import os from time import time as current_time, strftime import sys import yaml import hashlib import inspect import logging import networkx as nx from import tqdm from textwrap import dedent from dataclasses import dataclass, field, asdict, replace from typing import Any, Dict, Union, Optional, List from functools import partial from contextlib import contextmanager from itertools import product import json from . import serialization, exporters, utils, basestring, agents from . import environment from .utils import logger, run_and_return_exceptions from .debugging import set_trace _AVOID_RUNNING = False _QUEUED = [] @contextmanager def do_not_run(): global _AVOID_RUNNING _AVOID_RUNNING = True try: logger.debug("NOT RUNNING") yield finally: logger.debug("RUNNING AGAIN") _AVOID_RUNNING = False def _iter_queued(): while _QUEUED: slf = _QUEUED.pop(0) yield slf # TODO: change documentation for simulation @dataclass class Simulation: """ A simulation is a collection of agents and a model. It is responsible for running the model and agents, and collecting data from them. Args: version: The version of the simulation. This is used to determine how to load the simulation. name: The name of the simulation. description: A description of the simulation. group: The group that the simulation belongs to. model: The model to use for the simulation. This can be a string or a class. parameters: The parameters to pass to the model. matrix: A matrix of values for each parameter. seed: The seed to use for the simulation. dir_path: The directory path to use for the simulation. max_time: The maximum time to run the simulation. max_steps: The maximum number of steps to run the simulation. iterations: The number of iterations (times) to run the simulation. num_processes: The number of processes to use for the simulation. If greater than one, simulations will be performed in parallel. This may make debugging and error handling difficult. tables: The tables to use in the simulation datacollector agent_reporters: The agent reporters to use in the datacollector model_reporters: The model reporters to use in the datacollector dry_run: Whether or not to run the simulation. If True, the simulation will not be run. backup: Whether or not to backup the simulation. If True, the simulation files will be backed up to a different directory. overwrite: Whether or not to replace existing simulation data. source_file: Python file to use to find additional classes. """ version: str = "2" source_file: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None description: Optional[str] = "" group: str = None backup: bool = False overwrite: bool = False dry_run: bool = False dump: bool = False model: Union[str, type] = "soil.Environment" parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict) matrix: dict = field(default_factory=dict) seed: str = "default" dir_path: str = field(default_factory=lambda: os.getcwd()) max_time: float = None max_steps: int = None iterations: int = 1 num_processes: Optional[int] = 1 exporters: Optional[List[str]] = field(default_factory=lambda: [exporters.default]) model_reporters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict) agent_reporters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict) tables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict) outdir: str = field(default_factory=lambda: os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "soil_output")) # outdir: Optional[str] = None exporter_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict) level: int = logging.INFO skip_test: Optional[bool] = False debug: Optional[bool] = False def __post_init__(self): if is None: if isinstance(self.model, str): = self.model else: = self.model.__name__ self.logger = logger.getChild( self.logger.setLevel(self.level) if self.source_file and (not os.path.isabs(self.source_file)): self.source_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dir_path, self.source_file)) with serialization.with_source(self.source_file): if isinstance(self.model, str): self.model = serialization.deserialize(self.model) self.agent_reporters = self.agent_reporters self.model_reporters = self.model_reporters self.tables = self.tables = f"{}_{current_time()}" def run(self, **kwargs): """Run the simulation and return the list of resulting environments""" if kwargs: res = replace(self, **kwargs) return if _AVOID_RUNNING: _QUEUED.append(self) return [] self.logger.debug("Using exporters: %s", self.exporters or []) exporters = serialization.deserialize_all( self.exporters, simulation=self, known_modules=[ "soil.exporters", ], dump=self.dump and not self.dry_run, outdir=self.outdir, **self.exporter_params, ) results = [] for exporter in exporters: exporter.sim_start() param_combinations = self._collect_params(**kwargs) for params in tqdm(param_combinations,, unit="configuration"): for (k, v) in params.items(): tqdm.write(f"{k} = {v}") sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(repr(sorted(params.items())).encode()) params_id = sha.hexdigest()[:7] for env in self._run_iters_for_params(params): for exporter in exporters: exporter.iteration_end(env, params, params_id) results.append(env) for exporter in exporters: exporter.sim_end() return results def _collect_params(self): parameters = [] if self.parameters: parameters.append(self.parameters) if self.matrix: assert isinstance(self.matrix, dict) for values in product(*(self.matrix.values())): parameters.append(dict(zip(self.matrix.keys(), values))) if not parameters: parameters = [{}] if self.dump:"Output directory: %s", self.outdir) return parameters def _run_iters_for_params( self, params ): """Run the simulation and yield the resulting environments.""" with serialization.with_source(self.source_file): with utils.timer(f"running for config {params}"): if self.dry_run: def func(*args, **kwargs): return None else: func = self._run_model for env in tqdm(utils.run_parallel( func=func, iterable=range(self.iterations), num_processes=self.num_processes, **params, ), total=self.iterations, leave=False): if env is None and self.dry_run: continue yield env def _get_env(self, iteration_id, params): """Create an environment for a iteration of the simulation""" iteration_id = str(iteration_id) agent_reporters = self.agent_reporters agent_reporters.update(params.pop("agent_reporters", {})) model_reporters = self.model_reporters model_reporters.update(params.pop("model_reporters", {})) return self.model( id=iteration_id, seed=f"{self.seed}_iteration_{iteration_id}", dir_path=self.dir_path, logger=self.logger.getChild(iteration_id), agent_reporters=agent_reporters, model_reporters=model_reporters, tables=self.tables, **params, ) def _run_model(self, iteration_id, **params): """ Run a single iteration of the simulation """ # Set-up iteration environment and graph model = self._get_env(iteration_id, params) with utils.timer("Simulation {} iteration {}".format(, iteration_id)): max_time = self.max_time max_steps = self.max_steps if (max_time is not None) and (max_steps is not None): is_done = lambda model: (not model.running) or (model.schedule.time >= max_time) or (model.schedule.steps >= max_steps) elif max_time is not None: is_done = lambda model: (not model.running) or (model.schedule.time >= max_time) elif max_steps is not None: is_done = lambda model: (not model.running) or (model.schedule.steps >= max_steps) else: is_done = lambda model: not model.running if not model.schedule.agents: raise Exception("No agents in model. This is probably a bug. Make sure that the model has agents scheduled after its initialization.") newline = "\n" self.logger.debug( dedent( f""" Model stats: Agent count: { model.schedule.get_agent_count() }): Topology size: { len(model.G) if hasattr(model, "G") else 0 } """ ) ) if self.debug: set_trace() while not is_done(model): self.logger.debug( f'Simulation time {model.schedule.time}/{max_time}.' ) model.step() return model def to_dict(self): d = asdict(self) return serialization.serialize_dict(d) def to_yaml(self): return yaml.dump(self.to_dict()) def iter_from_file(*files, **kwargs): for f in files: try: yield from iter_from_py(f, **kwargs) except ValueError as ex: yield from iter_from_config(f, **kwargs) def from_file(*args, **kwargs): return list(iter_from_file(*args, **kwargs)) def iter_from_config(*cfgs, **kwargs): for config in cfgs: configs = list(serialization.load_config(config)) for config, path in configs: d = dict(config) d.update(kwargs) if "dir_path" not in d: d["dir_path"] = os.path.dirname(path) yield Simulation(**d) def from_config(conf_or_path): lst = list(iter_from_config(conf_or_path)) if len(lst) > 1: raise AttributeError("Provide only one configuration") return lst[0] def iter_from_py(pyfile, module_name='imported_file', **kwargs): """Try to load every Simulation instance in a given Python file""" import importlib added = False sims = [] assert not _AVOID_RUNNING with do_not_run(): assert _AVOID_RUNNING spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, pyfile) folder = os.path.dirname(pyfile) if folder not in sys.path: added = True sys.path.append(folder) if not spec: raise ValueError(f"{pyfile} does not seem to be a Python module") module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[module_name] = module spec.loader.exec_module(module) for (_name, sim) in inspect.getmembers(module, lambda x: isinstance(x, Simulation)): sims.append(sim) for sim in _iter_queued(): sims.append(sim) # Try to find environments to run, because we did not import a script that ran simulations if not sims: for (_name, env) in inspect.getmembers(module, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, environment.Environment) and (getattr(x, "__module__", None) != environment.__name__)): sims.append(Simulation(model=env, **kwargs)) del sys.modules[module_name] assert not _AVOID_RUNNING if not sims: raise AttributeError(f"No valid configurations found in {pyfile}") if added: sys.path.remove(folder) for sim in sims: yield replace(sim, **kwargs) def from_py(pyfile): return next(iter_from_py(pyfile)) def run_from_file(*files, **kwargs): for sim in iter_from_file(*files):"Using config(s): {}") sim.run_simulation(**kwargs) def run(env, iterations=1, num_processes=1, dump=False, name="test", **kwargs): return Simulation(model=env, iterations=iterations, name=name, dump=dump, num_processes=num_processes, **kwargs).run()