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from unittest import TestCase
import os
from os.path import join
from glob import glob
from soil import simulation, config
ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
EXAMPLES = join(ROOT, "..", "examples")
FORCE_TESTS = os.environ.get("FORCE_TESTS", "")
class TestExamples(TestCase):
def get_test_for_sim(sim, path):
root = os.getcwd()
iterations = sim.max_steps * sim.num_trials
if iterations < 0 or iterations > 1000:
sim.max_steps = 100
sim.num_trials = 1
def wrapped(self):
envs = sim.run_simulation(dry_run=True)
assert envs
for env in envs:
assert env
n = sim.model_params["network_params"]["n"]
assert len(list(env.network_agents)) == n
except KeyError:
assert env.schedule.steps > 0 # It has run
assert env.schedule.steps <= sim.max_steps # But not further than allowed
return wrapped
def add_example_tests():
sim_paths = []
for path in glob(join(EXAMPLES, '**', '*.yml')):
if "soil_output" in path:
for sim in simulation.iter_from_config(path):
sim_paths.append((sim, path))
for path in glob(join(EXAMPLES, '**', '*.py')):
for sim in simulation.iter_from_py(path):
sim_paths.append((sim, path))
for (sim, path) in sim_paths:
if sim.skip_test and not FORCE_TESTS:
test_case = get_test_for_sim(sim, path)
fname = os.path.basename(path)
test_case.__name__ = "test_example_file_%s" % fname
test_case.__doc__ = "%s should be a valid configuration" % fname
setattr(TestExamples, test_case.__name__, test_case)
del test_case