''' Helper functions and ipython magic for the SPARQL exercises. The tests in the notebooks rely on the `LAST_QUERY` variable, which is updated by the `%%sparql` magic after every query. This variable contains the full query used (`LAST_QUERY["query"]`), the endpoint it was sent to (`LAST_QUERY["endpoint"]`), and a dictionary with the response of the endpoint (`LAST_QUERY["results"]`). For convenience, the results are also given as tuples (`LAST_QUERY["tuples"]`), and as a dictionary of of `{column:[values]}` (`LAST_QUERY["columns"]`). ''' from IPython.core.magic import (register_line_magic, register_cell_magic, register_line_cell_magic) from IPython.display import HTML, display, Image, display_javascript from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from urllib.parse import quote_plus, urlencode from urllib.error import HTTPError import json import sys js = "IPython.CodeCell.options_default.highlight_modes['magic_sparql'] = {'reg':[/^%%sparql/]};" display_javascript(js, raw=True) def send_query(query, endpoint): FORMATS = ",".join(["application/sparql-results+json", "text/javascript", "application/json"]) data = {'query': query} # b = quote_plus(query) r = Request(endpoint, data=urlencode(data).encode('utf-8'), headers={'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'accept': FORMATS}, method='POST') res = urlopen(r) data = res.read().decode('utf-8') if res.getcode() == 200: try: return json.loads(data) except Exception: print('Got: ', data, file=sys.stderr) raise raise Exception('Error getting results: {}'.format(data)) def tabulate(tuples, header=None): if not header: header, tuples = tuples[0], tuples[1:] header = '{}'.format(''.join('{}'.format(h) for h in header)) rows = [] for row in tuples: inner = ''.join('{}'.format(c) for c in row) rows.append('{}'.format(inner)) body = ''.join(rows) table = '{header}{body}
'.format(body=body, header=header) return table LAST_QUERY = {} def solution(): return LAST_QUERY def query(query, endpoint=None, print_table=False): global LAST_QUERY endpoint = endpoint or "http://fuseki.gsi.upm.es/sitc/" results = send_query(query, endpoint) tuples = to_table(results) columns = {} header, values = tuples[0], tuples[1:] for ix, h in enumerate(header): columns[h] = [] for row in values: columns[h].append(row[ix]) LAST_QUERY.update({ 'query': query, 'endpoint': query, 'results': results, 'tuples': values, 'columns': columns }) if not print_table: return tuples return HTML(tabulate(tuples)) def to_table(results): table = [] header = results['head']['vars'] table.append(header) for result in results["results"]["bindings"]: table.append(tuple(result.get(h, {}).get('value', "") for h in header)) return table @register_cell_magic def sparql(line, cell): ''' Sparql magic command for ipython. It can be used in a cell like this: ``` %%sparql ... Your SPARQL query ... ``` by default, it will use the DBpedia endpoint, but you can use a different endpoint like this: ``` %%sparql http://my-sparql-endpoint... ... Your SPARQL query ... ``` ''' try: return query(cell, endpoint=line, print_table=True) except HTTPError as ex: error_message = ex.read().decode('utf-8') print('Error {}. Reason: {}'.format(ex.status, ex.reason)) print(error_message, file=sys.stderr) def show_photos(values): for value in values: if 'http://' in value: display(Image(url=value))