from mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization import ModularServer from mesa.visualization.UserParam import Slider, Choice from mesa.visualization.modules import ChartModule, NetworkModule, CanvasGrid from social_wealth import MoneyEnv, graph_generator, SocialMoneyAgent import networkx as nx class MyNetwork(NetworkModule): def render(self, model): return self.portrayal_method(model) def network_portrayal(env): # The model ensures there is 0 or 1 agent per node portrayal = dict() wealths = { node_id: data["agent"].wealth for (node_id, data) in env.G.nodes(data=True) } portrayal["nodes"] = [ { "id": node_id, "size": 2 * (wealth + 1), "color": "#CC0000" if wealth == 0 else "#007959", # "color": "#CC0000", "label": f"{node_id}: {wealth}", } for (node_id, wealth) in wealths.items() ] portrayal["edges"] = [ {"id": edge_id, "source": source, "target": target, "color": "#000000"} for edge_id, (source, target) in enumerate(env.G.edges) ] return portrayal def gridPortrayal(agent): """ This function is registered with the visualization server to be called each tick to indicate how to draw the agent in its current state. :param agent: the agent in the simulation :return: the portrayal dictionary """ color = max(10, min(agent.wealth * 10, 100)) return { "Shape": "rect", "w": 1, "h": 1, "Filled": "true", "Layer": 0, "Label": agent.unique_id, "Text": agent.unique_id, "x": agent.pos[0], "y": agent.pos[1], "Color": f"rgba(31, 10, 255, 0.{color})", } grid = MyNetwork(network_portrayal, 500, 500) chart = ChartModule( [{"Label": "Gini", "Color": "Black"}], data_collector_name="datacollector" ) model_params = { "N": Slider( "N", 5, 1, 10, 1, description="Choose how many agents to include in the model", ), "height": Slider( "height", 5, 5, 10, 1, description="Grid height", ), "width": Slider( "width", 5, 5, 10, 1, description="Grid width", ), "agent_class": Choice( "Agent class", value="MoneyAgent", choices=["MoneyAgent", "SocialMoneyAgent"], ), "generator": graph_generator, } canvas_element = CanvasGrid( gridPortrayal, model_params["width"].value, model_params["height"].value, 500, 500 ) server = ModularServer( MoneyEnv, [grid, chart, canvas_element], "Money Model", model_params ) server.port = 8521 if __name__ == '__main__': server.launch(open_browser=False)