from models import * from nxsim import NetworkSimulation from nxsim import BaseLoggingAgent import networkx as nx import settings import models import math import json settings.init() # Loads all the data from settings models.init() # Loads the models and network variables #################### # Network creation # #################### if settings.network_type == 0: G = nx.complete_graph(settings.number_of_nodes) if settings.network_type == 1: G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(settings.number_of_nodes,3) if settings.network_type == 2: G = nx.margulis_gabber_galil_graph(settings.number_of_nodes, None) # More types of networks can be added here ############## # Simulation # ############## sim = NetworkSimulation(topology=G, states=init_states, agent_type=BigMarketModel, max_time=settings.max_time, num_trials=settings.num_trials, logging_interval=1.0) sim.run_simulation() ########### # Results # ########### trial = BaseLoggingAgent.open_trial_state_history(dir_path='sim_01', trial_id=0) status_census = [sum([1 for node_id, state in g.items() if state['id'] == 1]) for t,g in trial.items()] ################# # Visualization # ################# for x in range(0, settings.number_of_nodes): for empresa in models.networkStatus["agente_%s"%x]: emotionStatusAux=[] for tiempo in models.networkStatus["agente_%s"%x][empresa]: prec = 2 output = math.floor(models.networkStatus["agente_%s"%x][empresa][tiempo] * (10 ** prec)) / (10 ** prec) #Para tener 2 decimales solo emotionStatusAux.append((output,tiempo,None)) attributes = {} attributes[empresa] = emotionStatusAux G.add_node(x, attributes) print("Done!") with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(models.networkStatus, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) nx.write_gexf(G,"test.gexf", version="1.2draft")