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import yaml
import os
import sys
import networkx as nx
from . import serialization, utils, basestring, agents
class Config(
1) agent type can be specified by name or by class.
2) instead of just one type, a network agents distribution can be used.
The distribution specifies the weight (or probability) of each
agent type in the topology. This is an example distribution: ::
{'agent_type': 'agent_type_1',
'weight': 0.2,
'state': {
'id': 0
{'agent_type': 'agent_type_2',
'weight': 0.8,
'state': {
'id': 1
In this example, 20% of the nodes will be marked as type
3) if no initial state is given, each node's state will be set
to `{'id': 0}`.
name : str, optional
name of the Simulation
group : str, optional
a group name can be used to link simulations
topology (optional): networkx.Graph instance or Node-Link topology as a dict or string (will be loaded with `json_graph.node_link_graph(topology`).
network_params : dict
parameters used to create a topology with networkx, if no topology is given
network_agents : dict
definition of agents to populate the topology with
agent_type : NetworkAgent subclass, optional
Default type of NetworkAgent to use for nodes not specified in network_agents
states : list, optional
List of initial states corresponding to the nodes in the topology. Basic form is a list of integers
whose value indicates the state
dir_path: str, optional
Directory path to load simulation assets (files, modules...)
seed : str, optional
Seed to use for the random generator
num_trials : int, optional
Number of independent simulation runs
max_time : int, optional
Maximum step/time for each simulation
environment_params : dict, optional
Dictionary of globally-shared environmental parameters
environment_agents: dict, optional
Similar to network_agents. Distribution of Agents that control the environment
environment_class: soil.environment.Environment subclass, optional
Class for the environment. It defailts to soil.environment.Environment
__slots__ = 'name', 'agent_type', 'group', 'network_agents', 'environment_agents', 'states', 'default_state', 'interval', 'network_params', 'seed', 'num_trials', 'max_time', 'topology', 'schedule', 'initial_time', 'environment_params', 'environment_class', 'dir_path', '_added_to_path'
def __init__(self, name=None,
self.network_params = network_params = name or 'Unnamed'
self.seed = str(seed or name) = group or ''
self.num_trials = num_trials
self.max_time = max_time
self.default_state = default_state or {}
self.dir_path = dir_path or os.getcwd()
self.interval = interval
self._added_to_path = list(x for x in [os.getcwd(), self.dir_path] if x not in sys.path)
sys.path += self._added_to_path
self.topology = topology
self.schedule = schedule
self.initial_time = initial_time
self.environment_class = environment_class
self.environment_params = dict(environment_params)
#TODO: Check agent distro vs fixed agents
self.environment_agents = environment_agents or []
self.agent_type = agent_type
self.network_agents = network_agents or {}
self.states = states or {}
def validate(self):
def restore_path(self):
for added in self._added_to_path:
def to_yaml(self):
return yaml.dump(self.to_dict())
def dump_yaml(self, f=None, outdir=None):
if not f and not outdir:
raise ValueError('specify a file or an output directory')
if not f:
f = os.path.join(outdir, '{}.dumped.yml'.format(
with utils.open_or_reuse(f, 'w') as f:
def to_yaml(self):
return yaml.dump(self.to_dict())
# TODO: See note on getstate
def to_dict(self):
return self.__getstate__()
def dump_yaml(self, f=None, outdir=None):
if not f and not outdir:
raise ValueError('specify a file or an output directory')
if not f:
f = os.path.join(outdir, '{}.dumped.yml'.format(
with utils.open_or_reuse(f, 'w') as f:
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
def __iter__(self):
return (k for k in self.__slots__ if k[0] != '_')
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__slots__)
def dump_pickle(self, f=None, outdir=None):
if not outdir and not f:
raise ValueError('specify a file or an output directory')
if not f:
f = os.path.join(outdir,
with utils.open_or_reuse(f, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
# TODO: remove this. A config should be sendable regardless. Non-pickable objects could be computed via properties and the like
# def __getstate__(self):
# state={}
# for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
# if k[0] != '_':
# state[k] = v
# state['topology'] = json_graph.node_link_data(self.topology)
# state['network_agents'] = agents.serialize_definition(self.network_agents,
# known_modules = [])
# state['environment_agents'] = agents.serialize_definition(self.environment_agents,
# known_modules = [])
# state['environment_class'] = serialization.serialize(self.environment_class,
# known_modules=['soil.environment'])[1] # func, name
# if state['load_module'] is None:
# del state['load_module']
# return state
# # TODO: remove, same as __getstate__
# def __setstate__(self, state):
# self.__dict__ = state
# self.load_module = getattr(self, 'load_module', None)
# if self.dir_path not in sys.path:
# sys.path += [self.dir_path, os.getcwd()]
# self.topology = json_graph.node_link_graph(state['topology'])
# self.network_agents = agents.calculate_distribution(agents._convert_agent_types(self.network_agents))
# self.environment_agents = agents._convert_agent_types(self.environment_agents,
# known_modules=[self.load_module])
# self.environment_class = serialization.deserialize(self.environment_class,
# known_modules=[self.load_module,
# 'soil.environment', ]) # func, name
class CalculatedConfig(Config):
def __init__(self, config):
Returns a configuration object that replaces some "plain" attributes (e.g., `environment_class` string) into
a Python object (`soil.environment.Environment` class).
self._config = config
values = dict(config)
values['environment_class'] = self._environment_class()
values['environment_agents'] = self._environment_agents()
values['topology'] = self._topology()
values['network_agents'] = self._network_agents()
values['agent_type'] = serialization.deserialize(self.agent_type, known_modules=['soil.agents'])
return values
def _topology(self):
topology = self._config.topology
if topology is None:
topology = serialization.load_network(self._config.network_params,
elif isinstance(topology, basestring) or isinstance(topology, dict):
topology = json_graph.node_link_graph(topology)
return nx.Graph(topology)
def _environment_class(self):
return serialization.deserialize(self._config.environment_class,
known_modules=['soil.environment', ]) or Environment
def _environment_agents(self):
return agents._convert_agent_types(self._config.environment_agents)
def _network_agents(self):
distro = agents.calculate_distribution(self._config.network_agents,
return agents._convert_agent_types(distro)
def _environment_class(self):
return serialization.deserialize(self._config.environment_class,
known_modules=['soil.environment', ]) # func, name