mirror of https://github.com/gsi-upm/soil synced 2024-09-21 07:41:43 +00:00
J. Fernando Sánchez 8fec544772 Squashed 'soil/web/' content from commit 4dcd0fc
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git-subtree-split: 4dcd0fcb3d
2018-12-07 20:30:24 +01:00

429 lines
12 KiB

D3.js Slider
Inspired by jQuery UI Slider
Copyright (c) 2013, Bjorn Sandvik - http://blog.thematicmapping.org
BSD license: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['d3'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
if (process.browser) {
// Browserify. Import css too using cssify.
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(require('d3'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.d3.slider = factory(root.d3);
}(this, function (d3) {
return function module() {
"use strict";
// Public variables width default settings
var min = 0,
max = 100,
step = 0.01,
animate = true,
orientation = "horizontal",
axis = false,
margin = 50,
active = 1,
snap = false,
// Private variables
var axisScale,
dispatch = d3.dispatch("slide", "slideend"),
formatPercent = d3.format(".2%"),
tickPadding = 5,
tickFormat = d3.format(".0"),
handle2 = null,
function slider(selection) {
selection.each(function() {
// Create scale if not defined by user
if (!scale) {
scale = d3.scale.linear().domain([min, max]);
// Start value
value = value || scale.domain()[0];
// DIV container
var div = d3.select(this).classed("d3-slider d3-slider-" + orientation, true);
var drag = d3.behavior.drag();
drag.on('dragend', function () {
dispatch.slideend(d3.event, value);
// Slider handle
//if range slider, create two
// var divRange;
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
handle1 = div.append("a")
.classed("d3-slider-handle", true)
.attr("xlink:href", "#")
.attr('id', "handle-one")
.on("click", stopPropagation)
handle2 = div.append("a")
.classed("d3-slider-handle", true)
.attr('id', "handle-two")
.attr("xlink:href", "#")
.on("click", stopPropagation)
} else {
handle1 = div.append("a")
.classed("d3-slider-handle", true)
.attr("xlink:href", "#")
.attr('id', "handle-one")
.on("click", stopPropagation)
// Horizontal slider
if (orientation === "horizontal") {
div.on("click", onClickHorizontal);
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
divRange = d3.select(this).append('div').classed("d3-slider-range", true);
handle1.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
divRange.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
drag.on("drag", onDragHorizontal);
var width = 100 - parseFloat(formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
handle2.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
divRange.style("right", width+"%");
drag.on("drag", onDragHorizontal);
} else {
handle1.style("left", formatPercent(scale(value)));
drag.on("drag", onDragHorizontal);
sliderLength = parseInt(div.style("width"), 10);
} else { // Vertical
div.on("click", onClickVertical);
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
divRange = d3.select(this).append('div').classed("d3-slider-range-vertical", true);
handle1.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
divRange.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value[ 0 ])));
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
var top = 100 - parseFloat(formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
handle2.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value[ 1 ])));
divRange.style("top", top+"%");
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
} else {
handle1.style("bottom", formatPercent(scale(value)));
drag.on("drag", onDragVertical);
sliderLength = parseInt(div.style("height"), 10);
if (axis) {
function createAxis(dom) {
// Create axis if not defined by user
if (typeof axis === "boolean") {
axis = d3.svg.axis()
.ticks(Math.round(sliderLength) / 100)
.orient((orientation === "horizontal") ? "bottom" : "right");
// Copy slider scale to move from percentages to pixels
axisScale = scale.ticks ? scale.copy().range([0, sliderLength]) : scale.copy().rangePoints([0, sliderLength], 0.5);
// Create SVG axis container
var svg = dom.append("svg")
.classed("d3-slider-axis d3-slider-axis-" + axis.orient(), true)
.on("click", stopPropagation);
var g = svg.append("g");
// Horizontal axis
if (orientation === "horizontal") {
svg.style("margin-left", -margin - 16 + "px");
width: sliderLength + margin * 2,
height: margin + 30
if (axis.orient() === "top") {
svg.style("top", -margin + "px");
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin + "," + margin + ")");
} else { // bottom
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin + ",0)");
} else { // Vertical
svg.style("top", -margin + "px");
width: margin,
height: sliderLength + margin * 2
if (axis.orient() === "left") {
svg.style("left", -margin + "px");
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin + "," + margin + ")");
} else { // right
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + margin + ")");
function onClickHorizontal() {
if (toType(value) != "array") {
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.offsetX || d3.event.layerX));
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function onClickVertical() {
if (toType(value) != "array") {
var pos = sliderLength - Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.offsetY || d3.event.layerY));
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function onDragHorizontal() {
if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id === "handle-one") {
active = 1;
} else if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id == "handle-two" ) {
active = 2;
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.x));
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function onDragVertical() {
if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id === "handle-one") {
active = 1;
} else if ( d3.event.sourceEvent.target.id == "handle-two" ) {
active = 2;
var pos = sliderLength - Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.y))
moveHandle(scale.invert ?
stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength))
: nearestTick(pos / sliderLength));
function stopPropagation() {
// Move slider handle on click/drag
function moveHandle(newValue) {
var currentValue = toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2 ? value[active - 1]: value,
oldPos = formatPercent(scale(stepValue(currentValue))),
newPos = formatPercent(scale(stepValue(newValue))),
position = (orientation === "horizontal") ? "left" : "bottom";
if (oldPos !== newPos) {
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
value[ active - 1 ] = newValue;
if (d3.event) {
dispatch.slide(d3.event, value );
} else {
if (d3.event) {
dispatch.slide(d3.event.sourceEvent || d3.event, value = newValue);
if ( value[ 0 ] >= value[ 1 ] ) return;
if ( active === 1 ) {
if (toType(value) == "array" && value.length == 2) {
(position === "left") ? divRange.style("left", newPos) : divRange.style("bottom", newPos);
if (animate) {
.styleTween(position, function() { return d3.interpolate(oldPos, newPos); })
.duration((typeof animate === "number") ? animate : 250);
} else {
handle1.style(position, newPos);
} else {
var width = 100 - parseFloat(newPos);
var top = 100 - parseFloat(newPos);
(position === "left") ? divRange.style("right", width + "%") : divRange.style("top", top + "%");
if (animate) {
.styleTween(position, function() { return d3.interpolate(oldPos, newPos); })
.duration((typeof animate === "number") ? animate : 250);
} else {
handle2.style(position, newPos);
// Calculate nearest step value
function stepValue(val) {
if (val === scale.domain()[0] || val === scale.domain()[1]) {
return val;
var alignValue = val;
if (snap) {
alignValue = nearestTick(scale(val));
} else{
var valModStep = (val - scale.domain()[0]) % step;
alignValue = val - valModStep;
if (Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step) {
alignValue += (valModStep > 0) ? step : -step;
return alignValue;
// Find the nearest tick
function nearestTick(pos) {
var ticks = scale.ticks ? scale.ticks() : scale.domain();
var dist = ticks.map(function(d) {return pos - scale(d);});
var i = -1,
index = 0,
r = scale.ticks ? scale.range()[1] : scale.rangeExtent()[1];
do {
if (Math.abs(dist[i]) < r) {
r = Math.abs(dist[i]);
index = i;
} while (dist[i] > 0 && i < dist.length - 1);
return ticks[index];
// Return the type of an object
function toType(v) {
return ({}).toString.call(v).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase();
// Getter/setter functions
slider.min = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return min;
min = _;
return slider;
slider.max = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return max;
max = _;
return slider;
slider.step = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return step;
step = _;
return slider;
slider.animate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return animate;
animate = _;
return slider;
slider.orientation = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return orientation;
orientation = _;
return slider;
slider.axis = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return axis;
axis = _;
return slider;
slider.margin = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return margin;
margin = _;
return slider;
slider.value = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return value;
if (value) {
value = _;
return slider;
slider.snap = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return snap;
snap = _;
return slider;
slider.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return scale;
scale = _;
return slider;
d3.rebind(slider, dispatch, "on");
return slider;