import os import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.websocket import tornado.escape import tornado.gen import webbrowser import yaml import logging import logging import threading import io from datetime import timedelta from contextlib import contextmanager logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) class VisualizationElement: """ Defines an element of the visualization. Attributes: package_includes: A list of external JavaScript files to include that are part of the packages. local_includes: A list of JavaScript files that are local to the directory that the server is being run in. js_code: A JavaScript code string to instantiate the element. Methods: render: Takes a model object, and produces JSON data which can be sent to the client. """ package_includes = [] local_includes = [] js_code = '' render_args = {} def __init__(self): pass def render(self, model): return 'VisualizationElement goes here.' class PageHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """ Handler for the HTML template which holds the visualization. """ def get(self): self.render('index.html', port=self.application.port, model_name=self.application.model_name, package_includes=self.application.package_includes, local_includes=self.application.local_includes, scripts=self.application.js_code) class SocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): def open(self): if self.application.verbose:'Socket opened!') def check_origin(self, origin): return True def on_message(self, message): """ Receiving a message from the websocket, parse, and act accordingly. """ msg = tornado.escape.json_decode(message) if msg['type'] == 'config_file': if self.application.verbose: print(msg['data']) config = list(yaml.load_all(msg['data'])) if len(config) > 1: error = 'Please, provide only one configuration.' if self.application.verbose: logger.error(error) self.write_message({'type': 'error', 'error': error}) return else: config = config[0] self.send_log('INFO.soil', 'Using config: {name}'.format(name=config['name'])) = config['name'] with self.logging( trials = [] for i in range(config['num_trials']): trials.append('{}_trial_{}'.format(, i)) self.write_message({'type': 'trials', 'data': trials }) settings = [] for key in config['environment_params']: if type(config['environment_params'][key]) == float: setting_type = 'number' elif type(config['environment_params'][key]) == bool: setting_type = 'boolean' else: setting_type = 'undefined' settings.append({ 'label': key, 'type': setting_type, 'value': config['environment_params'][key] }) self.write_message({'type': 'settings', 'data': settings}) elif msg['type'] == 'get_trial': if self.application.verbose:'Trial {} requested!'.format(msg['data'])) self.send_log('INFO.user', 'Trial {} requested!'.format(msg['data'])) self.write_message({'type': 'get_trial', 'data': self.application.model.get_trial(, msg['data']) }) else: if self.application.verbose:'Unexpected message!') def update_logging(self): try: if (not self.log_capture_string.closed and self.log_capture_string.getvalue()): self.send_log('INFO.soil', self.log_capture_string.getvalue()) self.log_capture_string.truncate(0) finally: if self.capture_logging: thread = threading.Timer(0.001, self.update_logging) thread.start() def on_close(self):'Socket closed!') def send_log(self, logger, logging): self.write_message({'type': 'log', 'logger': logger, 'logging': logging }) @contextmanager def logging(self, logger): self.capture_logging = True self.logger_application = logging.getLogger(logger) self.log_capture_string = io.StringIO() ch = logging.StreamHandler(self.log_capture_string) self.logger_application.addHandler(ch) self.update_logging() yield self.capture_logging self.log_capture_string.close() self.logger_application.removeHandler(ch) self.capture_logging = False return self.capture_logging class ModularServer(tornado.web.Application): """ Main visualization application. """ portrayal_method = None port = 8001 model_args = () model_kwargs = {} page_handler = (r'/', PageHandler) socket_handler = (r'/ws', SocketHandler) static_handler = (r'/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'templates'}) local_handler = (r'/local/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': ''}) handlers = [page_handler, socket_handler, static_handler, local_handler] settings = {'debug': True, 'template_path': os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/templates'} def __init__(self, model, visualization_element, name='SOIL Model', verbose=True, *args, **kwargs): self.verbose = verbose self.package_includes = set() self.local_includes = set() self.js_code = [] self.visualization_element = visualization_element self.model_name = name self.model = model self.model_args = args self.model_kwargs = kwargs #self.reset_model() # Initializing the application itself: super().__init__(self.handlers, **self.settings) ''' def reset_model(self): self.model = self.model_cls(*self.model_args, **self.model_kwargs) ''' def render_model(self): return self.visualization_element.render(self.model) def launch(self, port=None): """ Run the app. """ if port is not None: self.port = port url = '{PORT}'.format(PORT=self.port) print('Interface starting at {url}'.format(url=url)) self.listen(self.port) # tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()