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from import Mapping, Set
from itertools import islice
from mesa import Agent
class AgentView(Mapping, Set):
"""A lazy-loaded list of agents."""
__slots__ = ("_agents", "agents_by_type")
def __init__(self, agents, agents_by_type):
self._agents = agents
self.agents_by_type = agents_by_type
def __getstate__(self):
return {"_agents": self._agents}
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._agents = state["_agents"]
# Mapping methods
def __len__(self):
return len(self._agents)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self._agents.values()
def __getitem__(self, agent_id):
if isinstance(agent_id, slice):
raise ValueError(f"Slicing is not supported")
if agent_id in self._agents:
return self._agents[agent_id]
raise ValueError(f"Agent {agent_id} not found")
def filter(self, agent_class=None, include_subclasses=True, **kwargs):
if agent_class and self.agents_by_type:
if not include_subclasses:
return filter_agents(self.agents_by_type[agent_class],
d = {}
for k, v in self.agents_by_type.items():
if (k == agent_class) or issubclass(k, agent_class):
return filter_agents(d, **kwargs)
return filter_agents(self._agents, agent_class=agent_class, **kwargs)
def one(self, *args, **kwargs):
return next(self.filter(*args, **kwargs))
except StopIteration:
return None
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return list(self.filter(*args, **kwargs))
def __contains__(self, agent_id):
if isinstance(agent_id, Agent):
agent_id = agent_id.unique_id
return agent_id in self._agents
def __str__(self):
return str(list(unique_id for unique_id in self.keys()))
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self})"
def filter_agents(
agents: dict,
Filter agents given as a dict, by the criteria given as arguments (e.g., certain type or state id).
assert isinstance(agents, dict)
ids = []
if unique_id is not None:
if isinstance(unique_id, list):
ids += unique_id
if id_args:
ids += id_args
if ids:
f = list(agents[aid] for aid in ids if aid in agents)
f = agents.values()
if state_id is not None and not isinstance(state_id, (tuple, list)):
state_id = tuple([state_id])
if ignore:
f = filter(lambda x: x not in ignore, f)
if state_id is not None:
f = filter(lambda agent: agent.get("state_id", None) in state_id, f)
if agent_class is not None:
f = filter(lambda agent: isinstance(agent, agent_class), f)
state = state or dict()
for k, vs in state.items():
if not isinstance(vs, list):
vs = [vs]
f = filter(lambda agent: any(getattr(agent, k, None) == v for v in vs), f)
if limit is not None:
f = islice(f, limit)
return AgentResult(f)
class AgentResult:
def __init__(self, iterator):
self.iterator = iterator
def limit(self, limit):
self.iterator = islice(self.iterator, limit)
return self
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.iterator)
def __next__(self):
return next(self.iterator)