"In the previous notebook, we learnt how to use SPARQL by querying DBpedia.\n",
"In this notebook, we will use SPARQL on manually annotated data. The data was collected as part of a [previous exercise](../lod/).\n",
"The goal is to try SPARQL with data annotated by users with limited knowledge of vocabularies and semantics, and to compare the experience with similar queries to a more structured dataset.\n",
"Hence, there are two parts.\n",
"First, you will query a set of graphs annotated by students of this course.\n",
"Then, you will query a synthetic dataset that contains similar information."
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"## Objectives\n",
"* Experiencing the usefulness of the Linked Open Data initiative by querying data from different RDF graphs and endpoints\n",
"* Understanding the challenges in querying multiple sources, with different annotators.\n"
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"## Tools\n",
"See [the SPARQL notebook](./01_SPARQL_Introduction.ipynb#Tools)"
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"Run this line to enable the `%%sparql` magic command."
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"from helpers import *"
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"## Exercises\n"
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"Querying the manually annotated dataset will be slightly different from querying DBpedia.\n",
"The main difference is that this dataset uses different graphs to separate the annotations from different students.\n",
"**Each graph is a separate set of triples**.\n",
"For this exercise, you could think of graphs as individual endpoints.\n",
"In each of them, you are asked to run five queries, to answer the following questions:\n",
"* Number of hotels (or entities) with reviews\n",
"* Number of reviews\n",
"* The hotel with the lowest average score\n",
"* The hotel with the highest average score\n",
"* A list of hotels with their addresses and telephone numbers"
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"### Manually annotated data"
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"Your task is to design five queries to answer the questions in the description, and run each of them in at least three graphs, other than the `synthetic` graph.\n",
"* [Wikidata Query Service query examples](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_query_service/queries/examples)"
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"## Licence\n",
"The notebook is freely licensed under under the [Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/). \n",