mirror of https://github.com/balkian/dotfiles.git synced 2025-03-06 15:03:41 +00:00

Better support for i3

This commit is contained in:
J.Fernando Sánchez 2013-06-20 17:13:39 +02:00
parent 6f033b25be
commit 776523cf1e
5 changed files with 74 additions and 14 deletions


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c3343937deb2a65d8cda90c41219c9883ae3da1d
Subproject commit 405a3e196bcabeb9a49abddea0ffbea7c44f850a

View File

@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ font xft:Deja Vu Sans 8
floating_modifier $mod
# start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-one-instance urxvt
bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-one-tmux
# start lock
bindsym Control+Mod1+l exec i3lock
bindsym Control+Mod1+w exec i3-one-instance google-chrome
bindsym Control+Mod1+g exec gvim
bindsym Control+Mod1+g exec i3-one-instance gvim
bindsym Control+Mod1+f exec pcmanfm
# Spotify
@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec spotify-remote.py -a previous
bindsym $mod+q kill
# start dmenu (a program launcher)
bindsym Mod1+F2 exec dmenu_run
#bindsym Mod1+F2 exec dmenu_run
bindsym Mod1+F2 exec dmenu_run -fn "-*-cure-medium-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -nb "#101010" -nf "#5f5f5f" -sb "#191919" -sf "#b72f62" -b
# Arandr magic
bindsym Mod1+F5 exec dual-monitor
bindsym Mod1+F6 exec single-monitor
# change focus
bindsym $mod+h focus left
@ -154,21 +159,46 @@ bindsym $mod+n exec i3-input -F 'rename workspace to %s' -P 'New name: '
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {
status_command i3status
#bar {
#status_command i3status
bar {
mode dock
position top
workspace_buttons yes
status_command ~/.i3/conky.sh
colors {
background #101010
statusline #101010
focused_workspace #101010 #586e75 #fdf6e3
active_workspace #101010 #101010 #cb4b16
inactive_workspace #101010 #101010 #93a1a1
urgent_workspace #fdf6e3 #dc322f
# class border backgr. text indicator
client.focused #4c7899 #93a1a1 #002b36 #2e9ef4
client.focused_inactive #4c7899 #002b36 #93a1a1 #484e50
client.unfocused #333333 #222222 #888888 #292d2e
client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #900000
client.focused #4c7899 #101010 #93a1a1 #2e9ef4
client.focused_inactive #4c7899 #101010 #93a1a1 #484e50
client.unfocused #333333 #101010 #93a1a1 #292d2e
client.urgent #2f343a #101010 #93a1a1 #900000
for_window [class="^Google-chrome$"] border none
assign [class="Google-chrome" window_role="browser"] 2: Web
for_window [class="^URxvt$"] border 1px
assign [class="^URxvt$"] 1: Term
assign [class="^Gvim$"] 3: Edit
assign [class="^Evince$"] 4: Viewer
assign [class="^Spotify$"] 6: Music
assign [class="^Audacious$"] 6: Music
workspace "1: Term" output DP1
workspace "2: Web" output DP1
workspace 3 output eDP1
workspace "3: Edit" output DP1
workspace "4: Viewer" output eDP1
workspace "5: Files" output eDP1
workspace "6: Music" output eDP1
workspace "7: Misc Big" output DP1
workspace "8: Misc Small" output eDP1
exec --no-startup-id nm-applet

i3/conky.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
echo "{\"version\":1}"
echo "[[] ,"
conky -c ~/.i3/conkyrc

i3/conkyrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
out_to_x no
own_window no
out_to_console yes
background no
max_text_width 0
# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 2.0
total_run_times 0
override_utf8_locale yes
# [{ "full_text" : "MPD" , "color" : "\#b58900" } ,
# { "full_text" : "${if_mpd_playing}${mpd_smart 50} ${mpd_elapsed}/${mpd_length}${else}${mpd_status}${endif}" , "color" :"\#93a1a1" } ,
{ "full_text" : "HD" , "color" : "\#b58900" } ,
{ "full_text" : "home: ${fs_free /home}/${fs_size /home} root: ${fs_free /}/${fs_size /}" , "color" :"\#93a1a1" } ,
{ "full_text" : "Ram" , "color" : "\#b58900" } ,
{ "full_text" : "${mem}" , "color" :"\#93a1a1" },
{ "full_text" : "Wifi" , "color" : "\#b58900" } ,
{ "full_text" : "${wireless_essid wlan0}(${wireless_link_qual wlan0}/${wireless_link_qual_max wlan0})" , "color" :"\#93a1a1" } ,
{ "full_text" : "Bat" , "color" : "\#b58900" } ,
{ "full_text" : "${battery BAT0}" , "color" :
${if_match ${battery_percent BAT0}<20}"\#b95670"${else}"\#5f5f5f"${endif} } ,
{ "full_text" : "Date" , "color" : "\#b58900" } ,
{ "full_text" : "${time %b %d %Y %I:%M%P}", "color" :"\#93a1a1" }] ,

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ imap <C-S> <C-O>:w<CR>
"Custom maps
noremap <Leader>n :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
noremap <Leader>t :TagbarToggle<CR>
noremap <Leader>f :CtrlPBuffer<CR>
noremap <Leader>f :CtrlP<CR>
set completeopt=longest,menuone
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ command DiffOrig let g:diffline = line('.') | vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0
nnoremap <Leader>do :DiffOrig<cr>
nnoremap <leader>dc :q<cr>:diffoff<cr>:exe "norm! ".g:diffline."G"<cr>
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlPBuffer'
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlPMRU'
set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono