Fix incompatibility and bug in get_agents

pull/7/head 0.14.4
J. Fernando Sánchez 5 years ago
parent 97835b3d10
commit 6690b6ee5f

@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [0.14.4]
### Fixed
* Bug in `agent.get_agents()` when `state_id` is passed as a string. The tests have been modified accordingly.
## [0.14.3]
### Fixed
* Incompatibility with py3.3-3.6 due to ModuleNotFoundError and TypeError in DryRunner
## [0.14.2]
### Fixed
* Output path for exporters is now soil_output

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Patron(FSM):
2) Look for a bar where the agent and other agents in the same group can get in.
3) While in the bar, patrons only drink, until they get drunk and taken home.
level = logging.INFO
level = logging.DEBUG
defaults = {
'pub': None,
@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ class Patron(FSM):
def at_home(self):
'''The end'''
self.debug('Life sucks. I\'m home!')
others = self.get_agents(, limit_neighbors=True)
self.debug('I\'m home. Just like {} of my friends'.format(len(others)))
def drink(self):
self['pints'] += 1

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -476,10 +476,7 @@ class Geo(NetworkAgent):
def select(agents, state_id=None, agent_type=None, ignore=None, iterator=False, **kwargs):
if state_id is not None:
state_id = tuple(state_id)
except TypeError:
if state_id is not None and not isinstance(state_id, (tuple, list)):
state_id = tuple([state_id])
if agent_type is not None:

@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ def deserializer(type_, known_modules=[]):
module = importlib.import_module(modname)
cls = getattr(module, tname)
return getattr(cls, 'deserialize', cls)
except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError) as ex:
except (ImportError, AttributeError) as ex:
errors.append((modname, tname, ex))
raise Exception('Could not find type {}. Tried: {}'.format(type_, errors))

@ -46,5 +46,5 @@ def safe_open(path, mode='r', backup=True, **kwargs):
def open_or_reuse(f, *args, **kwargs):
return safe_open(f, *args, **kwargs)
except TypeError:
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return f

@ -16,10 +16,15 @@ ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
EXAMPLES = join(ROOT, '..', 'examples')
class CustomAgent(agents.BaseAgent):
def step(self):
self.state['neighbors'] = self.count_agents(state_id=0,
class CustomAgent(agents.FSM):
def normal(self):
self.state['neighbors'] = self.count_agents(state_id='normal',
def unreachable(self):
class TestMain(TestCase):
@ -134,8 +139,7 @@ class TestMain(TestCase):
'network_agents': [{
'agent_type': CustomAgent,
'weight': 1,
'state': {'id': 0}
'weight': 1
'max_time': 10,
@ -145,6 +149,9 @@ class TestMain(TestCase):
s = simulation.from_config(config)
env = s.run_simulation(dry_run=True)[0]
assert env.get_agent(0).state['neighbors'] == 1
assert env.get_agent(0).state['neighbors'] == 1
assert env.get_agent(1).count_agents(state_id='normal') == 2
assert env.get_agent(1).count_agents(state_id='normal', limit_neighbors=True) == 1
def test_torvalds_example(self):
"""A complete example from a documentation should work."""
