from tgtg import TgtgClient from pprint import pprint import json import time import requests import random #import schedule from collections import defaultdict previous = defaultdict(int) creds = {} with open('.credentials.json', 'r') as f: creds = json.load(f) with open('.config.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) NTFY_CHANNEL = config["ntfy_channel"] watchlist = config["watchlist"] NTFY_CHANNEL_DEBUG = NTFY_CHANNEL + "-debug" client = TgtgClient(access_token=creds["access_token"], refresh_token=creds["refresh_token"], user_id=creds["user_id"], cookie=creds["cookie"]) def check(item): #pprint(item) available = int(item["items_available"]) id = item["store"]["store_id"] print(f"{id:<10} - { item['display_name']}: { item['items_available']} available") if available != previous[id]: previous[id] = available notify(f"{ available } disponibles para {item['display_name'] }") return available def notify(data, url=NTFY_CHANNEL):, data=data.encode(encoding='utf-8')) def check_watchlist(): total = 0 for id in watchlist: item = client.get_item(id) total += check(item) time.sleep(random.randint(2, 10)) notify(f"List checked. Total available: {total}", url=NTFY_CHANNEL_DEBUG) #schedule.every(1) while True: #schedule.run_pending() check_watchlist() time.sleep(30)