from unittest import TestCase import os import yaml from functools import partial from os.path import join from soil import simulation, environment, agents, utils ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) EXAMPLES = join(ROOT, '..', 'examples') class TestMain(TestCase): def test_load_graph(self): """ Load a graph from file if the extension is known. Raise an exception otherwise. """ config = { 'network_params': { 'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf') } } G = utils.load_network(config['network_params']) assert G assert len(G) == 2 with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): config = { 'network_params': { 'path': join(ROOT, 'unknown.extension') } } G = utils.load_network(config['network_params']) print(G) def test_generate_barabasi(self): """ If no path is given, a generator and network parameters should be used to generate a network """ config = { 'network_params': { 'generator': 'barabasi_albert_graph' } } with self.assertRaises(TypeError): G = utils.load_network(config['network_params']) config['network_params']['n'] = 100 config['network_params']['m'] = 10 G = utils.load_network(config['network_params']) assert len(G) == 100 def test_empty_simulation(self): """A simulation with a base behaviour should do nothing""" config = { 'network_params': { 'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf') }, 'agent_type': 'NetworkAgent', 'environment_params': { } } s = simulation.from_config(config) s.run_simulation() def test_counter_agent(self): """ The initial states should be applied to the agent and the agent should be able to update its state.""" config = { 'network_params': { 'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf') }, 'agent_type': 'CounterModel', 'states': [{'neighbors': 10}, {'total': 12}], 'max_time': 2, 'num_trials': 1, 'environment_params': { } } s = simulation.from_config(config) env = s.run_simulation()[0] assert env.get_agent(0)['neighbors', 0] == 10 assert env.get_agent(0)['neighbors', 1] == 1 assert env.get_agent(1)['total', 0] == 12 assert env.get_agent(1)['neighbors', 1] == 1 def test_counter_agent_history(self): """ The evolution of the state should be recorded in the logging agent """ config = { 'network_params': { 'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf') }, 'network_agents': [{ 'agent_type': 'AggregatedCounter', 'weight': 1, 'state': {'id': 0} }], 'max_time': 10, 'environment_params': { } } s = simulation.from_config(config) env = s.run_simulation()[0] for agent in env.network_agents: last = 0 assert len(agent[None, None]) == 11 for step, total in agent['total', None].items(): if step > 0: assert total == last + 2 last = total def test_custom_agent(self): """Allow for search of neighbors with a certain state_id""" class CustomAgent(agents.NetworkAgent): def step(self): self.state['neighbors'] = self.count_agents(state_id=0, limit_neighbors=True) config = { 'network_params': { 'path': join(ROOT, 'test.gexf') }, 'network_agents': [{ 'agent_type': CustomAgent, 'weight': 1, 'state': {'id': 0} }], 'max_time': 10, 'environment_params': { } } s = simulation.from_config(config) env = s.run_simulation()[0] assert env.get_agent(0).state['neighbors'] == 1 def test_torvalds_example(self): """A complete example from a documentation should work.""" config = utils.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, 'torvalds.yml'))[0] config['network_params']['path'] = join(EXAMPLES, config['network_params']['path']) s = simulation.from_config(config) env = s.run_simulation()[0] for a in env.network_agents: skill_level = a.state['skill_level'] if == 'Torvalds': assert skill_level == 'God' assert a.state['total'] == 3 assert a.state['neighbors'] == 2 elif == 'balkian': assert skill_level == 'developer' assert a.state['total'] == 3 assert a.state['neighbors'] == 1 else: assert skill_level == 'beginner' assert a.state['total'] == 3 assert a.state['neighbors'] == 1 def test_yaml(self): """ The YAML version of a newly created simulation should be equivalent to the configuration file used """ with utils.timer('loading'): config = utils.load_file(join(EXAMPLES, 'complete.yml'))[0] s = simulation.from_config(config) with utils.timer('serializing'): serial = s.to_yaml() with utils.timer('recovering'): recovered = yaml.load(serial) with utils.timer('deleting'): del recovered['topology'] del recovered['load_module'] assert config == recovered def test_configuration_changes(self): """ The configuration should not change after running the simulation. """ config = utils.load_file('examples/complete.yml')[0] s = simulation.from_config(config) for i in range(5): s.run_simulation() nconfig = s.to_dict() del nconfig['topology'] del nconfig['load_module'] assert config == nconfig def test_examples(self): """ Make sure all examples in the examples folder are correct """ pass def test_row_conversion(self): sim = simulation.SoilSimulation() env = environment.SoilEnvironment(simulation=sim) env['test'] = 'test_value' env._save_state(now=0) res = list(env.history_to_tuples()) assert len(res) == len(env.environment_params) assert ('env', 0, 'test', 'test_value') in res env['test'] = 'second_value' env._save_state(now=1) res = list(env.history_to_tuples()) assert env['env', 0, 'test' ] == 'test_value' assert env['env', 1, 'test' ] == 'second_value' def make_example_test(path, config): def wrapped(self): root = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(path)) s = simulation.from_config(config) envs = s.run_simulation() for env in envs: try: n = config['network_params']['n'] assert len(env.get_agents()) == n except KeyError: pass os.chdir(root) return wrapped def add_example_tests(): for config, path in utils.load_config(join(EXAMPLES, '*.yml')): p = make_example_test(path=path, config=config) fname = os.path.basename(path) p.__name__ = 'test_example_file_%s' % fname p.__doc__ = '%s should be a valid configuration' % fname setattr(TestMain, p.__name__, p) del p add_example_tests()