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from . import NetworkAgent
class CounterModel(NetworkAgent):
Dummy behaviour. It counts the number of nodes in the network and neighbors
in each step and adds it to its state.
times = 0
neighbors = 0
total = 0
def step(self):
# Outside effects
total = len(list(self.model.schedule._agents))
neighbors = len(list(self.get_neighbors()))
self["times"] = self.get("times", 0) + 1
self["neighbors"] = neighbors
self["total"] = total
class AggregatedCounter(NetworkAgent):
Dummy behaviour. It counts the number of nodes in the network and neighbors
in each step and adds it to its state.
times = 0
neighbors = 0
total = 0
def step(self):
# Outside effects
self["times"] += 1
neighbors = len(list(self.get_neighbors()))
self["neighbors"] += neighbors
total = len(list(self.model.schedule.agents))
self["total"] += total
self.debug("Running for step: {}. Total: {}".format(, total))