""" Example of setting a Example of a fully programmatic simulation, without definition files. """ from soil import Simulation, agents, Environment from soil.time import Delta class MyAgent(agents.FSM): """ An agent that first does a ping """ defaults = {"pong_counts": 2} @agents.default_state @agents.state def ping(self): self.info("Ping") return self.pong, Delta(self.random.expovariate(1 / 16)) @agents.state def pong(self): self.info("Pong") self.pong_counts -= 1 self.info(str(self.pong_counts)) if self.pong_counts < 1: return self.die() return None, Delta(self.random.expovariate(1 / 16)) class RandomEnv(Environment): def init(self): self.add_agent(agent_class=MyAgent) s = Simulation( name="Programmatic", model=RandomEnv, num_trials=1, max_time=100, dump=False, ) envs = s.run()