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import logging
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial, wraps
from itertools import islice
import json
import networkx as nx
from .. import serialization, utils, time
from tsih import Key
from mesa import Agent
5 years ago
def as_node(agent):
if isinstance(agent, BaseAgent):
return agent
IGNORED_FIELDS = ('model', 'logger')
5 years ago
2 years ago
class DeadAgent(Exception):
class BaseAgent(Agent):
2 years ago
A special type of Mesa Agent that:
* Can be used as a dictionary to access its state.
* Has logging built-in
* Can be given default arguments through a defaults class attribute,
which will be used on construction to initialize each agent's state
Any attribute that is not preceded by an underscore (`_`) will also be added to its state.
7 years ago
defaults = {}
def __init__(self,
2 years ago
# Check for REQUIRED arguments
# Initialize agent parameters
if isinstance(unique_id, Agent):
raise Exception()
self._saved = set()
super().__init__(unique_id=unique_id, model=model) = name or '{}[{}]'.format(type(self).__name__, self.unique_id)
self._neighbors = None
7 years ago
self.alive = True
self.interval = interval or self.get('interval', 1)
self.logger = logging.getLogger(
if hasattr(self, 'level'):
2 years ago
for (k, v) in self.defaults.items():
if not hasattr(self, k) or getattr(self, k) is None:
setattr(self, k, deepcopy(v))
2 years ago
for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
2 years ago
for (k, v) in getattr(self, 'defaults', {}).items():
if not hasattr(self, k) or getattr(self, k) is None:
setattr(self, k, v)
2 years ago
# TODO: refactor to clean up mesa compatibility
def id(self):
return self.unique_id
def env(self):
return self.model
def env(self, model):
self.model = model
def state(self):
Return the agent itself, which behaves as a dictionary.
This method shouldn't be used, but is kept here for backwards compatibility.
return self
def state(self, value):
for k, v in value.items():
self[k] = v
def environment_params(self):
return self.model.environment_params
def environment_params(self, value):
self.model.environment_params = value
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if not key.startswith('_') and key not in IGNORED_FIELDS:
k = Key(,
self.model[k] = value
except AttributeError:
super().__setattr__(key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, tuple):
key, t_step = key
k = Key(key=key, t_step=t_step, dict_id=self.unique_id)
return self.model[k]
return getattr(self, key)
7 years ago
def __delitem__(self, key):
return delattr(self, key)
7 years ago
def __contains__(self, key):
return hasattr(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
setattr(self, key, value)
def items(self):
return ((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._saved)
7 years ago
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self[key] if key in self else default
def now(self):
except AttributeError:
# No environment
return None
7 years ago
def die(self, remove=False):
2 years ago'agent {self.unique_id} is dying')
7 years ago
self.alive = False
if remove:
2 years ago
return time.NEVER
7 years ago
def step(self):
if not self.alive:
2 years ago
raise DeadAgent(self.unique_id)
return super().step() or time.Delta(self.interval)
def log(self, message, *args, level=logging.INFO, **kwargs):
if not self.logger.isEnabledFor(level):
message = message + " ".join(str(i) for i in args)
message = " @{:>3}: {}".format(, message)
for k, v in kwargs:
message += " {k}={v} ".format(k, v)
extra = {}
extra['now'] =
extra['unique_id'] = self.unique_id
extra['agent_name'] =
return self.logger.log(level, message, extra=extra)
def debug(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.log(*args, level=logging.DEBUG, **kwargs)
def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.log(*args, level=logging.INFO, **kwargs)
7 years ago
class NetworkAgent(BaseAgent):
5 years ago
def topology(self):
return self.model.G
def G(self):
return self.model.G
def count_agents(self, **kwargs):
return len(list(self.get_agents(**kwargs)))
def count_neighboring_agents(self, state_id=None, **kwargs):
return len(self.get_neighboring_agents(state_id=state_id, **kwargs))
def get_neighboring_agents(self, state_id=None, **kwargs):
return self.get_agents(limit_neighbors=True, state_id=state_id, **kwargs)
def get_agents(self, *args, limit=None, **kwargs):
it = self.iter_agents(*args, **kwargs)
if limit is not None:
it = islice(it, limit)
return list(it)
def iter_agents(self, agents=None, limit_neighbors=False, **kwargs):
if limit_neighbors:
agents = self.topology.neighbors(self.unique_id)
agents = self.model.get_agents(agents)
return select(agents, **kwargs)
5 years ago
def subgraph(self, center=True, **kwargs):
include = [self] if center else []
return self.topology.subgraph(n.unique_id for n in list(self.get_agents(**kwargs))+include)
5 years ago
def remove_node(self, unique_id):
5 years ago
def add_edge(self, other, edge_attr_dict=None, *edge_attrs):
# return super(NetworkAgent, self).add_edge(, node2=other, **kwargs)
if self.unique_id not in self.topology.nodes(data=False):
raise ValueError('{} not in list of existing agents in the network'.format(self.unique_id))
if other.unique_id not in self.topology.nodes(data=False):
raise ValueError('{} not in list of existing agents in the network'.format(other))
self.topology.add_edge(self.unique_id, other.unique_id, edge_attr_dict=edge_attr_dict, *edge_attrs)
5 years ago
def ego_search(self, steps=1, center=False, node=None, **kwargs):
'''Get a list of nodes in the ego network of *node* of radius *steps*'''
node = as_node(node if node is not None else self)
G = self.subgraph(**kwargs)
return nx.ego_graph(G, node, center=center, radius=steps).nodes()
def degree(self, node, force=False):
node = as_node(node)
if force or (not hasattr(self.model, '_degree')) or getattr(self.model, '_last_step', 0) <
self.model._degree = nx.degree_centrality(self.topology)
self.model._last_step =
return self.model._degree[node]
5 years ago
def betweenness(self, node, force=False):
node = as_node(node)
if force or (not hasattr(self.model, '_betweenness')) or getattr(self.model, '_last_step', 0) <
self.model._betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(self.topology)
self.model._last_step =
return self.model._betweenness[node]
5 years ago
def state(name=None):
def decorator(func, name=None):
A state function should return either a state id, or a tuple (state_id, when)
The default value for state_id is the current state id.
The default value for when is the interval defined in the environment.
def func_wrapper(self):
next_state = func(self)
when = None
if next_state is None:
return when
next_state, when = next_state
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if next_state:
return when
5 years ago = name or func.__name__
func_wrapper.is_default = False
return func_wrapper
if callable(name):
return decorator(name)
return partial(decorator, name=name)
def default_state(func):
func.is_default = True
return func
6 years ago
class MetaFSM(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, nmspc):
super(MetaFSM, cls).__init__(name, bases, nmspc)
states = {}
# Re-use states from inherited classes
default_state = None
for i in bases:
if isinstance(i, MetaFSM):
for state_id, state in i.states.items():
if state.is_default:
default_state = state
states[state_id] = state
# Add new states
for name, func in nmspc.items():
if hasattr(func, 'id'):
if func.is_default:
default_state = func
states[] = func
cls.default_state = default_state
cls.states = states
class FSM(NetworkAgent, metaclass=MetaFSM):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FSM, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not hasattr(self, 'state_id'):
if not self.default_state:
raise ValueError('No default state specified for {}'.format(self.unique_id))
self.state_id =
def step(self):
self.debug(f'Agent {self.unique_id} @ state {self.state_id}')
2 years ago
interval = super().step()
if 'id' not in self.state:
if self.default_state:
raise Exception('{} has no valid state id or default state'.format(self))
2 years ago
interval = self.states[self.state_id](self) or interval
if not self.alive:
return time.NEVER
return interval
7 years ago
def set_state(self, state):
if hasattr(state, 'id'):
state =
if state not in self.states:
raise ValueError('{} is not a valid state'.format(state))
self.state_id = state
return state
def prob(prob=1):
A true/False uniform distribution with a given probability.
To be used like this:
.. code-block:: python
if prob(0.3):
r = random.random()
return r < prob
def calculate_distribution(network_agents=None,
Calculate the threshold values (thresholds for a uniform distribution)
of an agent distribution given the weights of each agent type.
The input has this form: ::
{'agent_type': 'agent_type_1',
'weight': 0.2,
'state': {
'id': 0
{'agent_type': 'agent_type_2',
'weight': 0.8,
'state': {
'id': 1
In this example, 20% of the nodes will be marked as type
if network_agents:
network_agents = [deepcopy(agent) for agent in network_agents if not hasattr(agent, 'id')]
elif agent_type:
network_agents = [{'agent_type': agent_type}]
5 years ago
raise ValueError('Specify a distribution or a default agent type')
# Fix missing weights and incompatible types
for x in network_agents:
x['weight'] = float(x.get('weight', 1))
# Calculate the thresholds
total = sum(x['weight'] for x in network_agents)
acc = 0
for v in network_agents:
if 'ids' in v:
upper = acc + (v['weight']/total)
v['threshold'] = [acc, upper]
acc = upper
return network_agents
def serialize_type(agent_type, known_modules=[], **kwargs):
6 years ago
if isinstance(agent_type, str):
return agent_type
known_modules += ['soil.agents']
5 years ago
return serialization.serialize(agent_type, known_modules=known_modules, **kwargs)[1] # Get the name of the class
6 years ago
def serialize_definition(network_agents, known_modules=[]):
When serializing an agent distribution, remove the thresholds, in order
to avoid cluttering the YAML definition file.
d = deepcopy(list(network_agents))
for v in d:
if 'threshold' in v:
del v['threshold']
v['agent_type'] = serialize_type(v['agent_type'],
6 years ago
return d
def deserialize_type(agent_type, known_modules=[]):
if not isinstance(agent_type, str):
return agent_type
known = known_modules + ['soil.agents', 'soil.agents.custom' ]
5 years ago
agent_type = serialization.deserializer(agent_type, known_modules=known)
6 years ago
return agent_type
def deserialize_definition(ind, **kwargs):
6 years ago
d = deepcopy(ind)
for v in d:
v['agent_type'] = deserialize_type(v['agent_type'], **kwargs)
return d
def _validate_states(states, topology):
'''Validate states to avoid ignoring states during initialization'''
states = states or []
if isinstance(states, dict):
for x in states:
assert x in topology.nodes
assert len(states) <= len(topology)
return states
def _convert_agent_types(ind, to_string=False, **kwargs):
'''Convenience method to allow specifying agents by class or class name.'''
6 years ago
if to_string:
return serialize_definition(ind, **kwargs)
return deserialize_definition(ind, **kwargs)
def _agent_from_definition(definition, value=-1, unique_id=None):
"""Used in the initialization of agents given an agent distribution."""
if value < 0:
value = random.random()
for d in sorted(definition, key=lambda x: x.get('threshold')):
threshold = d.get('threshold', (-1, -1))
# Check if the definition matches by id (first) or by threshold
if (unique_id is not None and unique_id in d.get('ids', [])) or \
(value >= threshold[0] and value < threshold[1]):
state = {}
if 'state' in d:
state = deepcopy(d['state'])
return d['agent_type'], state
raise Exception('Definition for value {} not found in: {}'.format(value, definition))
def _definition_to_dict(definition, size=None, default_state=None):
state = default_state or {}
agents = {}
remaining = {}
if size:
for ix in range(size):
remaining[ix] = copy(state)
remaining = defaultdict(lambda x: copy(state))
distro = sorted([item for item in definition if 'weight' in item])
ix = 0
def init_agent(item, id=ix):
while id in agents:
id += 1
agent = remaining[id]
agent['state'].update(copy(item.get('state', {})))
agents[id] = agent
del remaining[id]
return agent
for item in definition:
if 'ids' in item:
ids = item['ids']
del item['ids']
for id in ids:
agent = init_agent(item, id)
for item in definition:
if 'number' in item:
times = item['number']
del item['number']
for times in range(times):
if size:
ix = random.choice(remaining.keys())
agent = init_agent(item, id)
agent = init_agent(item)
if not size:
return agents
if len(remaining) < 0:
raise Exception('Invalid definition. Too many agents to add')
total_weight = float(sum(s['weight'] for s in distro))
unit = size / total_weight
for item in distro:
times = unit * item['weight']
del item['weight']
for times in range(times):
ix = random.choice(remaining.keys())
agent = init_agent(item, id)
return agents
5 years ago
def select(agents, state_id=None, agent_type=None, ignore=None, iterator=False, **kwargs):
if state_id is not None and not isinstance(state_id, (tuple, list)):
state_id = tuple([state_id])
5 years ago
if agent_type is not None:
agent_type = tuple(agent_type)
except TypeError:
agent_type = tuple([agent_type])
f = agents
5 years ago
if ignore:
f = filter(lambda x: x not in ignore, f)
if state_id is not None:
f = filter(lambda agent: agent.get('state_id', None) in state_id, f)
if agent_type is not None:
f = filter(lambda agent: isinstance(agent, agent_type), f)
for k, v in kwargs.items():
f = filter(lambda agent: agent.state.get(k, None) == v, f)
5 years ago
if iterator:
return f
return f
5 years ago
from .BassModel import *
from .BigMarketModel import *
from .IndependentCascadeModel import *
from .ModelM2 import *
from .SentimentCorrelationModel import *
from .SISaModel import *
from .CounterModel import *
import scipy
from .Geo import Geo
except ImportError:
import sys
print('Could not load the Geo Agent, scipy is not installed', file=sys.stderr)