import os import sqlite3 import csv import math import random import yaml import tempfile import pandas as pd from time import time as current_time from copy import deepcopy from networkx.readwrite import json_graph import networkx as nx from tsih import History, Record, Key, NoHistory from mesa import Model from . import serialization, agents, analysis, utils, time # These properties will be copied when pickling/unpickling the environment _CONFIG_PROPS = [ 'name', 'states', 'default_state', 'interval', ] class Environment(Model): """ The environment is key in a simulation. It contains the network topology, a reference to network and environment agents, as well as the environment params, which are used as shared state between agents. The environment parameters and the state of every agent can be accessed both by using the environment as a dictionary or with the environment's :meth:`soil.environment.Environment.get` method. """ def __init__(self, name=None, network_agents=None, environment_agents=None, states=None, default_state=None, interval=1, network_params=None, seed=None, topology=None, schedule=None, initial_time=0, environment_params=None, history=True, dir_path=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.schedule = schedule if schedule is None: self.schedule = time.TimedActivation() = name or 'UnnamedEnvironment' seed = seed or current_time() random.seed(seed) if isinstance(states, list): states = dict(enumerate(states)) self.states = deepcopy(states) if states else {} self.default_state = deepcopy(default_state) or {} if topology is None: network_params = network_params or {} topology = serialization.load_network(network_params, dir_path=dir_path) if not topology: topology = nx.Graph() self.G = nx.Graph(topology) self.environment_params = environment_params or {} self.environment_params.update(kwargs) self._env_agents = {} self.interval = interval if history: history = History else: history = NoHistory self._history = history(, backup=True) self['SEED'] = seed if network_agents: distro = agents.calculate_distribution(network_agents) self.network_agents = agents._convert_agent_types(distro) else: self.network_agents = [] environment_agents = environment_agents or [] if environment_agents: distro = agents.calculate_distribution(environment_agents) environment_agents = agents._convert_agent_types(distro) self.environment_agents = environment_agents @property def now(self): if self.schedule: return self.schedule.time raise Exception('The environment has not been scheduled, so it has no sense of time') @property def agents(self): yield from self.environment_agents yield from self.network_agents @property def environment_agents(self): for ref in self._env_agents.values(): yield ref @environment_agents.setter def environment_agents(self, environment_agents): self._environment_agents = environment_agents self._env_agents = agents._definition_to_dict(definition=environment_agents) @property def network_agents(self): for i in self.G.nodes(): node = self.G.nodes[i] if 'agent' in node: yield node['agent'] @network_agents.setter def network_agents(self, network_agents): self._network_agents = network_agents for ix in self.G.nodes(): self.init_agent(ix, agent_definitions=network_agents) def init_agent(self, agent_id, agent_definitions): node = self.G.nodes[agent_id] init = False state = dict(node) agent_type = None if 'agent_type' in self.states.get(agent_id, {}): agent_type = self.states[agent_id]['agent_type'] elif 'agent_type' in node: agent_type = node['agent_type'] elif 'agent_type' in self.default_state: agent_type = self.default_state['agent_type'] if agent_type: agent_type = agents.deserialize_type(agent_type) elif agent_definitions: agent_type, state = agents._agent_from_definition(agent_definitions, unique_id=agent_id) else: serialization.logger.debug('Skipping node {}'.format(agent_id)) return return self.set_agent(agent_id, agent_type, state) def set_agent(self, agent_id, agent_type, state=None): node = self.G.nodes[agent_id] defstate = deepcopy(self.default_state) or {} defstate.update(self.states.get(agent_id, {})) defstate.update(node.get('state', {})) if state: defstate.update(state) a = None if agent_type: state = defstate a = agent_type(model=self, unique_id=agent_id) for (k, v) in getattr(a, 'defaults', {}).items(): if not hasattr(a, k) or getattr(a, k) is None: setattr(a, k, v) for (k, v) in state.items(): setattr(a, k, v) node['agent'] = a self.schedule.add(a) return a def add_node(self, agent_type, state=None): agent_id = int(len(self.G.nodes())) self.G.add_node(agent_id) a = self.set_agent(agent_id, agent_type, state) a['visible'] = True return a def add_edge(self, agent1, agent2, start=None, **attrs): if hasattr(agent1, 'id'): agent1 = if hasattr(agent2, 'id'): agent2 = start = start or return self.G.add_edge(agent1, agent2, **attrs) def step(self): super().step() self.datacollector.collect(self) self.schedule.step() def run(self, until, *args, **kwargs): self._save_state() while self.schedule.next_time <= until and not math.isinf(self.schedule.next_time): self.schedule.step(until=until) utils.logger.debug(f'Simulation step {self.schedule.time}/{until}. Next: {self.schedule.next_time}') self._history.flush_cache() def _save_state(self, now=None): serialization.logger.debug('Saving state @{}'.format( self._history.save_records(self.state_to_tuples(now=now)) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, tuple): self._history.flush_cache() return self._history[key] return self.environment_params[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, tuple): k = Key(*key) self._history.save_record(*k, value=value) return self.environment_params[key] = value self._history.save_record(dict_id='env',, key=key, value=value) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.environment_params def get(self, key, default=None): ''' Get the value of an environment attribute in a given point in the simulation (history). If key is an attribute name, this method returns the current value. To get values at other times, use a :meth: `soil.history.Key` tuple. ''' return self[key] if key in self else default def get_agent(self, agent_id): return self.G.nodes[agent_id]['agent'] def get_agents(self, nodes=None): if nodes is None: return self.agents return (self.G.nodes[i]['agent'] for i in nodes) def dump_csv(self, f): with utils.open_or_reuse(f, 'w') as f: cr = csv.writer(f) cr.writerow(('agent_id', 't_step', 'key', 'value')) for i in self.history_to_tuples(): cr.writerow(i) def dump_gexf(self, f): G = self.history_to_graph() # Workaround for geometric models # See soil/soil#4 for node in G.nodes(): if 'pos' in G.nodes[node]: G.nodes[node]['viz'] = {"position": {"x": G.nodes[node]['pos'][0], "y": G.nodes[node]['pos'][1], "z": 0.0}} del (G.nodes[node]['pos']) nx.write_gexf(G, f, version="1.2draft") def dump(self, *args, formats=None, **kwargs): if not formats: return functions = { 'csv': self.dump_csv, 'gexf': self.dump_gexf } for f in formats: if f in functions: functions[f](*args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format: {}'.format(f)) def dump_sqlite(self, f): return self._history.dump(f) def state_to_tuples(self, now=None): if now is None: now = for k, v in self.environment_params.items(): yield Record(dict_id='env', t_step=now, key=k, value=v) for agent in self.agents: for k, v in agent.state.items(): yield Record(, t_step=now, key=k, value=v) def history_to_tuples(self): return self._history.to_tuples() def history_to_graph(self): G = nx.Graph(self.G) for agent in self.network_agents: attributes = {'agent': str(agent.__class__)} lastattributes = {} spells = [] lastvisible = False laststep = None history = self[, None, None] if not history: continue for t_step, attribute, value in sorted(list(history)): if attribute == 'visible': nowvisible = value if nowvisible and not lastvisible: laststep = t_step if not nowvisible and lastvisible: spells.append((laststep, t_step)) lastvisible = nowvisible continue key = 'attr_' + attribute if key not in attributes: attributes[key] = list() if key not in lastattributes: lastattributes[key] = (value, t_step) elif lastattributes[key][0] != value: last_value, laststep = lastattributes[key] commit_value = (last_value, laststep, t_step) if key not in attributes: attributes[key] = list() attributes[key].append(commit_value) lastattributes[key] = (value, t_step) for k, v in lastattributes.items(): attributes[k].append((v[0], v[1], None)) if lastvisible: spells.append((laststep, None)) if spells: G.add_node(, spells=spells, **attributes) else: G.add_node(, **attributes) return G def __getstate__(self): state = {} for prop in _CONFIG_PROPS: state[prop] = self.__dict__[prop] state['G'] = json_graph.node_link_data(self.G) state['environment_agents'] = self._env_agents state['history'] = self._history state['schedule'] = self.schedule return state def __setstate__(self, state): for prop in _CONFIG_PROPS: self.__dict__[prop] = state[prop] self._env_agents = state['environment_agents'] self.G = json_graph.node_link_graph(state['G']) self._history = state['history'] # self._env = None self.schedule = state['schedule'] self._queue = [] SoilEnvironment = Environment