from unittest import TestCase import pytest from soil import agents, environment from soil import time as stime class Dead(agents.FSM): @agents.default_state @agents.state def only(self): return self.die() class TestMain(TestCase): def test_die_returns_infinity(self): '''The last step of a dead agent should return time.INFINITY''' d = Dead(unique_id=0, model=environment.Environment()) ret = d.step().abs(0) print(ret, "next") assert ret == stime.NEVER def test_die_raises_exception(self): '''A dead agent should raise an exception if it is stepped after death''' d = Dead(unique_id=0, model=environment.Environment()) d.step() with pytest.raises(stime.DeadAgent): d.step() def test_agent_generator(self): ''' The step function of an agent could be a generator. In that case, the state of the agent will be resumed after every call to step. ''' class Gen(agents.BaseAgent): def step(self): a = 0 for i in range(5): yield a a += 1 e = environment.Environment() g = Gen(model=e, unique_id=e.next_id()) for i in range(5): t = g.step() assert t == i