You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Senpy Plugin Taiger

Proxy for two of Taiger's sentiment analysis services for social media posts:

  • taiger-plugin: proxy for a service that normalizes the text, and gives both a polarity and a polarity value for the text. It works for Spanish and English text.
  • taiger3c-plugin: it uses a simpler service that only returns a polarity (positive, negative or none). It only works for Spanish.


To use this plugin, you should use a GET Requests with the following possible params: Params:

  • Input: text to analyse.(required)

Example of Usage

Example request:


#Or, for the taiger3c plugin:

This plugin follows the senpy schema and vocabularies, please visit senpy documentation. Specifically, the NIF API section. It should look like this:

    "@context": "http://localhost:5005/api/contexts/Results.jsonld",
    "@id": "_:Results_1532449339.5887764",
    "@type": "results",
    "analysis": [
    "entries": [
            "@id": "#",
            "@type": "entry",
            "emotions": [],
            "entities": [],
            "nif:isString": "This is amazing",
            "sentiments": [
                    "@id": "Opinion0",
                    "@type": "sentiment",
                    "marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
                    "marl:polarityValue": -1.4646806570973374,
                    "normalizedText": "This is amazing",
                    "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "endpoint:plugins/sentiment-taiger_0.1"
            "suggestions": [],
            "topics": []

As can be seen, this plugin analyzes sentiment giving three categories or tags: marl:Positive, marl:Neutral or marl:Negative, that will be held in the marl:hasPolarity field. Moreover, the plugin retrieves a marl:polarityValue (a value between -1 and 1). This plugin supports python2.7 and python3.

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