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from unittest import TestCase
import os
import yaml
import copy
from os.path import join
from soil import simulation, serialization, config, network, agents, utils
ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
EXAMPLES = join(ROOT, "..", "examples")
FORCE_TESTS = os.environ.get("FORCE_TESTS", "")
def isequal(a, b):
if isinstance(a, dict):
for (k, v) in a.items():
if v:
isequal(a[k], b[k])
assert not b.get(k, None)
assert a == b
class TestConfig(TestCase):
def test_conversion(self):
expected = serialization.load_file(join(ROOT, "complete_converted.yml"))[0]
old = serialization.load_file(join(ROOT, "old_complete.yml"))[0]
converted_defaults = config.convert_old(old, strict=False)
converted = converted_defaults.dict(exclude_unset=True)
isequal(converted, expected)
def test_configuration_changes(self):
The configuration should not change after running
the simulation.
config = serialization.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, "complete.yml"))[0]
s = simulation.from_config(config)
init_config = copy.copy(s.to_dict())
nconfig = s.to_dict()
# del nconfig['to
isequal(init_config, nconfig)
def test_topology_config(self):
netconfig = config.NetConfig(**{"path": join(ROOT, "test.gexf")})
net = network.from_config(netconfig, dir_path=ROOT)
assert len(net.nodes) == 2
assert len(net.edges) == 1
def test_env_from_config(self):
Simple configuration that tests that the graph is loaded, and that
network agents are initialized properly.
cfg = {
"name": "CounterAgent",
"network_params": {"path": join(ROOT, "test.gexf")},
"agent_class": "CounterModel",
# 'states': [{'times': 10}, {'times': 20}],
"max_time": 2,
"dry_run": True,
"num_trials": 1,
"environment_params": {},
conf = config.convert_old(cfg)
s = simulation.from_config(conf)
env = s.get_env()
assert len(env.G.nodes) == 2
assert len(env.G.edges) == 1
assert len(env.agents) == 2
assert env.agents[0].G == env.G
def test_agents_from_config(self):
"""We test that the known complete configuration produces
the right agents in the right groups"""
cfg = serialization.load_file(join(ROOT, "complete_converted.yml"))[0]
s = simulation.from_config(cfg)
env = s.get_env()
assert len(env.G.nodes) == 4
assert len(env.agents(group="network")) == 4
assert len(env.agents(group="environment")) == 1
def test_yaml(self):
The YAML version of a newly created configuration should be equivalent
to the configuration file used.
Values not present in the original config file should have reasonable
with utils.timer("loading"):
config = serialization.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, "complete.yml"))[0]
s = simulation.from_config(config)
with utils.timer("serializing"):
serial = s.to_yaml()
with utils.timer("recovering"):
recovered = yaml.load(serial, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
for (k, v) in config.items():
assert recovered[k] == v
def make_example_test(path, cfg):
def wrapped(self):
root = os.getcwd()
s = simulation.from_config(cfg)
# for s in simulation.all_from_config(path):
# iterations = s.config.max_time * s.config.num_trials
# if iterations > 1000:
# s.config.max_time = 100
# s.config.num_trials = 1
# if config.get('skip_test', False) and not FORCE_TESTS:
# self.skipTest('Example ignored.')
# envs = s.run_simulation(dry_run=True)
# assert envs
# for env in envs:
# assert env
# try:
# n = config['network_params']['n']
# assert len(list(env.network_agents)) == n
# assert > 0 # It has run
# assert <= config['max_time'] # But not further than allowed
# except KeyError:
# pass
return wrapped
def add_example_tests():
for config, path in serialization.load_files(
join(EXAMPLES, "*", "*.yml"),
join(EXAMPLES, "*.yml"),
p = make_example_test(path=path, cfg=config)
fname = os.path.basename(path)
p.__name__ = "test_example_file_%s" % fname
p.__doc__ = "%s should be a valid configuration" % fname
setattr(TestConfig, p.__name__, p)
del p