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import Functions._
object Parallel {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
time("helloworld"){ helloworld1}
val countScala = countOccurrences("scala")(_)
time("count"){ countScala("scala is the best language for scalability, says the creator of scala :)")}
val bigFile = time("makeFile"){ makeBigFile }
val smallFile = time("makeSmall"){ makeSmallFile }
val example1 = (file:, parallel: Boolean) => mapRedFile(file)(x=> (1, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1.1, x.toInt))))((x1,x2)=>(x1._1+x2._1, x1._2+x2._2))(parallel)
time("applyToFile Small\tConcurrent"){
val (total, sum) = example1(smallFile, false)
println("Average: " + sum/total)
time("applyToFile Small\tParallel"){
val (total, sum) = example1(smallFile, true)
println("Average: " + sum/total)
time("applyToFile Big\tConcurrent"){
val (total, sum) = example1(bigFile, false)
println("Average: " + sum/total)
time("applyToFile Big\tParallel"){
val (total, sum) = example1(bigFile, true)
println("Average: " + sum/total)