not really known

Updated 6 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

not really known

Updated 6 years ago

not really known

Updated 5 years ago

Small project with an ESP8266, an LCD and a DHT11 sensor

Updated 9 years ago

not really known

Updated 13 years ago

not really known

Updated 12 years ago

Hookio Connector to the Spotlight Service

Updated 13 years ago

not really known

Updated 13 years ago

SPARQL hook adapter

Updated 13 years ago

not really known

Updated 11 years ago

Create mirrors to your github repositories in a gitea installation

Updated 2 years ago

Gists: short scripts, notes and throw-away code

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Python library for the EESTEC CodeIT project and stand-alone demonstrator

Updated 12 years ago

PKGBUILD for draft-bin

Updated 6 years ago

Updated 6 months ago

Updated 7 years ago

Datasets para la asignatura ADSW. ETSIT UPM

Updated 3 years ago

not really known

Updated 4 years ago