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Senpy Plugin MeaningCloud

MeaningCloud plugin uses API from Meaning Cloud to perform sentiment analysis.

For more information about Meaning Cloud and its services, please visit:


To use this plugin, you need to obtain an API key from meaningCloud signing up here:

When you had obtained the meaningCloud API Key, you have to provide it to the plugin, using the param apiKey.

To use this plugin, you should use a GET Requests with the following possible params: Params:

  • Language: English (en) and Spanish (es). (default: en)
  • API Key: the API key from Meaning Cloud. Aliases: ["apiKey","meaningCloud-key"]. (required)
  • Input: text to analyse.(required)
  • Model: model provided to Meaning Cloud API (for general domain). (default: general)

Example of Usage

Example request:<put here your API key>&input=I%20love%20Madrid

Example respond: This plugin follows the standard for the senpy plugin response. For more information, please visit senpy documentation. Specifically, NIF API section.

This plugin supports python2.7 and python3.

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