from __future__ import annotations import importlib from importlib.resources import path import sys import os import logging import traceback from contextlib import contextmanager from .version import __version__ try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str from pathlib import Path from .analysis import * from .agents import * from . import agents from .simulation import * from .environment import Environment, EventedEnvironment from .datacollection import SoilCollector from . import serialization from .utils import logger from .time import * from .decorators import * def main( cfg="simulation.yml", exporters=None, num_processes=1, output="soil_output", *, debug=False, pdb=False, **kwargs, ): sim = None if isinstance(cfg, Simulation): sim = cfg import argparse from . import simulation"Running SOIL version: {}".format(__version__)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run a SOIL simulation") parser.add_argument( "file", type=str, nargs="?", default=cfg if sim is None else "", help="Configuration file for the simulation (e.g., YAML or JSON)", ) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="store_true", help="Show version info and exit" ) parser.add_argument( "--module", "-m", type=str, help="file containing the code of any custom agents.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", "--dry", action="store_true", help="Do not run the simulation", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-dump", action="store_true", help="Do not store the results of the simulation to disk, show in terminal instead.", ) parser.add_argument( "--pdb", action="store_true", help="Use a pdb console in case of exception." ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", help="Run a customized version of a pdb console to debug a simulation.", ) parser.add_argument( "--graph", "-g", action="store_true", help="Dump each iteration's network topology as a GEXF graph. Defaults to false.", ) parser.add_argument( "--csv", action="store_true", help="Dump all data collected in CSV format. Defaults to false.", ) parser.add_argument("--level", type=str, help="Logging level") parser.add_argument( "--output", "-o", type=str, default=output or "soil_output", help="folder to write results to. It defaults to the current directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num-processes", default=num_processes, help="Number of processes to use for parallel execution. Defaults to 1.", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exporter", action="append", default=[], help="Export environment and/or simulations using this exporter", ) parser.add_argument( "--max_time", default="-1", help="Set maximum time for the simulation to run. ", ) parser.add_argument( "--max_steps", default="-1", help="Set maximum number of steps for the simulation to run.", ) parser.add_argument( "--iterations", default="", help="Set maximum number of iterations (runs) for the simulation.", ) parser.add_argument( "--seed", default=None, help="Manually set a seed for the simulation.", ) parser.add_argument( "--only-convert", "--convert", action="store_true", help="Do not run the simulation, only convert the configuration file(s) and output them.", ) parser.add_argument( "--set", metavar="KEY=VALUE", action="append", help="Set a number of parameters that will be passed to the simulation." "(do not put spaces before or after the = sign). " "If a value contains spaces, you should define " "it with double quotes: " 'foo="this is a sentence". Note that ' "values are always treated as strings.", ) args = parser.parse_args() level = getattr(logging, (args.level or "INFO").upper()) logger.setLevel(level) if args.version: return exporters = exporters or [ "default", ] for exp in args.exporter: if exp not in exporters: exporters.append(exp) if args.csv: exporters.append("csv") if args.graph: exporters.append("gexf") if os.getcwd() not in sys.path: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) if args.module: importlib.import_module(args.module) if output is None: output = args.output debug = debug or args.debug if args.pdb or debug: args.synchronous = True os.environ["SOIL_POSTMORTEM"] = "true" res = [] try: exp_params = {} opts = dict( dry_run=args.dry_run, dump=not args.no_dump, debug=debug, exporters=exporters, num_processes=args.num_processes, level=level, outdir=output, exporter_params=exp_params, **kwargs) if args.seed is not None: opts["seed"] = args.seed if args.iterations: opts["iterations"] =int(args.iterations) if sim:"Loading simulation instance") for (k, v) in opts.items(): setattr(sim, k, v) sims = [sim] else:"Loading config file: {}".format(args.file)) if not os.path.exists(args.file): logger.error("Please, input a valid file") return assert opts["debug"] == debug sims = list( simulation.iter_from_file( args.file, **opts, ) ) for sim in sims: assert sim.debug == debug if args.set: for s in args.set: k, v = s.split("=", 1)[:2] v = eval(v) tail, *head = k.rsplit(".", 1)[::-1] target = sim.parameters if head: for part in head[0].split("."): try: target = getattr(target, part) except AttributeError: target = target[part] try: setattr(target, tail, v) except AttributeError: target[tail] = v if args.only_convert: print(sim.to_yaml()) continue max_time = float(args.max_time) if args.max_time != "-1" else None max_steps = float(args.max_steps) if args.max_steps != "-1" else None res.append(, max_steps=max_steps)) except Exception as ex: if args.pdb: from .debugging import post_mortem print(traceback.format_exc()) post_mortem() else: raise if debug: from .debugging import set_trace os.environ["SOIL_DEBUG"] = "true" set_trace() return res @contextmanager def easy(cfg, pdb=False, debug=False, **kwargs): try: return main(cfg, debug=debug, pdb=pdb, **kwargs)[0] except Exception as e: if os.environ.get("SOIL_POSTMORTEM"): from .debugging import post_mortem print(traceback.format_exc()) post_mortem() raise if __name__ == "__main__": main()