from future.standard_library import print_function import operator import types import sys from rdflib import term, RDF, Namespace schema = Namespace('') def test(description, got, expected=None, func=None): if isinstance(got, types.GeneratorType): got = set(got) try: if expected is None: func = func or operator.truth expected = True assert func(got) else: func = func or operator.eq assert func(got, expected) except AssertionError: print('Test failed: {}'.format(description), file=sys.stderr) print('\tExpected: {}'.format(expected), file=sys.stderr) print('\tGot: {}'.format(got), file=sys.stderr) raise Exception('Test failed: {}'.format(description)) def atLeast(lst, number): return len(set(lst))>=number def containsAll(lst, other): for i in other: if i not in lst: print('{} not found'.format(i), file=sys.stderr) return False return True def test_hotel(g): test('Some triples are loaded', len(g)) hotels = set(g.subjects(RDF.type, schema['Hotel'])) test('At least 2 hotels are loaded', hotels, 2, atLeast) for hotel in hotels: if 'GSIHOTEL' in hotel: # Do not check the example hotel continue props = g.predicates(hotel) test('Each hotel has all required properties', props, list(schema[i] for i in ['description', 'email', 'logo', 'priceRange']), func=containsAll) reviews = set(g.subjects(RDF.type, schema['Review'])) test('At least 3 reviews are loaded', reviews, 3, atLeast) for review in reviews: props = g.predicates(review) test('Each review has all required properties', props, list(schema[i] for i in ['itemReviewed', 'reviewBody', 'reviewRating']), func=containsAll) ratings = list(g.objects(review, schema['reviewRating'])) for rating in ratings: value = g.value(rating, schema['ratingValue']) test('The review should have ratings', value) authors = set(g.objects(None, schema['author'])) for author in authors: for prop in g.predicates(author, None): if 'name' in str(prop).lower(): break else: assert "At least a reviewer has a name (surname, givenName...)" print('All tests passed. Congratulations!') print() print('Now you can try to add the optional properties') def test_example(g): test('Some triples have been loaded', len(g)) test('A person has been defined', g.subjects(RDF.type, term.URIRef(''))) print('All tests passed. Well done!')