1, None, True, False, {}, [], list(), dict()]:
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
ser, name = serialization.serialize(i)
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
assert type(ser) == str
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
des = serialization.deserialize(name, ser)
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
assert i == des
def test_serialize_agent_type(self):
'''A class from soil.agents should be serialized without the module part'''
ser = agents.serialize_type(CustomAgent)
assert ser == 'test_main.CustomAgent'
ser = agents.serialize_type(agents.BaseAgent)
assert ser == 'BaseAgent'
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
def test_deserialize_agent_distribution(self):
agent_distro = [
'agent_type': 'CounterModel',
'weight': 1
'agent_type': 'test_main.CustomAgent',
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
'weight': 2
converted = agents.deserialize_distribution(agent_distro)
assert converted[0]['agent_type'] == agents.CounterModel
assert converted[1]['agent_type'] == CustomAgent
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
def test_serialize_agent_distribution(self):
agent_distro = [
'agent_type': agents.CounterModel,
'weight': 1
'agent_type': CustomAgent,
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
'weight': 2
converted = agents.serialize_distribution(agent_distro)
assert converted[0]['agent_type'] == 'CounterModel'
assert converted[1]['agent_type'] == 'test_main.CustomAgent'
def test_pickle_agent_environment(self):
env = Environment(name='Test')
a = agents.BaseAgent(environment=env, agent_id=25)
a['key'] = 'test'
pickled = pickle.dumps(a)
recovered = pickle.loads(pickled)
assert recovered.env.name == 'Test'
assert recovered['key'] == 'test'
assert recovered['key', 0] == 'test'
2018-12-04 08:54:29 +00:00
def test_history(self):
'''Test storing in and retrieving from history (sqlite)'''
h = history.History()
h.save_record(agent_id=0, t_step=0, key="test", value="hello")
assert h[0, 0, "test"] == "hello"
2019-02-19 20:17:19 +00:00
def test_subgraph(self):
'''An agent should be able to subgraph the global topology'''
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edge(1, 2)
distro = agents.calculate_distribution(agent_type=agents.NetworkAgent)
env = Environment(name='Test', topology=G, network_agents=distro)
lst = list(env.network_agents)
a2 = env.get_agent(2)
a3 = env.get_agent(3)
assert len(a2.subgraph(limit_neighbors=True)) == 2
assert len(a3.subgraph(limit_neighbors=True)) == 1
assert len(a3.subgraph(limit_neighbors=True, center=False)) == 0
assert len(a3.subgraph(agent_type=agents.NetworkAgent)) == 3
2019-04-26 17:22:45 +00:00
def test_templates(self):
'''Loading a template should result in several configs'''
configs = serialization.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, 'template.yml'))
assert len(configs) > 0