All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
* A modular set of classes for environments/models. Now the ability to configure the agents through an agent definition and a topology through a network configuration is split into two classes (`soil.agents.BaseEnvironment` for agents, `soil.agents.NetworkEnvironment` to add topology).
* Environments now have a class method to make them easier to use without a simulation`.run`. Notice that this is different from `run_model`, which is an instance method.
* Ability to run simulations using mesa models
* The `soil.exporters` module to export the results of datacollectors (`model.datacollector`) into files at the end of trials/simulations
* Agents can now have generators as a step function or a state. They work similar to normal functions, with one caveat in the case of `FSM`: only `time` values (or None) can be yielded, not a state. This is because the state will not change, it will be resumed after the yield, at the appropriate time. The return value *can* be a state, or a `(state, time)` tuple, just like in normal states.
* Simulations can now specify a `matrix` with possible values for every simulation parameter. The final parameters will be calculated based on the `parameters` used and a cartesian product (i.e., all possible combinations) of each parameter.
* Simple debugging capabilities in `soil.debugging`, with a custom `pdb.Debugger` subclass that exposes commands to list agents and their status and set breakpoints on states (for FSM agents). Try it with `soil --debug <simulation file>`
* Configuration schema (`Simulation`) is very simplified. All simulations should be checked
* Model / environment variables are expected (but not enforced) to be a single value. This is done to more closely align with mesa
*`Exporter.iteration_end` now takes two parameters: `env` (same as before) and `params` (specific parameters for this environment). We considered including a `parameters` attribute in the environment, but this would not be compatible with mesa.
*`num_trials` renamed to `iterations`
* General renaming of `trial` to `iteration`, to work better with `mesa`
*`model_parameters` renamed to `parameters` in simulation
* Simulation results for every iteration of a simulation with the same name are stored in a single `sqlite` database
* Any `tsih` and `History` integration in the main classes. To record the state of environments/agents, just use a datacollector. In some cases this may be slower or consume more memory than the previous system. However, few cases actually used the full potential of the history, and it came at the cost of unnecessary complexity and worse performance for the majority of cases.
*`simpy` dependency and compatibility. Each agent used to be a simpy generator, but that made debugging and error handling more complex. That has been replaced by a scheduler within the `soil.Environment` class, similar to how `mesa` does it.
* Bug with newer versions of networkx (0.24) where the Graph.node attribute has been removed. We have updated our calls, but the code in nxsim is not under our control, so we have pinned the networkx version until that issue is solved.
### Changed
* Explicit yaml.SafeLoader to avoid deprecation warnings when using yaml.load. It should not break any existing setups, but we could move to the FullLoader in the future if needed.
* Exporters unify exporting/dumping results and other files to disk. If `dry_run` is set to `True`, exporters will write to stdout instead of a file (useful for testing/debugging).
* Distribution exporter, to write statistics about values and value_counts in every simulation. The results are dumped to two CSV files.
*`dir_path` is now the directory for resources (modules, files)
* Environments and simulations do not export or write anything by default. That task is delegated to Exporters
### Removed
* The output dir for environments and simulations (see Exporters)
* DrawingAgent, because it wrote to disk and was not being used. We provide a partial alternative in the form of the GraphDrawing exporter. A complete alternative will be provided once the network at each state can be accessed by exporters.
* Modules with custom agents/environments failed to load when they were run from outside the directory of the definition file. Modules are now loaded from the directory of the simulation file in addition to the working directory
* History now defaults to not backing up! This makes it more intuitive to load the history for examination, at the expense of rewriting something. That should not happen because History is only created in the Environment, and that has `backup=True`.
### Added
* Agent names are assigned based on their agent types
* Agent logging uses the agent name.
* FSM agents can now return a timeout in addition to a new state. e.g. `return self.idle, self.env.timeout(2)` will execute the *different_state* in 2 *units of time* (`t_step=now+2`).
* Example of using timeouts in FSM (custom_timeouts)
*`network_agents` entries may include an `ids` entry. If set, it should be a list of node ids that should be assigned that agent type. This complements the previous behavior of setting agent type with `weights`.