from soil.agents import FSM, NetworkAgent, state, default_state from soil import Environment from itertools import islice import logging class CityPubs(Environment): '''Environment with Pubs''' level = logging.INFO def __init__(self, *args, number_of_pubs=3, pub_capacity=10, **kwargs): super(CityPubs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) pubs = {} for i in range(number_of_pubs): newpub = { 'name': 'The awesome pub #{}'.format(i), 'open': True, 'capacity': pub_capacity, 'occupancy': 0, } pubs[newpub['name']] = newpub self['pubs'] = pubs def enter(self, pub_id, *nodes): '''Agents will try to enter. The pub checks if it is possible''' try: pub = self['pubs'][pub_id] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Pub {} is not available'.format(pub_id)) if not pub['open'] or (pub['capacity'] < (len(nodes) + pub['occupancy'])): return False pub['occupancy'] += len(nodes) for node in nodes: node['pub'] = pub_id return True def available_pubs(self): for pub in self['pubs'].values(): if pub['open'] and (pub['occupancy'] < pub['capacity']): yield pub['name'] def exit(self, pub_id, *node_ids): '''Agents will notify the pub they want to leave''' try: pub = self['pubs'][pub_id] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Pub {} is not available'.format(pub_id)) for node_id in node_ids: node = self.get_agent(node_id) if pub_id == node['pub']: del node['pub'] pub['occupancy'] -= 1 class Patron(FSM, NetworkAgent): '''Agent that looks for friends to drink with. It will do three things: 1) Look for other patrons to drink with 2) Look for a bar where the agent and other agents in the same group can get in. 3) While in the bar, patrons only drink, until they get drunk and taken home. ''' level = logging.DEBUG pub = None drunk = False pints = 0 max_pints = 3 kicked_out = False @default_state @state def looking_for_friends(self): '''Look for friends to drink with''''I am looking for friends') available_friends = list(self.get_agents(drunk=False, pub=None, if not available_friends:'Life sucks and I\'m alone!') return self.at_home befriended = self.try_friends(available_friends) if befriended: return self.looking_for_pub @state def looking_for_pub(self): '''Look for a pub that accepts me and my friends''' if self['pub'] != None: return self.sober_in_pub self.debug('I am looking for a pub') group = list(self.get_neighboring_agents()) for pub in self.model.available_pubs(): self.debug('We\'re trying to get into {}: total: {}'.format(pub, len(group))) if self.model.enter(pub, self, *group):'We\'re all {} getting in {}!'.format(len(group), pub)) return self.sober_in_pub @state def sober_in_pub(self): '''Drink up.''' self.drink() if self['pints'] > self['max_pints']: return self.drunk_in_pub @state def drunk_in_pub(self): '''I'm out. Take me home!''''I\'m so drunk. Take me home!') self['drunk'] = True if self.kicked_out: return self.at_home pass # out drun @state def at_home(self): '''The end''' others = self.get_agents(, limit_neighbors=True) self.debug('I\'m home. Just like {} of my friends'.format(len(others))) def drink(self): self['pints'] += 1 self.debug('Cheers to that') def kick_out(self): self.kicked_out = True def befriend(self, other_agent, force=False): ''' Try to become friends with another agent. The chances of success depend on both agents' openness. ''' if force or self['openness'] > self.random.random(): self.add_edge(self, other_agent)'Made some friend {}'.format(other_agent)) return True return False def try_friends(self, others): ''' Look for random agents around me and try to befriend them''' befriended = False k = int(10*self['openness']) self.random.shuffle(others) for friend in islice(others, k): # random.choice >= 3.7 if friend == self: continue if friend.befriend(self): self.befriend(friend, force=True) self.debug('Hooray! new friend: {}'.format( befriended = True else: self.debug('{} does not want to be friends'.format( return befriended class Police(FSM): '''Simple agent to take drunk people out of pubs.''' level = logging.INFO @default_state @state def patrol(self): drunksters = list(self.get_agents(drunk=True, for drunk in drunksters:'Kicking out the trash: {}'.format( drunk.kick_out() else:'No trash to take out. Too bad.') if __name__ == '__main__': from soil import simulation simulation.run_from_config('pubcrawl.yml', dry_run=True, dump=None, parallel=False)