Include links to sparql docs

J. Fernando Sánchez 5 years ago
parent 4f12fac0de
commit ba5bb34eb2

@ -1771,9 +1771,9 @@
"In one of the exercises, we excluded lead and backing vocals from the list of instruments.\n", "In one of the exercises, we excluded lead and backing vocals from the list of instruments.\n",
"However, are those the only types of vocals?\n", "However, are those the only types of vocals?\n",
"\n", "\n",
"You can check if a string or URI matches a regular expression with `regex(?variable, \"<regex>\", \"i\")`.\n", "You can check if a string or URI matches a regular expression with `regex(?variable, \"<regex>\")`.\n",
"\n", "\n",
"Consult if needed how to use regular expressions with SPARQL [here](" "The documentation for regular expressions in SPARQL is [here]("
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