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import os
import sqlalchemy
import pandas as pd
from collections import namedtuple
def plot(env, agent_df=None, model_df=None, steps=False, ignore=["agent_count", ]):
"""Plot the model dataframe and agent dataframe together."""
if agent_df is None:
agent_df = env.agent_df()
if model_df is None:
model_df = env.model_df()
ignore = list(ignore)
if not steps:
ax = model_df.drop(ignore, axis='columns').plot();
if not agent_df.empty:
agent_df.unstack().apply(lambda x: x.value_counts(),
axis=1).fillna(0).plot(ax=ax, secondary_y=True);
Results = namedtuple("Results", ["config", "parameters", "env", "agents"])
#TODO implement reading from CSV and SQLITE
def read_sql(fpath=None, name=None, include_agents=False):
if not (fpath is None) ^ (name is None):
raise ValueError("Specify either a path or a simulation name")
if name:
fpath = os.path.join("soil_output", name, f"{name}.sqlite")
fpath = os.path.abspath(fpath)
# TODO: improve url parsing. This is a hacky way to check we weren't given a URL
if "://" not in fpath:
fpath = f"sqlite:///{fpath}"
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(fpath)
with engine.connect() as conn:
env = pd.read_sql_table("env", con=conn,
"simulation_id", "params_id",
"iteration_id", "step"
agents = pd.read_sql_table("agents", con=conn, index_col=["simulation_id", "params_id", "iteration_id", "step", "agent_id"])
config = pd.read_sql_table("configuration", con=conn, index_col="simulation_id")
parameters = pd.read_sql_table("parameters", con=conn, index_col=["iteration_id", "params_id", "simulation_id"])
parameters = parameters.pivot(columns="key", values="value")
except Exception as e:
print(f"warning: coult not pivot parameters: {e}")
return Results(config, parameters, env, agents)