''' Example of a fully programmatic simulation, without definition files. ''' from soil import Simulation, agents from networkx import Graph import logging def mygenerator(): # Add only a node G = Graph() G.add_node(1) return G class MyAgent(agents.FSM): @agents.default_state @agents.state def neutral(self): self.debug('I am running') if agents.prob(0.2): self.info('This runs 2/10 times on average') s = Simulation(name='Programmatic', network_params={'generator': mygenerator}, num_trials=1, max_time=100, agent_class=MyAgent, dry_run=True) # By default, logging will only print WARNING logs (and above). # You need to choose a lower logging level to get INFO/DEBUG traces logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) envs = s.run() # Uncomment this to output the simulation to a YAML file # s.dump_yaml('simulation.yaml')