from unittest import TestCase import pytest from soil import agents, environment from soil import time as stime class Dead(agents.FSM): @agents.default_state @agents.state def only(self): return self.die() class TestAgents(TestCase): def test_die_returns_infinity(self): """The last step of a dead agent should return time.INFINITY""" d = Dead(unique_id=0, model=environment.Environment()) ret = d.step() assert ret == stime.NEVER def test_die_raises_exception(self): """A dead agent should raise an exception if it is stepped after death""" d = Dead(unique_id=0, model=environment.Environment()) d.step() with pytest.raises(stime.DeadAgent): d.step() def test_agent_generator(self): """ The step function of an agent could be a generator. In that case, the state of the agent will be resumed after every call to step. """ a = 0 class Gen(agents.BaseAgent): def step(self): nonlocal a for i in range(5): yield a += 1 e = environment.Environment() g = Gen(model=e, unique_id=e.next_id()) e.schedule.add(g) for i in range(5): e.step() assert a == i def test_state_decorator(self): class MyAgent(agents.FSM): run = 0 @agents.default_state @agents.state("original") def root(self): += 1 return self.other @agents.state def other(self): += 1 e = environment.Environment() a = MyAgent(model=e, unique_id=e.next_id()) a.step() assert == 1 a.step() def test_broadcast(self): """ An agent should be able to broadcast messages to every other agent, AND each receiver should be able to process it """ class BCast(agents.Evented): pings_received = 0 def step(self): print(self.model.broadcast) try: self.model.broadcast("PING") except Exception as ex: print(ex) while True: self.check_messages() yield def on_receive(self, msg, sender=None): self.pings_received += 1 e = environment.EventedEnvironment() for i in range(10): e.add_agent(agent_class=BCast) e.step() pings_received = lambda: [a.pings_received for a in e.agents] assert sorted(pings_received()) == list(range(1, 11)) e.step() assert all(x == 10 for x in pings_received()) def test_ask_messages(self): """ An agent should be able to ask another agent, and wait for a response. """ # There are two agents, they try to send pings # This is arguably a very contrived example. In practice, the or # There should be a delay of one step between agent 0 and 1 # On the first step: # Agent 0 sends a PING, but blocks before a PONG # Agent 1 detects the PING, responds with a PONG, and blocks after its own PING # After that step, every agent can both receive (there are pending messages) and send. # In each step, for each agent, one message is sent, and another one is received # (although not necessarily in that order). # Results depend on ordering (agents are normally shuffled) # so we force the timedactivation not to be shuffled pings = [] pongs = [] responses = [] class Ping(agents.EventedAgent): def step(self): target_id = (self.unique_id + 1) % self.count_agents() target = self.model.agents[target_id] print("starting") while True: if pongs or not pings: # First agent, or anyone after that pings.append( response = yield target.ask("PING") responses.append(response) else: print("NOT sending ping") print("Checking msgs") # Do not block if we have already received a PING if not self.check_messages(): yield self.received() print("done") def on_receive(self, msg, sender=None): if msg == "PING": pongs.append( return "PONG" raise Exception("This should never happen") e = environment.EventedEnvironment(schedule_class=stime.OrderedTimedActivation) for i in range(2): e.add_agent(agent_class=Ping) assert == 0 for i in range(5): e.step() time = i + 1 assert == time assert len(pings) == 2 * time assert len(pongs) == (2 * time) - 1 # Every step between 0 and t appears twice assert sum(pings) == sum(range(time)) * 2 # It is the same as pings, without the leading 0 assert sum(pongs) == sum(range(time)) * 2