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synced 2025-03-03 05:23:36 +00:00
Add 'repos/e6890355c392e5a99c3b65b1a4030817/' from commit '04ad72df5841c69034d96a8abab3c604fdd07c5c'
git-subtree-dir: repos/e6890355c392e5a99c3b65b1a4030817 git-subtree-mainline:f5a7820975
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Install a pip package in the current Jupyter kernel.\n",
"import sys\n",
"import site\n",
"usersite = site.getusersitepackages()\n",
"if usersite not in sys.path:\n",
" sys.path.append(usersite)\n",
"!{sys.executable} -m pip install --user bitter\n",
"import os\n",
"import bitter\n"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Getting twitter credentials\n",
"* Go to https://apps.twitter.com/\n",
"* Sign in with your Twitter credentials\n",
"* Create a new application.\n",
"* Go to \"Keys and Access Tokens\"\n",
"* Copy:\n",
" * Consumer Key (API Key)\n",
" * Consumer Secret (API Secret)\n",
" * Access Token\n",
" * Access Token Secret\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"{'contributors_enabled': False,\n",
" 'created_at': 'Tue Mar 04 07:54:11 +0000 2008',\n",
" 'default_profile': True,\n",
" 'default_profile_image': True,\n",
" 'description': '',\n",
" 'entities': {'description': {'urls': []}},\n",
" 'favourites_count': 0,\n",
" 'follow_request_sent': False,\n",
" 'followers_count': 8,\n",
" 'following': False,\n",
" 'friends_count': 0,\n",
" 'geo_enabled': False,\n",
" 'has_extended_profile': False,\n",
" 'id': 14076913,\n",
" 'id_str': '14076913',\n",
" 'is_translation_enabled': False,\n",
" 'is_translator': False,\n",
" 'lang': 'en',\n",
" 'listed_count': 1,\n",
" 'location': \" 19° 1'3.56N, 72°51'22.24E\",\n",
" 'name': 'torvalds',\n",
" 'notifications': False,\n",
" 'profile_background_color': 'C0DEED',\n",
" 'profile_background_image_url': 'http://abs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme1/bg.png',\n",
" 'profile_background_image_url_https': 'https://abs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme1/bg.png',\n",
" 'profile_background_tile': False,\n",
" 'profile_image_url': 'http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png',\n",
" 'profile_image_url_https': 'https://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png',\n",
" 'profile_link_color': '1DA1F2',\n",
" 'profile_location': None,\n",
" 'profile_sidebar_border_color': 'C0DEED',\n",
" 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'DDEEF6',\n",
" 'profile_text_color': '333333',\n",
" 'profile_use_background_image': True,\n",
" 'protected': False,\n",
" 'screen_name': 'torvalds',\n",
" 'status': {'contributors': None,\n",
" 'coordinates': None,\n",
" 'created_at': 'Tue Nov 03 20:52:32 +0000 2009',\n",
" 'entities': {'hashtags': [], 'symbols': [], 'urls': [], 'user_mentions': []},\n",
" 'favorite_count': 1,\n",
" 'favorited': False,\n",
" 'geo': None,\n",
" 'id': 5401305338,\n",
" 'id_str': '5401305338',\n",
" 'in_reply_to_screen_name': None,\n",
" 'in_reply_to_status_id': None,\n",
" 'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None,\n",
" 'in_reply_to_user_id': None,\n",
" 'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None,\n",
" 'is_quote_status': False,\n",
" 'lang': 'en',\n",
" 'place': None,\n",
" 'retweet_count': 2,\n",
" 'retweeted': False,\n",
" 'source': '<a href=\"http://twitter.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter Web Client</a>',\n",
" 'text': 'is twittering from php using curl',\n",
" 'truncated': False},\n",
" 'statuses_count': 8,\n",
" 'time_zone': 'Alaska',\n",
" 'translator_type': 'none',\n",
" 'url': None,\n",
" 'utc_offset': -28800,\n",
" 'verified': False}"
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"credentials = {\n",
" 'user': 'bitter test',\n",
" 'consumer_key': os.environ.get('CONSUMER_KEY', '<YOUR CONSUMER KEY>'),\n",
" 'consumer_secret': os.environ.get('CONSUMER_SECRET', '<YOUR CONSUME SECRET>'),\n",
" 'token_key': os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN', '<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>'),\n",
" 'token_secret': os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET', 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN SECRET>')\n",
"from bitter.crawlers import RestWorker\n",
"t = RestWorker('bitter_test', credentials)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"for tweet in t.client.search.tweets(q='linux')['statuses']:\n",
" print(tweet['text'])"
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.6.4"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user