from unittest import TestCase import os import pickle import networkx as nx from functools import partial from os.path import join from soil import simulation, Environment, agents, network, serialization, utils, config, from_file from soil.time import Delta from mesa import Agent as MesaAgent ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) EXAMPLES = join(ROOT, "..", "examples") class CustomAgent(agents.FSM, agents.NetworkAgent): @agents.default_state @agents.state def normal(self): self.neighbors = self.count_agents(state_id="normal", limit_neighbors=True) @agents.state def unreachable(self): return class TestMain(TestCase): def test_empty_simulation(self): """A simulation with a base behaviour should do nothing""" config = { "model_params": { "topology": join(ROOT, "test.gexf"), "agent_class": MesaAgent, }, "max_time": 1 } s = simulation.from_config(config) s.run_simulation(dump=False) def test_network_agent(self): """ The initial states should be applied to the agent and the agent should be able to update its state.""" config = { "name": "CounterAgent", "num_trials": 1, "max_time": 2, "model_params": { "network_params": { "generator": nx.complete_graph, "n": 2, }, "agent_class": "CounterModel", "states": { 0: {"times": 10}, 1: {"times": 20}, }, }, } s = simulation.from_config(config) def test_counter_agent(self): """ The initial states should be applied to the agent and the agent should be able to update its state.""" env = Environment() env.add_agent(agents.Ticker, times=10) env.add_agent(agents.Ticker, times=20) assert isinstance(env.agents[0], agents.Ticker) assert env.agents[0]["times"] == 10 assert env.agents[1]["times"] == 20 env.step() assert env.agents[0]["times"] == 11 assert env.agents[1]["times"] == 21 def test_init_and_count_agents(self): """Agents should be properly initialized and counting should filter them properly""" env = Environment(topology=join(ROOT, "test.gexf")) env.populate_network([CustomAgent.w(weight=1), CustomAgent.w(weight=3)]) assert env.agents[0].weight == 1 assert env.count_agents() == 2 assert env.count_agents(weight=1) == 1 assert env.count_agents(weight=3) == 1 assert env.count_agents(agent_class=CustomAgent) == 2 def test_torvalds_example(self): """A complete example from a documentation should work.""" owd = os.getcwd() pyfile = join(EXAMPLES, "") try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(pyfile)) s = simulation.from_py(pyfile) env = s.run_simulation(dump=False)[0] for a in env.network_agents: skill_level = a["skill_level"] if a.node_id == "Torvalds": assert skill_level == "God" assert a["total"] == 3 assert a["neighbors"] == 2 elif a.node_id == "balkian": assert skill_level == "developer" assert a["total"] == 3 assert a["neighbors"] == 1 else: assert skill_level == "beginner" assert a["total"] == 3 assert a["neighbors"] == 1 finally: os.chdir(owd) def test_serialize_class(self): ser, name = serialization.serialize(agents.BaseAgent, known_modules=[]) assert name == "soil.agents.BaseAgent" assert ser == agents.BaseAgent ser, name = serialization.serialize( agents.BaseAgent, known_modules=[ "soil", ], ) assert name == "BaseAgent" assert ser == agents.BaseAgent ser, name = serialization.serialize(CustomAgent) assert name == "test_main.CustomAgent" assert ser == CustomAgent pickle.dumps(ser) def test_serialize_builtin_types(self): for i in [1, None, True, False, {}, [], list(), dict()]: ser, name = serialization.serialize(i) assert type(ser) == str des = serialization.deserialize(name, ser) assert i == des def test_serialize_agent_class(self): """A class from soil.agents should be serialized without the module part""" ser = agents._serialize_type(CustomAgent) assert ser == "test_main.CustomAgent" ser = agents._serialize_type(agents.BaseAgent) assert ser == "BaseAgent" pickle.dumps(ser) def test_until(self): n_runs = 0 class CheckRun(agents.BaseAgent): def step(self): nonlocal n_runs n_runs += 1 n_trials = 50 max_time = 2 s = simulation.Simulation( model_params=dict(agents=dict(agent_classes=[CheckRun], k=1)), num_trials=n_trials, max_time=max_time, ) runs = list(s.run_simulation(dump=False)) over = list( for x in runs if > 2) assert len(runs) == n_trials assert len(over) == 0 def test_fsm(self): """Basic state change""" class ToggleAgent(agents.FSM): @agents.default_state @agents.state def ping(self): return self.pong @agents.state def pong(self): return a = ToggleAgent(unique_id=1, model=Environment()) assert a.state_id == a.step() assert a.state_id == a.step() assert a.state_id == def test_fsm_when(self): """Basic state change""" class ToggleAgent(agents.FSM): @agents.default_state @agents.state def ping(self): return self.pong, 2 @agents.state def pong(self): return a = ToggleAgent(unique_id=1, model=Environment()) when = a.step() assert when == 2 when = a.step() assert when == Delta(a.interval) def test_load_sim(self): """Make sure at least one of the examples can be loaded""" sims = from_file(os.path.join(EXAMPLES, "newsspread", "")) assert len(sims) == 3*3*2 for sim in sims: assert sim assert == "newspread_sim" assert sim.num_trials == 5 assert sim.max_steps == 300 assert not sim.dump assert sim.model_params assert "ratio_dumb" in sim.model_params assert "ratio_herd" in sim.model_params assert "ratio_wise" in sim.model_params assert "network_generator" in sim.model_params assert "network_params" in sim.model_params assert "prob_neighbor_spread" in sim.model_params