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WordNet-Affect plugin

This plugin uses WordNet-Affect ( to calculate the percentage of each emotion. The plugin classifies among five diferent emotions: anger, fear, disgust, joy and sadness. It is has been used a emotion mapping enlarge the emotions:

  • anger : general-dislike
  • fear : negative-fear
  • disgust : shame
  • joy : gratitude, affective, enthusiasm, love, joy, liking
  • sadness : ingrattitude, daze, humlity, compassion, despair, anxiety, sadness


  • Download
git clone
  • Get data
cd emotion-wnaffect
git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Run
docker run -p 5000:5000 -v $PWD:/plugins gsiupm/senpy -f /plugins

Data format

data/a-hierarchy.xml is a xml file data/a-synsets.xml is a xml file


The parameters accepted are:

  • Language: English (en).
  • Input: Text to analyse.

Example request:

Example respond: This plugin follows the standard for the senpy plugin response. For more information, please visit senpy documentation. Specifically, NIF API section.

The response of this plugin uses Onyx ontology developed at GSI UPM for semantic web.

This plugin uses WNAffect labels for emotion analysis.

The emotion-wnaffect.senpy file can be copied and modified to use different versions of wnaffect with the same python code.

Known issues

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