# sitc Exercises for Intelligent Systems Course at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Telecommunication Engineering School. This material is used in the subjects - SITC (Sistemas Inteligentes y Tecnologías del Conocimiento) - Master Universitario de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (MUIT) - TIAD (Tecnologías Inteligentes de Análisis de Datos) - Master Universitario en Ingeniera de Redes y Servicios Telemáticos) For following this course: - Follow the instructions to install the environment: https://github.com/gsi-upm/sitc/blob/master/python/1_1_Notebooks.ipynb (Just install 'conda') - Download the course: use 'https://github.com/gsi-upm/sitc' - Run in a terminal in the foloder sitc: jupyter notebook (and enjoy) Topics * Python: quick introduction to Python * ML-1: introduction to machine learning with scikit-learn * ML-2: introduction to machine learning with pandas and scikit-learn * ML-3: introduction to machine learning. Neural Computing * NLP: introduction to NLP * LOD: Linked Open Data, exercises and example code