This example configuration will run three trials of a simulation containing a randomly generated network.
The 100 nodes in the network will be SISaModel agents, 10% of them will start in the content state, 10% in the discontent state, and the remaining 80% in the neutral state.
All agents will have access to the environment, which only contains one variable, ``prob_infected``.
The state of the agents will be updated every 2 seconds (``interval``).
Four types of objects are saved by default: a pickle of the simulation; a ``YAML`` representation of the simulation (which can be used to re-launch it); and for every trial, a csv file with the content of the state of every network node and the environment parameters at every step of the simulation, as well as the network in gephi format (``gexf``).
The network topology for the simulation can be loaded from an existing network file or generated with one of the random network generation methods from networkx.
Loading a network
To load an existing network, specify its path in the configuration:
..code:: yaml
path: /tmp/mynetwork.gexf
Soil will try to guess what networkx method to use to read the file based on its extension.
However, we only test using ``gexf`` files.
Generating a random network
To generate a random network using one of networkx's built-in methods, specify the `graph generation algorithm <>`_ and other parameters.
For example, the following configuration is equivalent to :code:`nx.complete_graph(100)`:
..code:: yaml
network_type: complete_graph
n: 100
The environment is the place where the shared state of the simulation is stored.