* Environments.agents and mesa.Agent.agents are not the same. env is a property, and it only takes into account network and environment agents. Might rename environment_agents to other_agents or sth like that
- [ ] Integrate `soil.Simulation` with mesa's runners:
- [ ]`soil.Simulation` could mimic/become a `mesa.batchrunner`
- [ ] Integrate `soil.Environment` with `mesa.Model`:
- [x]`Soil.Environment` inherits from `mesa.Model`
- [x]`Soil.Environment` includes a Mesa-like Scheduler (see the `soil.time` module.
- [ ] Integrate `soil.Agent` with `mesa.Agent`:
- [x] Rename agent.id to unique_id?
- [x] mesa agents can be used in soil simulations (see `examples/mesa`)
- [ ] Document the new APIs and usage
@Copyright GSI - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2017-2021