;(function(undefined) { "use strict"; /** * Graph Visualization * =================== * * Author: Tasio Méndez (tasiomendez) * URL: https://github.com/tasiomendez/ * Version: 0.1 */ // Private constants var focus_opacity = 0.1, radius = 8, shape_size = 16, required_node = ['id', 'index', 'label', 'px', 'py', 'spells', 'weight', 'x', 'y', 'pos', 'scx', 'scy']; // Private variables var width, height, graph, // JSON data for the graph model, // Definition of the attributes of the nodes linkedByIndex, // Nodes linked by index name, // Name of the graph (id for svg item) svg, // Svg item force, // Set up the force layout color, // Color for nodes zoom, // Zoom groot, // Append sections to svg to have nodes and edges separately graph_wrapper, glinks, gnodes, background_image, background_opacity, background_filter_color, data_node, // Actual node data for the graph data_link, // Actual link data for the graph link, // Line svgs node, // Circles for the nodes shape_property, // Property to whom the shape will be applied shapes, // Dictionary of shapes for nodes colors, // Dictionary of colors for nodes background; // Background of the graph Number.prototype.between = function(min, max) { var min = (min || min === 0) ? min : Math.max(), max = (max || max === 0) ? max : Math.min(); return ( this > min && this <= max ) || ( min === 0 && this === 0 ); }; Number.prototype.is_type = function() { if ( typeof(this) === 'number' ) return ( Number.isInteger(this) ) ? 'int' : 'float'; else return false; } String.prototype.is_type = function() { return "string"; } var lastFocusNode; var _helpers = { set_node: function(node, property, time) { // Add nodes if data has more nodes than before node.enter().append('circle') .attr('class', 'node') .attr('r', radius) .style('fill', function (d) { if ( Array.isArray(d[property]) ) { var color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, d[property][0][0]); d[property].forEach(function(p) { if ( time.between(p[1], p[2]) ) color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, p[0]); }); return color_node; } else { return _helpers.set_color(property, d[property]); } }) .style('stroke', function(d) { if (_helpers.set_shape(d[shape_property]) !== (-1)) if ( Array.isArray(d[property]) ) { var color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, d[property][0][0]); d[property].forEach(function(p) { if ( time.between(p[1], p[2]) ) color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, p[0]); }); return color_node; } else { return _helpers.set_color(property, d[property]); } else return '#ffffff'; }) // Cancel zoom movement so you can move the node .on('mousedown', function(d) { d3.event.stopPropagation(); }) // Double-click to focus neighbours .on('dblclick', function(d) { d3.event.stopPropagation(); if (d === lastFocusNode) { lastFocusNode = undefined; node.style('opacity', 1); link.style('opacity', 1); } else { lastFocusNode = d; _helpers.set_focus(d); } }).call(force.drag); // Remove nodes if data has less nodes than before node.exit().remove(); // Update existing nodes node.attr('class', 'node') .attr('r', radius) .style('fill', function (d) { if (_helpers.set_shape(d[shape_property]) !== (-1)) { return 'url(#' + _helpers.set_shape(d[shape_property]) + ')'; } if ( Array.isArray(d[property]) ) { var color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, d[property][0][0]); d[property].forEach(function(p) { if ( time.between(p[1], p[2]) ) color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, p[0]); }); return color_node; } else { return _helpers.set_color(property, d[property]); } }) .style('stroke', function(d) { if (_helpers.set_shape(d[shape_property]) !== (-1)) if ( Array.isArray(d[property]) ) { var color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, d[property][0][0]); d[property].forEach(function(p) { if ( time.between(p[1], p[2]) ) color_node = _helpers.set_color(property, p[0]); }); return color_node; } else { return _helpers.set_color(property, d[property]); } else return '#ffffff'; }) .on('dblclick', function(d) { d3.event.stopPropagation(); if (d === lastFocusNode) { lastFocusNode = undefined; node.style('opacity', 1); link.style('opacity', 1); } else { lastFocusNode = d; _helpers.set_focus(d); } }); }, set_link: function(link) { // Remove links if data has more links than before link.enter().append('line') .attr('class', 'link') .style('stroke-width', function (d) { return Math.sqrt(d.value); }); // Remove links if data has less links than before link.exit().remove(); }, isConnected: function(source, neighbour) { return linkedByIndex[source.id + ',' + neighbour.id] || linkedByIndex[neighbour.id + ',' + source.id]; }, set_focus: function(d) { node.style('opacity', function(o) { return _helpers.isConnected(d,o) || d.index == o.index ? 1 : focus_opacity; }); link.style('opacity', function(o) { return o.source.index == d.index || o.target.index == d.index ? 1 : focus_opacity; }); }, push_once: function(array, item, key) { for (var i in array) { if ( array[i][key] == item[key] ) return false; } array.push(item); return true; }, set_color: function(property, value) { if ( colors instanceof Array ) { for ( var c in colors ) { if ( colors[c][property] == value ) { return colors[c]['color']; } } return color(value); } else { return color(value); } }, set_shape: function(value) { if ( shapes instanceof Object && shape_property ) { for ( var s in shapes ) { var str_value = (value.includes('class')) ? value.split('.').pop().split('\'')[0] : value; if ( str_value == s ) return shapes[s]; } return (-1); } else { return (-1); } } } /** * Graph Visualization Core Functions * ---------------------------------- * * The graph visualization functions themselves. */ function Graph() { // Color color = d3.scale.category20(); // Set up the force layout force = d3.layout.force() .charge(-500) .linkDistance(30) .size([width, height]); // Append sections to svg to have nodes and edges separately groot = svg.append('g').attr('id', 'root'); // Set background if ( background !== undefined ) { var rect = groot.append('rect').attr('fill', background_filter_color); background_image = groot.append('image').attr('href', background).style('opacity', background_opacity); graph_wrapper = groot.append('g') .attr('id', 'graph-wrapper'); glinks = graph_wrapper.append('g') .attr('id', 'links'); gnodes = graph_wrapper.append('g') .attr('id', 'nodes'); } else { glinks = groot.append('g') .attr('id', 'links'); gnodes = groot.append('g') .attr('id', 'nodes'); } // Add patterns for shapes var defs = []; for ( var i in shapes ) if (!defs.includes(shapes[i])) defs.push(shapes[i]) svg.append('defs') .selectAll('pattern') .data(defs) .enter() .append('pattern') .attr('id', function(d, i) { return d; }) .attr('patternUnits', 'objectBoundingBox') .attr('width', 1) .attr('height', 1) .append('image') .attr('href', function(d) { return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/img/svg/' + d + '.svg'; }) .attr('width', shape_size) .attr('height', shape_size); // Zoom zoom = d3.behavior .zoom() .scaleExtent([1/5, 10]) .on('zoom', function () { //console.trace("zoom", d3.event.translate, d3.event.scale); groot.attr('transform', 'translate(' + d3.event.translate + ')scale(' + d3.event.scale + ')'); }); // Activate zoom for the svg item svg.style('background-color', 'rgb(255,255,255)') .call(zoom); // Update linkedByIndex linkedByIndex = {}; graph.links.forEach(function(d) { linkedByIndex[d.source.id + ',' + d.target.id] = true; }); // Creates the graph data structure out of the json data force.nodes(graph.nodes) .links(graph.links) .start(); // Now we are giving the SVGs coordinates - the force layout is generating the coordinates // which this code is using to update the attributes of the SVG elements force.on('tick', function () { link.attr('x1', function (d) { if ( d.source.scx ) return d.source.scx; else return d.source.x; }).attr('y1', function (d) { if ( d.source.scy ) return d.source.scy; else return d.source.y; }).attr('x2', function (d) { if ( d.target.scx ) return d.target.scx; else return d.target.x; }).attr('y2', function (d) { if ( d.target.scy ) return d.target.scy; else return d.target.y; }); node.attr('transform', function translate(d) { if ( d.scx || d.scy ) return 'translate(' + d.scx + ',' + d.scy + ')'; else return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')'; }); }); } function update_data(property, time) { // Reset data var delete_links = true; data_node = []; data_link = graph.links.slice(); // Nodes graph.nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (Array.isArray(node.spells)) { node.spells.forEach( function(d) { if ( time.between(d[0], d[1]) ) { data_node.push(node); } else { graph.links.forEach(function(link) { if (link.source === node || link.target === node) data_link.splice(data_link.indexOf(link), 1); }); } }); } else { data_node.push(node); } }); // Links graph.links.forEach(function(link) { if ( !(time.between(link.start, link.end)) && data_link.includes(link) ) data_link.splice(data_link.indexOf(link), 1); }); // Reset force force.stop() .nodes(data_node) .links(data_link) .start(); // Create all the line svgs but without locations link = glinks.selectAll('.link').data(data_link); _helpers.set_link(link); // Do the same with the circles for the nodes - no node = gnodes.selectAll('.node').data(data_node); _helpers.set_node(node, property, time); // Node Attributes var statistics = {} self.GraphVisualization.statistics = {}; data_node.forEach(function(n) { // Count node properties if ( Array.isArray(n[property]) ) { n[property].forEach(function(p) { if ( time.between(p[1], p[2]) ) statistics[p[0]] = (!statistics[p[0]]) ? 1 : statistics[p[0]] + 1; }); } else { statistics[n[property]] = (!statistics[n[property]]) ? 1 : statistics[n[property]] + 1; } }); for ( i in statistics ) { statistics[i] = (statistics[i] / data_node.length * 100).toFixed(2); } self.GraphVisualization.statistics = statistics } function get_models(graph) { var models = { 'dynamic': [], 'static': [] } graph['nodes'].forEach(function(node) { for ( var att in node ) { if (!required_node.includes(att)) { if ( Array.isArray(node[att]) ) _helpers.push_once(models['dynamic'], { 'title': att, 'type': node[att][0][0].is_type() }, 'title'); else _helpers.push_once(models['static'], { 'title': att, 'type': typeof(node[att]) }, 'title'); } } }); return models; } /** * Public API * ----------- * * User-accessible functions. */ /** * Create the space where the graph will we drawn. * A function that identifies the svg item. * * @param {object} id The id of the svg item. * @return {object} This class. */ function create(id, n_height, n_width, callback) { name = id; svg = d3.select('svg#' + name) .attr('width', n_width) .attr('height', n_height) .style('background-color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.1)'); height = n_height; width = n_width if (callback) { callback(this.GraphVisualization); } else { return this.GraphVisualization } } /** * Import JSON and attributes. * A function that imports the graph and the attributes of all the nodes. * * @param {object} json The json structure of the graph. * @param {object} callback A function called at the end. */ function importJSON(json, callback) { reset() graph = json; // Create the graph itself Graph(); self.GraphVisualization.nodes = graph.nodes.length; self.GraphVisualization.links = graph.links.length; self.GraphVisualization.model = get_models(json); // Draw graph with default property and time for the first time update_data(self.GraphVisualization.model.dynamic[0].title, 0); if (callback) { callback(); } } /** * Set link distance. * A function that set the link distance. If it is not called, it uses 30 as default * * @param {object} distance Distance. * @param {object} callback A function called at the end. */ function set_link_distance(distance, callback) { if (graph) { force.stop().linkDistance(distance).start(); // Update radius of the nodes to see them better var r = d3.scale.linear().domain([30, 1000]).range([8, 24]); radius = r(distance); node.attr('r', radius); var s = d3.scale.linear().domain([30, 1000]).range([16, 48]); if ( shapes instanceof Object && shape_property ) { svg.selectAll('pattern image').attr('width', s(distance)).attr('height', s(distance)); } if (callback) { callback(radius); } } } /** * Set background image. * A function that set a background image. * * @param {object} image Path to image. */ function set_background(image, set_opacity, set_color) { background = image; background_opacity = set_opacity || 0.8; background_filter_color = set_color || 'white'; } /** * Set property and instant of time. * A function that draws the graph depends on the property and instant of time selected. * * @param {object} property Property to show. * @param {object} time Instant of time. * @param {object} callback A function called at the end. */ function update_graph(property, time, callback) { if (graph) { update_data(property, time); if (callback) { callback(); } } } /** * Set shapes and color of graph. * A function that set the shapes and colors of the nodes depending on their status. * * @param {object} set_shapes Shapes for nodes. * @param {object} set_colors Colors for nodes. * @param {object} callback A function called at the end. */ function set_params(set_shape_property, set_shapes, set_colors, callback) { shape_property = set_shape_property; shapes = set_shapes; colors = set_colors; self.GraphVisualization.shapes = shapes; self.GraphVisualization.colors = colors; if (callback) { callback(); } } /** * Adjust the graph to the whole area. * A function that adjust the graph to the svg item. * * @param {object} padding Space from the graph to the border. * 85% by default. * @param {object} transition Duration of the zoom action. * 750 milliseconds by default. * @param {object} callback A function called at the end. */ function zoom_to_fit(padding, transition, callback) { var bounds = groot.node().getBBox(); var parent = groot.node().parentElement; var fullWidth = parent.clientWidth, fullHeight = parent.clientHeight; var widthBounds = bounds.width, heightBounds = bounds.height; var midX = bounds.x + widthBounds / 2, midY = bounds.y + heightBounds / 2; if (widthBounds == 0 || heightBounds == 0) return; // nothing to fit var scale = (padding || 0.85) / Math.max(widthBounds / fullWidth, heightBounds / fullHeight); var translate = [fullWidth / 2 - scale * midX, fullHeight / 2 - scale * midY]; //console.trace("zoomFit", translate, scale); groot .transition() .duration(transition || 750) // milliseconds .call(zoom.translate(translate).scale(scale).event); if (callback) { callback(); } } /** * Reset the whole graph. * A function that reset the svg item. * */ function reset() { d3.select('svg#' + name) .html('') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .style('background-color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.1)'); } /** * Get color for a value. * A function that get the color of a node or a group of nodes. * * @param {object} value Value. * @return {object} color The color in hexadecimal. */ function color(property, value) { if (graph) { return _helpers.set_color(property, value); } } /** * Get attributes at one moment given. * A function that get the attributes of all nodes at a specific time. * * @param {object} time Instant of time. * @param {object} callback A function called at the end. * @return {object} object An object with the number of nodes. */ function get_attributes(property, time, callback) { var attrs = {} graph.nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (Array.isArray(node.spells)) { node.spells.forEach( function(d) { if ( time.between(d[0], d[1]) ) { if (Array.isArray(node[property])) { node[property].forEach( function(p) { if ( time.between(p[1], p[2]) ) attrs[p[0]] = (!attrs[p[0]]) ? 1 : attrs[p[0]] + 1; }); } else { attrs[node[property]] = (!attrs[node[property]]) ? 1 : attrs[node[property]] + 1; } } }); } else { if (Array.isArray(node[property])) { node[property].forEach( function(p) { if ( time.between(p[1], p[2]) ) attrs[p[0]] = (!attrs[p[0]]) ? 1 : attrs[p[0]] + 1; }); } else { attrs[node[property]] = (!attrs[node[property]]) ? 1 : attrs[node[property]] + 1; } } }); if (callback) { callback(attrs); } else { return attrs } } /** * Get nodes at one moment given. * A function that get the number of nodes at a specific time. * * @param {object} time Instant of time. * @param {object} callback A function called at the end. * @return {object} number The number of nodes. */ function get_nodes(time, callback) { var total_nodes = 0; graph.nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (Array.isArray(node.spells)) { node.spells.forEach( function(d) { if ( time.between(d[0], d[1]) ) { total_nodes++; } }); } else { total_nodes++; } }); if (callback) { callback(total_nodes); } else { return total_nodes } } /** * Exporting * --------- */ this.GraphVisualization = { // Functions create: create, import: importJSON, update_graph: update_graph, set_params: set_params, set_link_distance: set_link_distance, set_background: set_background, fit: zoom_to_fit, reset: reset, // Attributes model: {}, nodes: undefined, links: undefined, // Getters color: color, shapes: shapes, colors: colors, get_attributes: get_attributes, get_nodes: get_nodes, // Statistics statistics: {}, // Version version: '0.1' }; }).call(this);